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Slumber Page 4
Author: Samantha Young

Haydyn threw me a concerned look. “I had no idea things were so bad.”

“There is more,” Ava told her.

“Yes,” Jarvis continued. “I’ve had word from Pharya. A rookery has sprung up on the border of Vasterya in the towns near the glass works. Gangs of thieves and smugglers are disrupting import and exportation.”

Dear havens, I had never heard the like. “Thieves? Gangs? A rookery? In Phaedra?” I was aghast. We all were. My eyes swung to Haydyn, questioning, pinning her to her seat.

She squirmed uncomfortably, her emerald eyes fearful. “Don’t look at me like that, Rogan. I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t feel a change in my magic.”

Jarvis coughed. “Lastly-”

“There’s more?” I interrupted, in shock.

This time he did throw me an admonishing look but I was too upset to apologise. “There’s more,” he acknowledged finally. “Markiza Raven Rada has her guard dealing with gypsies-”

“The Caels?” Haydyn interrupted frowning. “But the Caels have lived in Northern Javinia for decades. It’s their home.”

“Not the Caels, Princezna. The Iavii. These Alvernian gypsies are not looking for peace. They’ve already begun taking land from the Caels, and now they’ve started in on the Javinians. It’s causing tension between Javinians and the Caels, who are being held as accountable as the Iavii.”

“That’s not fair!” Haydyn cried. “The Caels are a peaceful clan.”

“They are. Were. Nothing in Javinia is peaceful. The Javinian guards are busy dealing with disputes and protecting Markiza Raven in Novia. She calls for aid.”

The magnitude of the news silenced both Haydyn and I. How quickly our beautiful world seemed to have turned in on itself.

“You’re sure you’re well, Princezna?” Ava queried again.

“Positive,” Haydyn snapped, jolting out of her seat. I watched on, as wide-eyed as Jarvis and Ava. Haydyn never spoke harshly to anyone. “I will not be questioned again.”

“Of course, Princezna. We meant no disrespect.” Jarvis’ brow furrowed deeply. I imagined my brows were just as furrowed.

Haydyn nodded, relaxing a little. “Now, what is to be done?”

You tell them, Haydyn, I wanted to say. But I didn’t. She already looked so lost and afraid.

Jarvis sighed wearily. “Well, I think before we panic, we should discover the realities of the situation for ourselves. I say we send some of the Guard to Alvernia, Vasterya and Javinia to report back their findings, before we decide upon action.”

Haydyn exhaled, seeming relieved by his suggestion. She turned to look at Matai, who stood on guard at the door. “Lord Matai, please have one of the footman fetch Captain Stovia.”

I flinched at her command and bit my lip, my heart picking up speed at the thought of Wolfe. Captain Wolfe Stovia. Vikomt Wolfe Stovia, now that his father, Syracen, was dead. A few years my senior, Wolfe had proven himself steadfast, loyal, hardworking, and a strong soldier. He was one of the youngest Captains in the history of the Guard. And I didn’t trust him one iota.

He wasn’t long in arriving. Wolfe strode into the room like his namesake. Sleek and watchful, wily and dangerous. As handsome as any man in Phaedra, the servant girls went into twittering spasms whenever he was near. It made me feel rather queasy, to be honest.

His light blue eyes washed over the room, resting on me a moment, his expression inscrutable. I was so thankful he took his looks from his mother’s side of the family. I didn’t think I could have coped with a young version of Syracen stalking the palace halls. Wolfe bowed deeply and smiled at Haydyn, almost flirtatiously. “Princezna.”

I rolled my eyes as Haydyn smiled prettily back at him. She may as well have batted her eye lashes invitingly the way her eyes looked him over. Strikingly tall, broad, a thick head of silky chestnut hair, olive skin and beautiful almond shaped eyes. His was a strong face, masculine, powerful. I disliked it greatly.

“Captain,” Haydyn sighed at him. “I need you to send some of the Guard on an errand for me.”

I watched as Wolfe listened carefully to the news, his expression tightening as he learned of our situation. “I will send nine of my best men out, your Highness. Three to each province.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Jarvis got to his feet wearily, helping Ava out of hers. “We appreciate it.”

As they were about to depart I cleared my throat, drawing their gaze as I stood. “May I suggest we keep this between us? And stress the importance of keeping this information confidential to your men… Captain,” I bit out the word.

Haydyn’s eyes widened. “Of course, Rogan is right. We don’t want to cause panic until we have all the facts.”

Wolfe nodded, but he never took his eyes from me as he smiled sardonically. “Of course, Princezna.”

I glared at him as he took his leave, followed by Jarvis and Ava.

Solemnly, Haydyn and I walked back to her suite, Matai close on our heels. I was afraid to mention what had just been discussed.

“I keep waiting for you to stop being unpleasant to Captain Wolfe.” Haydyn threw me a reproving look.

I snorted. “You’ll be waiting a loooong time then.”

“Rogan, really,” she clucked. “He’s not his father, you know.”

