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Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1) Page 7
Author: Samantha Young

“Except your father.”

Brennus nodded at her, his eyes soft on her. “Yes. Except father. Who foolishly, like me, loved her.”

“What happened to her?” She almost dreaded knowing.

“The governor was cruel. As soon as she agreed to the contract of being his mistress his attitude changed.” Brennus’ eyes darkened. “She was subjected to vile things. Things even she didn’t deserve.”

“Oh my God.”

“Yes. If I were a harder man I would say it was justice for what she had done to me, but, in the end, it had been my choice to sacrifice myself for her. One night the governor beat Anonna so badly she begged for death. So I came.”

A well of deep sadness opened up inside Avery and she felt her eyes prick with tears. Unbelievably, she felt for him. For him. “You granted her mercy even after what she did to you?”

“Yes,” Brennus replied softly. “I gave her the choice.”

Avery gasped. “Anonna is Ankou?”

At his slight nod, at the clenching of his jaw, her heart began to race a little. She felt a little sick. “Anonna is Ankou.”

So… his ex was immortal. Did they still…? “Do you still see her?”

Brennus raised an eyebrow. “You think the Ankou have time for social events?”

“Yeah. You have spirit dudes to help you out remember.”

He chuckled. “OK, so sometimes we bump into one another. We aren’t supposed to though.”

“Do you bump into Anonna?”

“She bumps into me.” He frowned and looked away. “Like me, death has changed her.”

Great. His ex was still hanging around. “Where’s her area?”

He shifted uncomfortably. “Texas.”

Avery felt even sicker. “Has it always been Texas?”

Brennus threw her a look. “You know it can’t possibly have been.”

“How long has it been Texas?”

He inspected a piece of lint on his trousers. “Nine years.”

For some inexplicable reason Avery felt more than a little annoyed. “She followed you?”

He shrugged.

“Your ex isn’t quite over you, huh?”

Again with the shrugging!

An awful thought occurred. “I don’t look like her, do I?”

At his deep chuckle Avery narrowed her eyes on him. This sooo wasn’t funny. “Avery.” He shook his head. “You are nothing like Anonna. You don’t look like her, you don’t act like her and you feel nothing like her. She has nothing to do with what’s between us.”

She sniffed, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. “There isn’t anything between us.”

At the sound of material whispering against material, Avery looked up as Brennus stood slowly and crossed over to her, as lithe as a big cat. He sank down beside her on the sofa, so close she could feel that delicious warmth radiating from him. She gulped, trying to shift away from him but she was already at the very edge of the sofa. He leaned back, his arm drifting across the back of the sofa, his fingers flicking her ponytail. “If there was nothing between us, Avery,” he whispered and edged a little closer, his dark eyes fixated on her mouth, “You wouldn’t be jealous of Anonna.”

Her mouth fell open at his arrogance. “Jealous!” She spluttered. “I am not jealous! I don’t even know you to be jealous!”

“You keep saying that but you know it isn’t true.”

God, the man was insufferable. He may quite possibly be even more annoying than Josh. She threw him a dirty sideways glance and turned away from him to stare into the fire. She felt the heat of his finger on her skin as he trailed it down her arm, goosebumps following in its wake. She shivered and told herself she hated him for it.

“Stop it.”

“I like touching you.”

“You’re a creep.”

“Avery,” he warned.

She shrugged, still refusing to look at him.

“It’s my turn you know.”

Despite herself, Avery whipped her head around to glare at him. “Your turn to what?”

“To ask the questions.”

She shrugged. “Fair is fair. Go ahead.”

His smile slipped and he was glaring at her again.


“Why on earth did you date Josh for three years?”

Avery groaned and flopped back on the sofa, not caring if her head was cushioned against his arm. She should have known his question would be related to sex and relationships somehow.

My Name is Yours…

Can I Sleep on your Floor?

He interrogated her for what seemed hours. Avery was surprised by the things he knew about her life. After she stumbled through a clumsy explanation of why Josh had been perfect for her in high school, Brennus nodded, telling her he knew about her fear over being centre of attention. He said he still remembered her freak out at her junior prom when the prom committee told her she had been nominated for prom court. She had urged Josh to leave, practically prostituting her way out of the situation by promising him a chance to go to third base with her if he did. Brennus glared and she glared back, demanding to know if he had stuck around for the rest of the show that night. His face mottled red with seething anger but he shook his head. “I for one am a gentleman,” he said, reminding her that Josh had humiliated her anyway by telling all his friends the next day that he’d gone down on her the night before. Come to think of it, she couldn’t believe she’d stayed with him as long as she had.

