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Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2) Page 41
Author: Samantha Young

“Good.” Jai exhaled. “How proud?”

Bemused, Ari shifted, tugging her comforter closer. “What do you mean?”

“Are you proud as in ‘girl who is in love with him proud’ or ‘proud of a purely platonic friend proud’?”

Ari bit back a laugh at the unexpected question. Jai was awful talkative and inquisitive today.

Oh. Realization dawned.

Her heart sputtered. “Platonic friend proud. Why?” she held her breath wondering if his answer would change everything. “Are you OK?”

His hand slid across the mattress and pulled at hers, enfolding it between his palms. She stared at it disbelieving for a moment and then glanced up at him, eyes wide and questioning. “Ari, I am more than OK.”

“Oh?” she felt weak all of a sudden.

As if he understood, Jai stood up, his tall, powerful figure towering over her. Ari considered tugging on his hand and bringing him down on the bed with her, but decided she’d rather have clean hair and have brushed her teeth before he got that close to her. You’re such a girl, she scolded herself.

“We’ll talk when you’re up and about,” Jai promised, shocking her when he leaned down to brush his lips across her cheek, her skin tingling with fire as he pulled back. Overwhelming feeling took over her senses and Ari tugged on his hand, halting his departure. “Ari?” he whispered and she saw it! Relief flooded her as his eyes laid it all out on the table. He cared! He really, really cared. And he’d changed his mind. This is what this meant right? He’d finally… chosen her. Please… she almost closed her eyes in benediction. Please let him love me enough.

“Tell me now,” she whispered, sliding her hand up his forearm, pulling him closer.

His gaze grew lidded and hot, his jaw clenched tight. “We should wait…”

“No.” She shook her head, her heart banging so loudly she could barely hear over it. “Now.”

Jai swallowed hard, his large hand reaching up to cup her face. “I lied before. It was never just as simple as attraction between us. I’m sorry it took me this long to admit it. I’m sorry it took me this long to… to choose you.”

Ari’s lips trembled, scared to feel the kind of happiness she was feeling right now. “Are you choosing me, Jai?”

His wicked smile made her stomach flip-flop and he nodded. “From now on the only choice I’ll ever make is you.”

Her lips parted and Ari couldn’t stop the wide grin that settled over them, her eyes bright as she asked, “Really?”

Jai gave a huff of laughter. “Never doubt it.” He leaned down, his mouth reaching for hers and Ari waited breathlessly—

—The sound of the door banging against the wall jolting them apart, Jai spun around and blocked Ari from whoever it was. At once he relaxed and stepped aside so she could see that the intruders upon their epic moment was none other than The Red King and Fallon.

Fallon’s cheeks were blazing as she stormed towards the bottom of Ari’s bed. “Charlie!” she gasped in outrage. “They’ve taken him!”

Confused fear shot through Ari and she lunged forward, towards Fallon, seeking answers. “What? Taken? What do you mean taken? Who are ‘they’?”

In a cocoon of calm, The Red King took a casual step forward, though his eyes were filled with what Ari assumed was sympathy. “He’s been escorted to Mount Qaf where he’ll face trial for the murder of The Gleaming King’s son.”

“But a hybrid killing a hybrid never makes it to court,” Jai snapped.

“Not just any hybrid.” Red scowled. “A King’s hybrid.”

Impossible! They were to survive Dalí, who had hunted Ari (a King’s hybrid she might add!) and one of her own was to be punished for stopping him? No effing way. Fury and determination sucked the tiredness right out of her and Ari threw her covers back with an impressive amount of energy. “We need to go there. Now,” she snarled when no one made a move.

The Red King sighed. “It would be dangerous to bring you to Mount Qaf. That’s exactly what The White King wants. If you went… the only place you might be safe is staying at my quarters within the Sultan’s palace.”

That would mean living under the same roof as Azazil. A deep, icy cold crept over her and Ari fought to shake it off. She shrugged helplessly as she looked up into Jai’s worried eyes. “It’s Charlie.”

Stone-faced Jai reached out and took her hand. “Then I guess we’re going to Mount Qaf.”

“Can we put a stop to it?” she asked, anchoring herself to Jai. “Can we get him back?”

The Red King quirked an arrogant eyebrow. “The Gleaming King will be prosecuting, so I say we have a shot.”

A huff drew their attention and Fallon bristled from her position at the bottom of the bed. “My parents won’t let me go to Mount Qaf.” She turned to Ari. “He saved my life, Ari. You have to save him.”

“Don’t worry,” Ari assured her, feeling braver now that she was fighting for someone else. “I’ll die trying.”

Epilogue - Twin Flames

The last time Ari had been at the palace she’d only seen one room. It had been the grand receiving room of the Sultan with all that confusing, icy cold glass. Mount Qaf didn’t feel cold to her anymore even though she was assured the realm was still in the dead of winter. Awakening her Jinn blood had changed that. She felt perfectly comfortable (temperature wise) standing in a small reception room of the palace in jeans and t-shirt. The shower she’d taken at the hotel had been the quickest one ever and she’d barely given herself time to say a quick goodbye to the team of hunters before agreeing to the summons Red conjured that would take her to Mount Qaf along with Jai. Ms. Maggie had been left behind and already Ari missed her comforting presence. Once again her poltergeist had protected her, alerting Red to her kidnapping. Ari was beginning to wish she could meet the Ifrit for real. Now that Ari wasn’t so blind with grief over Derek, even she was beginning to wonder now why the Ifrit was so keen to protect her.

