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Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1) Page 34
Author: Samantha Young

He thought them rather clever.

He even (although he would never admit so to his brothers or father) liked some of them.

Granted access to Azazil’s compound in the furthest reaches of Mount Qaf, The Red King appeared in the Receiving Room with grace and aplomb, automatically conjuring robes and hand-sewn leather trousers more befitting to this realm and his father’s tastes. His hair he let loose and he strode towards his father’s throne at the farthest end of the room with his red robes and hair billowing out behind him like a flickering flame. He was an impressive, intimidating sight, and his vanity preened a little as he relished the awed looks that crossed the faces of the hundreds of servant Jinn who stood in formation, one after the other, on each side of the room. They were garbed in white pants and loose white shirts, no accessories adorning their bodies. They were all Shaitains, immensely powerful, but completely under Azazil’s command. Despite their own power and their subjection to the Sultan Azazil the sight of one of the Seven Kings of Jinn could still thrill them. The Red King remained expressionless as he passed them, the Receiving Room stretching an impressive few hundred yards, the glass ceilings and floor only interrupted by cuts of precious stones that winked back in all of the reflections, creating a chaos that only the Jinn could see through without becoming befuddled. The ceilings arched high above him and the dais that housed Azazil’s throne stretched way before him. The Receiving Room was as vast as an airplane hangar, designed to confuse the unworthy and intimidate the ignorant.

Using enchantment to silence the sounds of his bare feet slapping on the glass floor, The Red King swept along, eager to discuss Ari’s predicament with his father.

Finally, he drew to a halt several paces before the throne. The throne itself was constructed entirely of black flawless marble, the hard, harsh lines undisturbed. There were no arabesques or curlicues or chiseled reliefs. Its high back rose a good ten feet in the air, the overawing light of the Receiving Room seeping into its deep black like a sponge soaking up water. Azazil eyed him, his black eyes narrowed. He gave his son a tiny nod and The Red King took the steps up to the dais with ease and confidence. His father held his hand out and he took it carefully, bowing over gracefully to place a respectful kiss on his father’s knuckles. Nodding approvingly now, Azazil waited for his son to retrace his steps back down from the dais before waving a hand across the air in front of him. The Red King felt the heat of the enchantment at his back, crawling on his robe like little secret spiders.

“We have privacy now, my son,” his deep voice, so like The White King’s, rumbled around them like the thunder of an avalanche on a snow-covered mountain. “You need my help? It is time?”

He nodded. “My brother has had a Shaitan place an unbreakable enchantment upon Ari’s human father Derek Johnson.”

Light glittered in Azazil’s black eyes and he smiled. Although the smile was sinister, Azazil’s power was such that his smile made you warm and eager to stretch your own lips into a matching expression. “Clever. It seems my son has played into my plans every step of the way.”

The Red King gave a sharp nod. “Yes, Father. It appears he has.”

“His arrogance will be the death of him. It pleases me. His arrogance. As does your loyalty to me.”

“Yes, Father.”

Azazil abruptly burst into raucous laughter, the harsh and unearthly sound making even The Red King wince. “Is it not humorous, son, The White King believes my greatest lieutenant would be fooled by an Ifrit?”

“It amuses me greatly.”

“I will have to take your word on that since you show no mirth.”

“I laugh inwardly, Father. My brother believes Sala stole the Seal of Solomon from around Asmodeus’ neck when in truth you commanded Asmodeus to let her take it.”

Not without his own conceit, Azazil enjoyed having his trickery repeated over and over again so he could glory in his own cleverness and manipulative genius. His humor, however, dissipated as his eyes took on a contemplative look. His moods were as mercurial as the sea. “The White King must never be Sultan, son. He is not cool-headed enough to claim mastery over the Fire Spirits. But sometimes I do admire his intelligence. Transforming the Seal into human form was one of his better notions. Why did I let his plan play out?”

Patience, The Red King reminded himself, patience is my greatest ally when dealing with the Sultan. For perhaps the tenth time, The Red King found himself reiterating Azazil’s words of wisdom when he discovered The White King’s plans to create Ari. “Many have sought the Ring of Solomon over the centuries. If one of those seekers were to be successful in finding the Seal they could have commanded us all and ripped Chaos from its Master’s hands. But if the Seal is a child, if the Seal is Ari, she can be manipulated, she can be swayed, and her loyalty to you can be won.”

He smiled, pleased with his son’s passionate oration. “Such fine words I weave.”

“Yes, Father.”

“So.” He straightened, his huge seven feet tall frame moving sinuously on the throne. “The next phase is in place. Ari has been forced into using the powers gifted to her at birth?”

“Yes, Father. And I promised I would ask you to help her find the Shaitan who has hurt her mortal father.”

Azazil nodded slowly. “She has begun to trust you?”

“I believe so.”


“If Master would see fit to do this for her, I believe Ari would also come to trust you.”