I shrugged. I knew Haydyn thought it was unfair of me to treat Wolfe badly but I couldn’t help it. He was a Stovia. No matter how much he ingratiated himself to Haydyn or into the Rada’s trust, he would always be my enemy. His father had taken my family and I had destroyed his in return. I was suspicious of his loyalty to Haydyn, when any normal man would have wanted vengeance for his father’s death.

Haydyn did not share the suspicion. She sighed dreamily. “I don’t understand how you can be so mean to him. He’s so handsome and strong.”

I laughed softly at Matai’s choked grunt behind us and Haydyn threw him a teasing look over her shoulder. He would take his revenge for that. We stopped at her suite and I checked the hallways both ways. It was clear. I nodded at them and Haydyn grabbed Matai’s hand, disappearing into her suite with him. I stood guard. Protecting Haydyn as always. Protecting her secrets. Protecting her love for Lord Matai. I felt a twinge of unfamiliar longing at the sound of her and Matai’s intimate laughter beyond the door. Haydyn was akin to my younger sister, and yet she knew more of that mysterious intimacy between man and woman than I did. All I ever wanted was to be a source of wisdom and support for Haydyn. How could I be when she was more worldly than I? I was nineteen and un-kissed, never mind…

I ducked my head, feeling silly and adolescent. I did not seek love; I’d never wanted it… but romance… perhaps. I shook my head. I had no time for romance. I was far too busy facilitating Haydyn with hers.

Chapter Three

“Mm,” I moaned, the sweet chocolate and fresh cream cake making my eyes flutter shut in rapture. “Cook, you’ve surpassed yourself,” I mumbled through my bites.

Cook grinned broadly, rolling out pastry as servants bustled around us in the massive kitchen. Valena giggled from her seat across from me, cream sticking to the corner of her mouth. “I swear, Rogan, the sweetest expression you ever have on your face is when you’re eating Cook’s desserts.”

I raised an eyebrow teasingly at her cheekiness and reached across to swipe the last of the cakes from her plate.

“Hey!” She leapt forward to grab it back from me but I held it out of her reach. If we had been standing face to face rather than sitting across a long table, she would have taken it easily. Valena may only be fourteen but she was extremely tall. At least five foot ten, a good three inches taller than me. “Oh don’t, Rogan.” Valena’s eyes widened as I pretended to pop the cake into my mouth. “Cook’s only made a few today.”

Cook shook her head at my teasing. “I swear it could be eight years ago with the way you act, Miss Rogan.”

“Well I wouldn’t have to act that way if you made more than just a few cakes.” I shoved the cake back to Valena, my eyes greedily watching as she scoffed it down in seconds. “Oh, you didn’t even take time to enjoy that. Sacrilege. I should have eaten it.”

“But it was mine.” Valena grinned through a mouthful. “You’re too honourable to have taken what was mine.”

I laughed at the manipulative twinkle in her eye. “Where is she getting this from?” I asked Cook, shaking my head.

Cook snorted. “You!”

Valena burst out laughing and I was truly thankful she had finished eating the cake.


We all spun around at the sound of Raj’s frantic voice, the kitchen coming to a standstill as he fell into the room. Falling into a room was something Raj never did and we all stared at him wide-eyed as he shrugged himself back into order. But my heart was thumping as Raj smoothed back his white blonde hair and straightened his waistcoat. “Valena,” he said more quietly now. “I need you.”

Valena didn’t ask any questions. She jumped up from the table and made her way towards him. Raj shooed her in front of him and then turned his pale eyes on me. “You too, Rogan.”

I shared a brief worried look with Cook and hurried after the healers.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I’ve been called to the Princezna’s suite.”

I forgot all ladylike manners and lifted my dress, running as fast as I could through the palace halls to Haydyn’s apartments. Servants gaped at me as I blurred by them and I wanted desperately to shout back at Raj to hurry up. But if he did that, if he ran with me, then everyone would know something was wrong with Haydyn. What was wrong?! I knew something was wrong?! I cursed myself for not pressing her further, but ever since Jarvis and Ava had imparted the news of the hostility in Phaedra a few weeks ago, I was afraid to burden Haydyn further.

Inside her suite, I found Matai. No other servant. Only Matai, hovering worriedly over Haydyn who lay collapsed on the floor. “What happened?” I rushed towards her, throwing myself down beside her. Her skin, usually alabaster, was deathly pale, her hand limp in mine.

Matai met my gaze with dark, fierce eyes. “I don’t know,” he whispered to me. “We were only talking… and then she… she just collapsed on the floor. I was afraid to move her. I’ve called for Raj… I didn’t want anyone else to know…” he trailed off as Raj and Valena came into the room, Valena shutting the door behind her.

Raj shoved me out of the way but I didn’t mind.

“What’s wrong with her?” I demanded.

“Give me a minute, Rogan, for havens sake,” Raj replied through gritted teeth.

My heart stopped as Haydyn groaned, her eyes fluttering open. As they focused, they widened in panic. “What happened?” she asked hoarsely.

“You collapsed,” I bit out, as if it was her fault somehow.

Her eyes found Raj. “Why?”

Raj shook his head. “Lord Matai, help me move the Princezna to the bed.”

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)