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Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2) Page 21
Author: Samantha Young

“He’ll take good care of her.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

Eyeing Charlie thoughtfully, Trey observed, “You seem like a good guy. Messed up, mixed up, but a good guy.”

“OK. Thanks, I guess.”

“Jai’s a good guy.”

Charlie grunted. “If you say so.”

“He is. He’s not perfect, but he’s strong and he’s honorable and he’s come out good considering what he’s been through. Jai’s had it really bad, Charlie. Maybe if you understood him better…” Trey heaved a massive sigh as if he’d come to some kind of decision. “I’ve had to pull his brothers off him before they killed him, hide out with him when his stepmom was in a bad mood and looking to beat it out on him.

“Once, when we were thirteen the whole tribe was over celebrating Tarik’s birthday and Jai accidentally knocked over the cake. It was an accident. I know because I shoved him into it.” He grinned cheekily but there was something haunted in his eyes that made Charlie wary. “Nicki was furious and she just started beating on him in front of everybody and he just took it. Luca stepped in to stop her, telling her she was making a scene but I saw his face… he was upset for Jai although he would never admit it. And then Nicki did the worst thing she could have. In front of everyone she took off her belt and told Luca she would leave him if he didn’t beat Jai to prove he loved her more.” Trey’s eyes glazed over with the memories. “Everybody knew about Jai’s mom. What she’d done to Luca and Nicki’s relationship, what she’d done to Luca.

“All of Jai’s life Luca has been proving that it was done against his will and that he has no affection for Jai, the product of… rape, basically. And although I think it made him sick to do it, he battered Jai with that belt. Maybe he cares, right? But not enough.” Trey shifted now, swallowing hard. “I tried to stop them, got a welt for my troubles.” He pointed to a white scar across his eyebrow. “My dad pulled me off and gave me a walloping when we got home.” Trey twisted his mouth with disbelief and when he finally spoke again his voice was full of utter loyalty for his friend, “Jai found out and snuck out still bruised and battered to hell, all to make sure I was OK. That’s the kind of guy he is.”

“You feel guilty.”

“Hell yeah, I pushed him into the cake,” Trey tried to laugh it off but Charlie felt uneasy. Jai had had a horrible, abusive upbringing. That’s why he seemed so cold and detached all the time…because he was.

“He’ll hurt her,” Charlie said, sure that he spoke the truth. “He can’t give her what she needs.”

Knowing exactly what he spoke of Trey eyed him with an unnerving amount of perceptiveness. “And you think you can?”

“Maybe. Perhaps one day. When she’s ready.”

“What if you’ve already blown your chance, Sorcerer Boy?”

“I’m not giving up. And Jai… he’ll just use her and then leave her.”

Trey shook his head and reached for the remote control to unmute the film. “You don’t know him. And he needs someone like, Ari. And she needs someone like him.”

“Someone like him? He’s a cold bastard.”

Trey threw him a sharp look. “You don’t know him. And yes, Ari needs someone like him. Someone who’ll put her first. Someone who’ll love her… enough.”

Charlie threw his look back at him in exasperation. “He’s putting his job first. Not Ari.”

“Yeah, now. But he’ll come to his senses. My boy always does.”

“Well, he’ll be too late,” Charlie grumbled, his gut roiling at the thought of losing Ari to the Jinn.

“I know,” Trey agreed with a cocky grin. “Did you see the way she was eyeing me today? If Jai doesn’t move fast I think it’ll be a wedding in springtime. Ari and I would make pretty babies.”

Charlie punched him hard on the shoulder. “Screw you.”

Trey laughed and Charlie was thankful the guy showed enough restraint not to comment on his poor choice of words. They settled back into the chair and Trey chuckled at the comedy as Charlie contemplated what he’d told him. He and Ari had stumbled into a pretty effed up world here in L.A. — possibly even more effed up than the one they’d left behind. Was this their life from now on? Dark pasts and secrets hidden behind confident smiles and magic? Should he grab Ari and get her to walk away with him while he could? Thoughts of the training session that day flashed through his mind and he flexed his hand, glancing down at where he’d focused the defensive magic that came easy to him now. When it coursed through him he felt more alive than he’d ever felt. He felt pleasure and strength vibrate through his whole being and he felt immortal, powerful, invincible. He felt thirsty, greedy, hungry for more. Imagine what he could do once he knew how to channel magic through the talismans. Imagine how he could hunt the piece of crap that had killed Mikey and flay its skin from its body.

“…Ari needs someone like him. Someone who’ll put her first. Someone who’ll love her… enough.”

Charlie growled inwardly. He could be that someone. As soon as he had his revenge he could be that someone for Ari and somehow he’d get her out of the danger she was in. Somehow.


They drove in separate cars. Ari and Jai in the Mercedes and Jennifer and Chris with Brian and his security detail. As soon as they got to the club Ari and Jai were to stick to Jenn (as she preferred to be called) and Chris with utter vigilance and composure. They were to melt into the crowds as if they were nothing more than their friends, giving Jenn and Chris at least the pretense of freedom.