Like a serpent slithering across Azazil’s face, another smile slid into place. “Excellent.”


The Realm of Truth and Lies

Charlie had a way of taking Ari’s mind off things. Jai might not like that but he admitted the truth in it as he watched the two of them laugh through a foreign movie without the subtitles, translating for the actors on screen and coming up with ridiculous lines that made even Jai snort with amusement. Sitting together on the couch, close, their arms brushing, Ari’s chin tilted up as she laughed into Charlie’s face, Jai could suddenly see the years of friendship between them. They were comfortable, in sync. Jai was still suspicious of Charlie and his interest in the Jinn, but it hadn’t taken him long in close quarters with the teenagers to see that the kid genuinely cared about Ari. Probably loved her even.

And right now she needed that familiarity and that comfort that Jai was unable to provide her. All he could do was sit back and watch as she grew sadder and angrier over all the changes in her life. It had made him panic, that darkness in the depths of her forever-changing eyes. The last thing they needed was for Ari to spiral into the black, especially when she was just getting a handle on her powers. So it was a relief to see her acting like Ari again. Even if it was this untrustworthy idiot bringing her back to the light.

Keeping his eyes trained on his book, Jai sighed, wondering when and if The Red King was ever going to show up. Despite his tendency to distrust everything and everyone there was something about that particular Jinn King. If Jai didn’t trust him he at least liked the ancient immortal. Had he been wrong about him? Was he going to leave Ari’s dad to die? Sliding a furtive glance Ari’s way, he felt a pang of anxiety creep in. What would happen to Ari if Derek died?

Are we irritating you? Ari’s laughing voice suddenly echoed around his mind and Jai bit back a smile, focusing his gaze down on his book.

Not at all. In fact, I’m amazed at your ability to rewrite a script on the spot.

Her laughter glittered in his brain like champagne bubbles, making his heart throb. Jai slid his hand over his chest on the place that ached, wanting to contain the feeling somehow.

We used to do this when we were kids. She was getting good at using telepathy. As she spoke to him with her mind, she was still engaging in conversation with Charlie. It was difficult to do. Not many could.

Ah years of practice then.

Yeah. It’s nice. Feels like old times.

You know your boy hasn’t had a drink or a smoke in days? Why was he telling her that? He wasn’t supposed to be encouraging her with Charlie. Well you can’t encourage her with you so…

I know. At least one good thing has come out of all of this right?

Hearing the melancholy creep into her voice again, Jai hurried to reassure, Ari, everything will be fine. I promise.

For a moment he didn’t think she’d answer but then…

If you say so then I believe you.

Something in her voice caught him, making his heart pound, and he twisted his neck around to look at her across the room. She gazed back at him, her expression unreadable but serious. Jai gave her a soft nod.

If she believed in him there was no way he was letting her down.

Ari was mentally berating herself for not being able to spend five minutes without having some kind of interaction with Jai – using her telepathy to talk to him behind Charlie’s back? What was that? She had little time to yell at herself, however, her attention caught by the dark, writhing shadows that suddenly came to life across the living room walls. The atmosphere in the room grew charged and the spot in front of the television screen shimmered.

Jai muttered, “Incoming,” springing up on to his feet and placing himself between Ari and the shimmer.

Orange, reds and yellows burst before them and this time Ari barely felt the heat of the flames as they licked at them before their smokeless dissipation revealed The Red King. Relief poured through her and she shot to her feet, stumbling to Jai’s side and feeling Charlie behind her, his strong hand on her lower back, giving her silent support.

“Hey guys.” The Red King grinned cheerfully at them. “How’s it going?”

As if sensing her sudden burst of fury, Jai gripped her arm tight, his fingers biting into her skin as he stopped her from launching forward at the Jinn King. She knew it was a smart move on his part but right now she just wanted to tear the red-head to shreds for making her suffer this long.

Jai cleared his throat. “We’ve been waiting. We’re anxious to help Derek.”

The Red King nodded sympathetically. “Of course you are. Sorry about the delay but Azazil doesn’t exactly jump when you say ‘jump’, you know.” His blue eyes found Ari and they winked at her brightly under the dim light. “You been working on your magic?”

Clenching her teeth tight together in an effort to control herself, Ari nodded tightly.

Once again Jai spoke for her, “Ari’s got a handle on telepathy and she’s been conjuring, using her magic for everyday things.”

“Good, good. What about enchantments or using the Peripatos or the Cloak?”

“No.” Jai shook his head. “I felt that would be too much too soon. She did a few basic enchantments… turning a cushion to ash and locking Charlie in the bathroom but—”

“I knew that was you,” Charlie grunted behind her and Ari had to bite back a nervous laugh.

“And the Seal?” The Red King took a few steps towards them, his eyes narrowed, his whole body pulsing with energy and power. “Have you used your powers as the Seal yet, Ari?”

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)