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River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2) Page 43
Author: Samantha Young

Alfred nodded, never taking his sad eyes off Caia. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, Caia, I promise.”

She refused to let go of the bigger picture, however. “And when you do?”

Penelope sighed wearily. “If you’re proved correct then Marita will be sentenced and the Council will vote on a new Head.”

Be strong. Be powerful. Be confident.

“I will be proved correct. And your decision should be easy. With me as the Head of both Coven’s I promise I will bring this war to a conclusion. There are Midnights who have an outright aversion for war, believe me it’s the truth. And no one else in our world can do what I can do. Only days ago I destroyed four magiks in four different locations simultaneously. In my short career as a magik, as one who has had a few battles in the last few months, I’ve proved the victor... and the victories could almost be called easy.”

She portrayed a deliberate iciness, emanating a balanced impression of power mixed with threat. She softened somewhat at their apprehensive expressions. After all she didn’t want them so afraid of her they would take her out.

“We’ve lost too many people we love to this war already. Make me the Head of both Covens and I promise you I will bring it to an end. If you remember... it has been prophesized.”

Her reminder of that small detail served to drain all color from their faces. After a few moments of thick, shocked silence they began to speak among themselves, their words so rushed and confused she couldn’t make out what they were saying to one another. Finally Alfred raised his hands to quiet them and directed his next words at Caia, “We will have to discuss this at length, Miss Ribeiro. For now, we will send in Derren to uncover this laboratory. We will visit you when we know more.”

Caia felt her heart beat slow. “When can I expect you?”

Doukas shrugged wearily. “These things can take days.”

She nodded. “I understand. I want to thank you for taking the time to meet with me.”

Penelope gave her a bracing smile. “You’re welcome. You may go now.”

They rushed by her at lightning speed and she realized Vil, with his hand on her shoulder, had taken Penelope’s words literally, getting them out of there as fast as he could.

She stumbled away from him, feeling nauseated, as they landed back in Ryder’s sitting room.

Strong, warm arms encircled her and she found herself snuggled against Lucien’s chest, his familiar scent soothing her rattled nerves.

“You’re OK,” he breathed.

She wouldn’t go that far. They had a long wait ahead of them. If the Council failed, Marita would probably pin them as traitors and have the entire pack imprisoned indefinitely.

24 - Pack Woes

The following days changed over as if it were the passing of a season rather than a week. Arrangements continued for Jaeden and Ryder’s ceremony, a commotion that rotated around Caia in a blur as she waited anxiously for the Council to come to their decision. Marion did not appear to question why Caia had yet to arrive at the Center, leading her to believe that the Council had yet to make their discoveries or at least had not made Marita aware of them. The thought of losing Marion’s friendship was a sharp ache - another sacrifice that she knew would not be the last on this journey she had chosen to take. It was difficult for her to remember when her life had been anything but this one of power and conflict. She wondered if she would ever feel normal again; if life would ever be normal again.

And the pack was just one more of struggle to undergo. The announcement at the pack run on Sunday had been met with shock and anger. For most, they felt it should have been something they discussed before Caia had gone and spoken to the Council. Lucien faced their resentment like a shield, taking all the bullets Caia knew were for her. Trying to explain to them the feelings she had felt through her trace about the Midnights was met with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. The news of Marita’s experiments was met with a mixture of betrayal and a fearful unwillingness to believe it. Ella and Dimitri in particular were furious they had kept the information from them, and although fond of Caia, could not believe that she could think Midnights, beings who had tried to destroy their pack, could be anything other than villains. Magnus, as always, was quiet and watchful, his only words a reinforcement in his faith in Caia and his promise to Rafe that he would be there for her no matter what. The other older members of Pack Errante were as incredulous as Ella and Dimitri. Jaeden’s brother, Christian, Alexa and Malek’s father, Morgan, and his wife; Dana and Daniel’s mother and father - all were hugely against backing Caia in her coup. Their eyes followed her warily, unspoken words thickening the tension between them, we trusted your father, and look what he brought upon us. Only Sebastian’s parents, Isaac and Imogen, seemed unsure, speaking of their son and his love for Caia, how he would have wanted them to be loyal to her. And, as both she and Lucien had been expecting, the younger generation, Aidan and the twins, Malek and Finlay, even Lucia and Cera, were willing to consider that Caia could be right. The biggest surprise was Alexa - having never hidden her dislike of Caia, even more so since she and Lucien were officially mates – actually stood for Caia.

“Well I believe her.” She had shrugged in a bored manner. “I mean come on! These people can’t be that stupid that they still see us as a threat to humans when we are so obviously not. Hey, and if Caia does become, like, the Head of Daylights then the pack become, like, royalty. Uh, hello.”