“You ready?” Jai suddenly asked Ari as they pulled up to the club. Crowds of people lined up outside, paparazzi snapping flashing pictures of anyone who was the least bit famous.

Squashing down the little hands of anxiety flapping around in her stomach and squeezing her windpipe for good measure, Ari nodded mutely and waited for Jai to get out and open her door. As he did he reached down for her hand to help her out and gave her the tiniest of reassuring smiles. Relaxing, Ari grinned back at him and they handed their keys off to the valet. The SUV was waiting for them, holding up the valet, so Ari and Jai strode over and waited for Jenn and Chris to jump out. Ari eyed Jenn’s silver top and low cut jeans with envy, feeling vulnerable in her little dress. Should have gone with jeans.

Jenn grinned at her widely as if she’d read her mind. “You look lovely.”

Charmed by her and her English accent, Ari grinned back. “Thank you. You too.”

Surprising Ari by linking arms with her, Jenn led the way with Chris on her other side and Jai watching their backs. The huge beefcake of a doorman smiled and pressed the ear piece he was wearing. “Ms. Hadley has arrived.”

The red velvet rope was lifted and they walked in, camera flashes and people shouting Jennifer’s name momentarily disorientating Ari.

What about the photographers? My picture? That shouldn’t get out right? Dalí will know where I am. Why hadn’t she thought of that?

Clearly Jai had. His assuring voice echoed in reply in her head, Don’t worry. I’m deleting them as we speak.

Ari shot a look at him over her shoulder and felt the extra buzz of energy around him as he used his magic. He frowned at her and Ari winced inwardly. Jai had been right… she shouldn’t have come; she’d just given him extra work. It suddenly occurred to her that making her come was maybe just Luca’s way of adding to Jai’s responsibility. He didn’t want his son to fail, did he? No, she didn’t think so. Ari reckoned it was more about pushing Jai to his limits. Confused and annoyed at herself for accepting the assignment, Ari was glad when they finally made it in to the dim light of the club. They were instantly greeted by a tall, slick looking woman in a business suit. Ari noted Jai’s hawk-like gaze as they washed over the woman.

“Ms. Hadley,” she had to shout a little over the music. “We have a private area roped off for you and your guests. I’ll have a waiter take your order.”

Wow, Ari quirked an eyebrow as they threaded through the crowds, noting familiar faces of the rich and famous. Jennifer must have paid a fortune to get a V.I.P. section in a V.I.P club. Trying not to enjoy the throbbing pulse of Rihanna pounding around the club with its high vaulted ceilings and fake stain glass windows, Ari watched everyone around them surreptitiously as they moved through the crowds. They were led up a couple of steps to a plush, curved seating area where heavy damask curtains hung down the back of the couch. A beautiful rot-iron railing cut them off from the dance floor but still allowed them to watch everything that was going on. Politely allowing Jenn and Chris into the area first, Ari held back with Jai and almost jumped at the touch of his hand on her lower back as he pressed her gently forward.

Once seated, a waiter appeared before them. “What can I get you?”

“I’ll have Glenlivet and ginger ale.” Jennifer smiled up at him and Ari wondered what the hell that was.

“Same here,” Chris added.

Jai leaned back, appearing relaxed and unconcerned to the casual observer as his arm draped over the back of Ari’s seat. “Water for us.”

If the waiter thought that was weird he didn’t say anything. He hurried away and Jennifer immediately turned to Ari and Jai, snuggling back into Chris’ side with a warm look in her blue eyes. “So, how did you two get into the security business? You look so young.”

“Family business,” Jai replied, his tone clipped and business-like. Ari couldn’t help but frown at him.

“Oh.” Jenn’s eyebrows puckered together in confusion. “You two are siblings?”

“No.” Ari shook her head, appalled at the idea.

Jai gave her a look before turning back to Jenn with patient but cool politeness. “Our fathers are friends and colleagues,” he lied.

“How long have you been security officers?”

“A while.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Ari had to stop herself from rolling her eyes as Jenn asked a few more questions before eventually giving up. She’d finally realized she wasn’t going to get much of a conversation out of Jai. With a shrug Jenn turned back to Chris and the two of them began talking quietly to one another.

Scanning the room, Ari tried to pretend she was in fact a security officer for Bitar Security. What should she be looking out for? Crap. Why hadn’t she asked Jai this before they left? Wait. Why hadn’t Jai told her? Of course, Ari stiffened. He didn’t want her along in the first place and he’d rather keep her ignorant so that if anything did happen he could take care of it on his own without fear of her getting in the way.

Bored ten minutes later, Ari wondered if Jai would think it was rude if she asked Jenn if she was working on any new films. Deciding it couldn’t hurt, she looked over at Jenn and flushed inwardly, forgetting her question. Jenn and Chris were making out. Heavily. There were hands everywhere. Squirming uncomfortably but glad she didn’t feel the heat of the club with her weird Jinn temperature, Ari threw a quick look at Jai to see if he’d noticed their clients were chewing on one another. Her heart stopped as her eyes clashed with Jai’s. He’d been watching her and he had this knowing smirk on his face that she wanted to smack right off.

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)