Among his seemingly never-ending questions, Brennus apologised for embarrassing her when he danced with her at 4.0. Immediately she felt ashamed because he seemed to know she had been humiliated to be seen with him and his scarred face. Somehow she found herself apologising back, telling him she couldn’t help it, her fear of being noticed by crowds of people was some psychological bullshit she’d picked up after the death of her parents. But they both knew that was only half the truth. Suddenly, Avery wondered why he wanted anything to do with her. She wasn’t the nicest person.

When he was done unravelling her little mysteries, Brennus finally let her drift off into sleep just as the sun broke the horizon.

Avery awoke hours later, the vast darkness beyond the glass windows telling her she’d slept all day. It had been a wonderful, dreamless sleep. She felt refreshed for the first time in a long time.

A throat clearing above her head shot Avery upwards, and she found herself gazing into the grey eyes of Ames.

“Miss.” He nodded his head congenially at her. “Sir has asked me to show you to your room where you can freshen up, have a bite to eat and get dressed for tonight.”

“Tonight?” she queried slowly, rising to her feet to follow Ames who was already heading out the door. “What’s tonight?”

“Sir has plans for you both.”

That sounded ominous. Shivering in her pj’s now that she was no longer near the fire, Avery hurried to follow Ames through the gorgeous modern house straight out of Interior Design Magazine. He took her up this huge, wide staircase with chunky oak banisters to the second floor. At the end of the hall was a double set of doors. He thrust them open with a flourish and Avery gaped as he led her inside the bedroom suite. It was bigger than her and Caroline’s apartment in Brooklyn. A king-size bed dominated one side of the room, sitting on a massive circular dais. The other side of the room had an ornate fireplace to equal the one downstairs. Avery shivered deliciously. It was lit. There were sofas and chairs, an entertainment unit. Her eyes widened as they passed over the open doors to a walk-in closet bigger than their Brooklyn sitting room. The bedroom must have faced the same way as the sitting room downstairs, for another glass wall dominated, leading out onto a balcony that looked over Brennus’ estate.

“Through that door is the bathroom, miss. Why don’t you freshen up? There are some clothes that should fit quite well in the closet. I’ll have a tray of food sent up.”

Avery was in a complete daze as Ames left, shutting the doors behind him. She numbly followed his directions and wandered into the bathroom.

“Holy moly…” she breathed.

Correction. The bathroom was bigger than her apartment.

Floor to ceiling, the bathroom was decked out in lavish travertine and gold. There was a spa in one corner, a claw footed tub in the middle of the room, and separated by a tiled wall, a wet room at the back. Before she had time to think about it she was stripping out of her clothes and heading with excitement towards to the wet room. Three shower heads came on automatically as she stepped inside and Avery gasped at the shock of the beautifully warm water hitting her skin. She sighed happily and leaned back against the wall. That’s when her eyes fell on the shelving unit built into the wet room. It was like something out of a his and hers catalogue. The top shelf had men’s shampoo and conditioner, aftershave, deodorant, razor, shaving foam, shower gel. All of it used. The bottom shelf had her favourite shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, coconut shower gel, shaving foam and the Gillette Venus razor she preferred. None of it used. Her heart thudded in her chest and she struggled to draw breath.

This was Brennus’ bedroom suite.

And clearly he had been waiting for her to join him in it for a while.

His harsh face flashed before her eyes and she shuddered, confused and disgusted for the way she felt about her would-be kidnapper.

“You’re only nineteen,” she whispered to herself, ripping the shampoo down off the shelf and popping it open. She began lathering it into her hair in jerky, angry motions. “You’re just a girl, being manipulated by a much older man. Well… he is only twenty.” She bit her lip and then shook her head, sending stinging shampoo foam into her eye. She groaned. “Twenty give or take a couple of thousand years. He has a lifetime or thirty on you… he knows how to play the game.”

Avery snorted at herself. She was talking crap. To herself.

Suddenly scared Brennus might decide to show up Avery rushed through the rest of the shower and hurried back out into the suite, wrapped modestly in a huge bath towel. She was still alone. Except now there was a tray of gorgeous smelling food on the table by the sofa. Stomach grumbling she sauntered into the walk-in closet and her towel promptly dropped.

“Holy hell…” Her fingers brushed the rows of folded jeans, t-shirts. The skirts, all colours, all lengths, hanging on the rails. Dresses, coats, jackets. Drawers that opened to reveal underwear, pretty underwear… sexy underwear?!

There were even drawers with jewellery and perfume. Racks of shoes, sneakers, boots, belts, bags, purses, hats, scarves... All in her size, all to her taste.

“I think you should be a little more creeped out than you are, Ave,” she whispered shakily, drawing on a pair of panties, bra, black jeans and a shirt. Her gaze fell on the other side of the closet where the layout matched this side. Except it was filled with what was clearly Brennus’ stuff.

“You get everything you need?”

She squealed like an idiot and whirled around to see him smirking at her. “JeSUS!” She glared at him and brushed past him, ignoring the sparks that shot down her arm where their bodies met.

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)