Jai, Ari and The Red King stood before a blazing fireplace, a chaise longue and two Queen Anne leather chairs confusing Ari. There was even a beautiful library desk and green library lamp. Crowded bookshelves were crammed around the rock and emerald walls, and curtains billowed in the breeze coming in from the French doors that led to a balcony that looked over the mountains. Jai was staring out of the window in awe.

First time in Mount Qaf?

He threw her a disarmingly awed smile that made him look ten years old. Yeah. It’s… unbelievable.

“I don’t believe this,” The Red King hissed, glancing around the room the Shaitan servant had led them to.

Ari’s heart thudded in warning. “What?”

“This is part of Asmodeus’ quarters.”

“Asmodeus?” Ari and Jai asked in unison.

“That would be me,” a familiar, deep silky voice entered the room and they spun around.

Ari’s heart dropped out of her feet.

Standing before them was a coldly handsome young-looking man… well… Jinn. His black eyes flickered over Red and Jai disdainfully before falling on Ari with a curiosity that froze her to the spot. No way. Not him!

After a moment too long of staring at her, Asmodeus slanted his gaze at The Red King. “Sultan Azazil sends his apologies. He’s rather busy at the moment so he sent me to welcome our guests to the palace.”

“I’m surprised you said yes?” The Red King narrowed his eyes, a question in his words.

Asmodeus shrugged and Ari felt her chest constrict with panic. This wasn’t happening. She eyed his familiar long black hair.

Jai? She found herself telepathing frantically.


Lilif? Was Asmodeus her brother?

Her twin, Jai answered, turning slightly to catch her eye. How did you...?

Her breath left her. I’ve been dreaming about him too.

Jai’s eyes narrowed. Well that can’t be good.

No. I thought Lilif was an Ifrit. Asmodeus is a Marid, right?

Right, Jai agreed. They’re like the Jinn version of fraternal twins. They’re also ancient, mysterious and not to be messed with. We have to find out why you’re dreaming—

“Young people,” Asmodeus suddenly said, drawing their attention back to him. “Don’t they know it’s rude to have a conversation behind someone’s back?”

“Well.” The Red King strode forward, putting himself between them and Asmodeus. “Thank you for the welcome, Asmodeus. I’ll take our guests to my quarters now.”

With a cocked eyebrow, Asmodeus stepped back from the doorway and gestured as if to say ‘you’re free to leave.’

Following The Red King out of the door Ari couldn’t help but chance a glance up at Azazil’s famed first lieutenant. He was even taller than The Red King. As her eyes flickered over him they caught on the sight of a ring hanging from leather rope around his neck. Her gaze flew to his face in surprise. He wore a replica of the Seal around his neck so others would think he still protected it. His cold look crawled over Ari like frozen little spiders and she unconsciously grabbed Jai’s hand as the door closed behind them. Her guardian pulled her closer.

Red was silent as he led them through the chilling corridors of the palace. Finally, after a few minutes of walking he said, “You will stay by Ari’s side the entire time we’re here, Jai, do you understand?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“And Ari.” Red spun around bringing them to a halt. His face was hard and colder than Ari had ever seen it. “If you find yourself alone with Asmodeus, and by alone I mean even if Jai is with you, you call on me. Do you understand?”

“He’s dangerous?”

Red nodded. “He has an interest in you and I don’t know why. Until I do, we’re keeping you away from him.”

Goosebumps rose on her arms and Jai slid a hand around her back, drawing her into his side. She smiled weakly but gratefully. Too much was happening.

“When does Charlie’s trial start?” she asked as they started walking again, this time the nearness of Jai’s body keeping her nervous jitters at bay.

“Tomorrow,” Red responded sharply. “Gleaming will be leading it but because of your involvement Azazil will be overseeing it. Tomorrow is a dangerous day for you too, Ari. Charlie may or may not be sentenced for his crime, but you,” he shot her a concerned look, “you will be laid bare for all to see. Azazil has forbidden The Gleaming King from mentioning your true importance. In the case of this trial you are The White King’s hybrid and Dalí sought to use your blood to power his talismans. It’s something some sorcerers do with virgin blood.”

She blushed at that.

“But there have always been rumors and speculation about the legend of a daughter born to Sala the Lilif and The White King. Some will seek to find out the truth. You’re leaving yourself open to more enemies.”

Fear was desperate to take control of her, so Ari concentrated on the thought of Charlie and where he was right now and what was happening to him. The fear suddenly dissipated as that knot within her chest pulsed and tightened, separating itself from her, pushing her out, taking control. The emotions from it flooded her and Ari fought to brush it off. She took deep breaths, feeling Jai’s hand pressed harder against her back. Back in control, Ari still felt tendrils of the darkness the knot had tried to pollute her with — the fury and disgust that anyone would try to push her around. Ari braced her shoulders, her eyes blazing with more determination than she knew she had.

Samantha Young's Novels
» Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)
» Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)
» On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)
» Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)
» Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)
» Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)
» Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)
» Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)
» Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)
» One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
» Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1)
» Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh #2)
» Drip Drop Teardrop (Drip Drop Teardrop #1)
» Slumber
» Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
» River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte #2)
» Blood Solstice (The Tale of Lunarmorte #3)
» Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits #1)
» Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2)
» Borrowed Ember (Fire Spirits #3)