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Slumber Page 8
Author: Samantha Young

I opened my mouth to argue and Jarvis held up a hand. “You will take fifty men with you, Rogan. That’s an order from the Rada.”

I grimaced but deferred to his wishes with a brittle nod. “Alright, so how long will it take us?”

Wolfe shook his head. “Difficult to say. Depending on weather and any other unforeseen circumstances I would say anything between three to six weeks. What will I tell my men?” He queried Jarvis.

“I assume you can trust Lieutenant Chaeron with the truth. Otherwise, just what Rogan outlaid. This is merely a diplomatic trip on behalf of the Princezna. If trouble brews and you must tell your men then you must, but otherwise keep it between you, Rogan and Chaeron. May I suggest you leave Second Lieutenant Worth back at the Palace, just in case you and Rogan don’t make it back in time before trouble arrives here?” Jarvis shuddered at the thought of crime in Sabithia, as did we all as we shared anxious looks.

“Of course.” Wolfe stood, projecting strength and capability. They all looked to him as if he would take care of everything. I hated him for that. “I’ll see to my men.”

“I’ll see to Haydyn’s quiet removal from the Palace,” Ava said, standing unsteadily to her feet. “Lord Matai, will you find Seamstress Rowan, explain everything. She will need to pack a few things. Raj, Valena, Lord Jarvis, we need to get the Princezna out of the Palace.” She turned to me and, taking me by surprise, she drew me into a soft hug. I stiffened at the touch. No one but Haydyn and Valena ever hugged me. “Good luck, Rogan. I know you can do this. We shall see you in a few weeks’ time.”

I nodded, pulling back, trying not to choke on my tears. “I better gather my things together.” I strode to Valena and drew her into a tight hug, and she bent down to soak her tears on my shoulder. “You take care of her. And yourself.”

“Be careful, Rogan.” Valena pulled back, brushing at her tears. “Please.”

I promised I would and marched from the room, only now feeling what Haydyn must feel every day.

The weight of an entire world on my shoulders.

And now, like her, I would have given anything to ask someone else to help me carry my burden.

Chapter Six

Haydyn lay before me on her bed, peaceful and pale, her eyelids not even twitching to assure me she was dreaming somewhere inside herself. My throat felt so tight, so sore, and I gripped the bed post lest I reach forward to shake her as I wanted to; to shake her awake and scold her for terrifying the living daylights out of me. Her chest rose gently, slowly, and I let go of the breath I was holding.

“You’re going to be alright,” I whispered, bending down to brush a kiss across her forehead. I knew every feature, every freckle of her as well as I knew myself. I choked back a frightened sob and pulled away from her. “I promise.”


I strode out into the courtyard where the Guard were busying themselves with their horses and the cart that would travel with us with supplies. I tugged on my leather riding gloves, my cloak billowing at my back as wind rushed in from the east. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest, my whole face tight with tension. I willed my expression to relax into a soft smile when I realised Jarek was watching me carefully as I approached him and Midnight.

“Thank you, Jarek,” I acknowledged, taking Midnight’s reins and stroking my mare’s glossy blue-black coat. Midnight nickered and bounced her head towards me in hello.

“So.” Jarek eyed me sceptically. “A diplomatic trip on behalf of the Princezna?”

Not meeting his eyes, I nodded as I continued to stroke Midnight. “Yes. Haydyn’s interested in improving relations with the Alvernians.”

“It’s such a hastily put together outing.” Jarek shook his head. “My boys nearly broke their backs getting the horses ready under Wolfe’s command. Usually a trip such as this would take a week of preparation at least.”

I shuddered, hating to lie to an old friend. Instead I opted to trust him with a little of the truth. I looked into his eyes and he froze instantly at the seriousness of my gaze. “Alvernia is worsening,” I told him quietly, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening. “I’m going with Captain Stovia to discern the situation for myself and see what can be done. Speak of this to no one, Jarek, but Haydyn may consider a betrothal to Vojvoda Andrei’s son.”

Jarek’s eyes widened. “Are things really that bad?”

I nodded.

He sighed wearily, shaking his head at the news. “I swear, I’ll tell no one, Rogan. It would cause unnecessary panic.”

Smiling at his understanding, I took his hand. “Thank you, Jarek. Haydyn will be staying at her cottage in Land’s End while I’m gone. The news has troubled her and I think it would do her good to get away from palace life.”

Jarek squeezed my hand. “And what of you, Rogan? You’re to bear the burden of travelling and worrying and making the decisions? It hardly seems fair.”

I felt warmed by his concern and gave him a soft look. “I make no decisions. I merely offer an opinion. Which we all know I do often, and well, on many subjects,” I teased.

“I will miss you while you’re gone.” He raised my hand and kissed it softly, his eyes twinkling as they captured mine. Such a charmer, I shivered. I knew deep down that as soon as I was gone Jarek would be flirting with the next prettiest maid that came along. But there was comfort and ease in being with Jarek, in being in Silvera, and to leave him was to leave the city and all the security I had known since I was blown adrift from my family so many years ago. I felt a sudden panic at having to leave and abruptly pulled my hand from his.

“I won’t be long, Jarek,” I replied and let him help me into the saddle. “Take care of everyone.”