So it hadn’t been the most eloquent rationale but it was support and Caia would take it no matter the source. In the end Lucien had come to a fair but disheartening agreement with the pack. If Caia was wrong and the Council didn’t find the proof against Marita, Lucien would make sure it was clear those pack members who didn’t support her were not punished simply because of them. He told them they could walk away now, but that had only served to anger the pack more. What they really wanted was for him to disown Caia - it was easy to read on their faces as they glared resentfully at her. And no matter how selfish she knew it was, she was thankful that he loved her too much to walk away for them.

That night, exhausted and wanting nothing more than to sink into bed with Lucien and close her eyes to their problems (their household for one, which was now straining with the tension of Ella’s anger at them and poor Magnus because of his refusal to agree with her) Caia had been struck with more unnerving news. As they said goodnight to Ryder and Jaeden, the last to leave, they were stopped at the foot of the stairs by an unexpected visitor.

“Saffron!” Caia yelped in surprise as the faerie appeared inches before her. The faerie, though somber, managed a wave of hello.

“Good evening, Caia. Lucien.” she twisted her mouth as she said his name. Caia wondered what that was about.

Lucien returned the look and nodded a welcome. “Saffron. What brings you here?”

Her beautiful face was pinched with anxiety as she glided past them and into the living room. Feeling a little apprehensive at her appearance Caia followed numbly, waiting for the axe to fall.

“I’m here because I found out that Caia has asked the Council to give her the right to run for Head of the Coven.”

“Marion told you?”

Saffron gave her a somewhat patronizing look. “No. That’s why I’m here. Marion doesn’t know.”

Caia blinked, sure she hadn’t heard correctly. “How can she not know if you know?”

“Because Marita hasn’t told her. Or Vanne.”

“How does Marita know? I take it the Council found the proof?”

Saffron shook her head, her face pinched with anger. “Derren has been imprisoned by Marita.”

Lucien stopped pacing up and down at the window. “What? What the hell is going on?”

“Marita is crafty, Caia. I’ve never really... well, liked her. She’s a different kettle of fish from Marion. I came here tonight to warn you that she won’t play fair in this. With Derren in prison, the Council are going to be suspicious of his whereabouts and they will probably demand a search of the Center. She won’t let that happen. I hope you are ready for a bloody and relentless battle with this woman?”

Caia gulped just thinking about it. “I kind of have to be.”

Saffron sighed. “Well I’m afraid Marion will not take to this news at all when she finds out. She is very fond of you, Caia, but Marita has a way of manipulating the people close to her.”

“I won’t hold anything against Marion. Marita is her sister. She loves her. She’ll believe her.”

The faerie nodded thoughtfully. “I on the other hand have been around a lot longer. I’ve felt this change coming. I will try and keep my eyes and ears open at the Center for you, but Marita has tightened her security since the Council sent in Derren.”

Caia didn’t know what to say. She didn’t understand such a generous offer.

Saffron laughed at her expression. “You might not have my mistress’ support but you will have mine.”

“That is extremely generous of you.” Caia tried not to gape at her.

Again the faerie chuckled but the laughter didn’t reach her eyes. Her eyes were hard with determination. “There is nothing generous about my offer, Caia. I have survived this long in this war because I’ve always chosen the right people to fight for... the winning side. Quite simply you are the winning side.”

Lucien grunted. “Well, thanks for the support no matter the lack of feeling behind it.”

Saffron rolled her eyes at him. “Lykans, you’re so sentimental.”

“Seriously, Saffron, thank you; for the heads up, as well.”

“Hmm sure. I will be in touch.”

And then she was gone.

Caia whirled around to gawk at Lucien. “Can you believe that?”

He wrapped an arm around her waist drawing her close. “At least we know you have some powerful support. You might actually win this thing.”

“Did you ever doubt it?” she teased.


She smacked him and tried to pull out of his embrace but he held tight, laughing at her efforts. “Just for that, no sex tonight.”

“Oh come, querida, you know I’m your biggest supporter.”

“No, it’s too late. Damage done.” She sauntered away from him, heading up the staircase. Teasing him kept the pain of reality at bay for a while. She tried not to smile at the sound of him jogging to keep up, at the same time trying to be as quiet as possible.

As he followed her down the hallway to their bedroom she heard him whisper, “You were joking about the no sex thing, right?”

She rolled her eyes at him as they entered the room, shutting the door behind them. “We’re balanced on a precipice of potential disaster here and that’s what you’re worried about?”

He looked at her blankly. “Well... yeah.”

For Jaeden and Ryder she imagined their big day arrived just as slowly, at least that was the impression Jaeden gave her every time she complained about Ryder’s excessive ‘gentlemanliness’.

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)