He nodded, patting the rump of my horse, and stood back as Wolfe cantered into the courtyard from the stables.

Wolfe eyed me gravely. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

I was surprised and annoyed as Wolfe sent Lieutenant Chaeron before us so that Wolfe could ride beside me, the Guard at our backs. Before I could offer suggestion of an alternative travelling formation that involved him being gone from my side, Wolfe cleared his throat, “Vovjoda Jarvis has instructed me that we will have to stop in Peza for the night to visit with Grof Krill Rada, and in Caera to visit with Vojvodkyna Winter Rada.”

Visiting nobility on social calls on a journey to save Haydyn’s life?! Were they insane?! Remembering rumours of an affair between Wolfe and Vojvodkyna Winter a few seasons ago I wondered if Jarvis had actually been the one to come up with those instructions at all. I threw Wolfe a disbelieving look. “That’s ridiculous.”

Wolfe shook his head. “No, it’s not. We can’t expect to travel through the land with fifty of the Royal Guard and not have word reach the Rada that the Handmaiden of Phaedra is on a diplomatic trip to Alvernia. The Rada would be insulted if we didn’t stop in to visit with them. Just be thankful we’re only travelling through Raphizya and Daeronia.”

“Thankful,” I scoffed. “Thankful! It’s your fault for making me bring fifty bloody men with me. We could have gotten through the provinces undetected otherwise.”

“Oh really?” He asked, his eyebrow arched mockingly. I glowered at him. “So if you took off through Phaedra with a couple of men you would retrieve the plant faster, is that right?”

I sniffed. “Exactly.”

“And how would we explain your disappearance at the palace?”

I smirked. “I’m at the cottage with Haydyn.”

Wolfe grunted at my quick response. “Fine. What about the fact that even if you were disguised as a lumberjack people would know you were raised a lady. You’re a target, Rogan; everything about you is, and I doubt even a few men would be able to help you out of the trouble you would get in if I weren’t here supervising you.”

I was stunned by his utter arrogance. My expression must have said as much because he chuckled at having irked me, so much so I was speechless.

“Perhaps I better swap places with Lieutenant Chaeron?”

I wanted to kick him off his horse. “I think that would be wise,” I muttered through gritted teeth.

Very quickly I had the soothing presence of the older Lieutenant Chaeron, who was happy to oblige me with pleasant, easy conversation. We passed slowly through the city as folks dodged out of the way of the massive entourage, not to mention some of the streets narrowed greatly here and there, slowing us even more. I was surprised when Wolfe began leading us toward the Flower District, the wealthy neighbourhood where Matai and Wolfe lived, where all nobility and wealthy business owners had beautiful townhouses. This route lengthened our journey out of the City. I was even more surprised when we drew to a halt outside one the townhouses.

“What’s going on?” I queried Lieutenant Chaeron.

He nodded to Wolfe as the Captain dismounted from his horse. “Captain Stovia wanted to personally inform his mother of his departure. She worries.” He smiled at me as if I would be moved by the familial image he created. Instead I had gone cold inside at the thought of Wolfe and his mother. Of the man missing from their lives. I shuddered and looked away from the house, fighting to keep my composure as images of Syracen flashed through my mind, always followed by my parents’ horrified faces as they died, of my little brother lifeless at my feet.

“Miss Rogan, are you alright?” Lieutenant Chaeron asked softly.

I nodded, throwing him a brittle smile. I liked Chaeron. A few years ago I had asked him to stop calling me my Lady like everyone else. He swapped it for Miss Rogan, and it felt a little easier to swallow.

I was about to speak, to reassure him, when the door to Wolfe’s home reopened and he appeared with a short woman at his side. He turned and kissed her hand and she smiled sadly, worriedly at him. Then she turned and waved at the Guard.

“Safe trip, good men!” She called softly.

“Thank you, my Lady!” Some of the men called back. She smiled prettily, still very attractive for her age, not even a hint of a grey hair in her chestnut tresses. Her eyes travelled over our entourage and then finally found me. Vikomtesa Stovia froze, her lips falling open, looking aghast. She turned to Wolfe and whispered something and he too stiffened, shaking his head and muttering to her. She nodded, seeming to gulp, and then looked back at me. I could have sworn the woman looked scared. Seeming to shake herself, her blue eyes switched from me to Chaeron. “Lieutenant Chaeron, take care of my Wolfe won’t you?”

Lieutenant Chaeron grinned as Wolfe rolled his eyes at his mother before patting her hand and bouncing down the stone steps to mount his horse with an ease and agility that made me envious. “Of course, my Lady!” Chaeron called back.

I looked away sharply, shaken by the Vikomtesa Stovia. Even more so by her reaction to me… as if I was the one to be feared, not them.


As soon as we were out of the city, Wolfe pushed us on at a fast pace. When we could we skirted around villages, when we couldn’t we slowed so as not to cause suspicion. I hated those moments, having to wave to the villagers like I was royalty, when in truth I was a farm girl just like many of the Sabithians. Once we were out of the village and onto the main trade roads, Wolfe picked the pace back up and we followed suit. My body began to ache three hours in, my bottom numb in the saddle. I tried not to show my discomfort. We wouldn’t be stopping today as we had gotten a late start. We would be riding on until night fall.

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)