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Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time #13) Page 73
Author: Brandon Sanderson

Birgitte had taken the captives alive ostensibly so that they could be questioned, then tried by the White Tower. But that meant they had no reason to speak; they knew their ultimate end would be execution. So Elayne either had to be willing to bargain with them, or she had to let the questioner take extreme measures.

A queen had to be hard enough to allow these things. Or that was what her teachers and tutors had explained. There was no question as to the guilt of these women, and they had already done enough to earn themselves death a dozen times over. Elayne wasn’t certain how far she herself was willing to descend, however, to pry their secrets free.

Besides, would that actually do any good? Ispan had had some kind of Compulsion or oaths binding her; these were likely to have the same. Would they be able to reveal anything useful? If only there were a way to….

She hesitated, missing Sylvase’s next comment as a thought occurred to her. Birgitte wouldn’t like it, of course. Birgitte didn’t like anything. But Elayne had felt Birgitte move off out of the Palace somewhere, perhaps doing rounds of the guard posts outside.

“Excuse me, Sylvase,” Elayne said. “I just recalled something that I absolutely must do.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” the girl said in a flat, almost inhuman voice.

Elayne moved from her, then quickly greeted—and bade good evening—to the others. Conail looked bored. He’d come because it had been expected of him. Dyelin was her usual pleasant, yet careful, self. Elayne avoided Ellorien. She greeted everyone else in the room of note. Once finished, she began to walk toward the exit.

“Elayne Trakand,” Ellorien called out.

Elayne paused, smiling to herself. She turned, wiping her face of anything other than calculated curiosity. “Yes, Lady Ellorien?”

“Have you invited me here only to ignore me?” the woman demanded from across the room. Other conversations grew quiet.

“Not at all,” Elayne said. “I was merely under the impression that you would have a more pleasant time if I did not force you to interact with me. This evening was not intended for political purposes.”

Ellorien frowned. “Well what was it for, then?”

“To enjoy a good ballad, Lady Ellorien,” Elayne said. “And, perhaps, to remind you of days when you often enjoyed entertainment in the company of House Trakand.” She smiled and nodded slightly, then left.

Let her think about that, Elayne thought with satisfaction. Ellorien had no doubt heard that Gaebril had been one of the Forsaken. The woman might not believe it, but perhaps she would recall the years of respect she and Morgase had shown one another. Should a few short months be cause to forget years of friendship?

At the bottom of the steps out of the lounge, Elayne found Kaila Bent, one of Birgitte’s Guardswoman captains. The lanky firehaired woman was chatting amiably with a pair of Guardsmen, both of whom seemed quite eager to gain her favor. All three snapped to attention when they noticed Elayne.

“Where did Birgitte go?” Elayne asked.

“She went to investigate a disturbance at the gates, Your Majesty,” Kaila said. “I’ve had word that it was nothing. That mercenary captain who came to visit you earlier tried to sneak onto the palace grounds. Captain Birgitte is questioning him.”

Elayne raised an eyebrow. “You mean Matrim Cauthon?”

The woman nodded.

“She’s ‘questioning’ him?”

“That’s what I heard, Your Majesty,” Kaila replied.

“That means the two of them have gone out for drinks,” Elayne said with a sigh. Light, this was a bad time for it.

Or was it a good time? Birgitte couldn’t object to Elayne’s plan for the Black Ajah if she was out with Mat. Elayne found herself smiling. “Captain Bent, you are with me.” She left the theater rooms and entered the Palace proper. The woman followed, waving for the squad of Guardswomen standing in the hallway to follow.

Smiling to herself, Elayne began giving orders. One of the Guardswomen ran off to deliver them, though she looked confused at the strange list of commands. Elayne made her way to her rooms, then sat down, thinking. She would have to move quickly. Birgitte was in a surly mood; Elayne could tell that through the bond.

A servant soon arrived, carrying an enveloping black cloak. Elayne jumped up and slipped it on, then embraced the Source. It took her three tries! Bloody ashes, but being pregnant was frustrating sometimes.

She spun weaves of Fire and Air around her, using the Mirror of Mists to make herself look taller, more imposing. She fetched her jewelry chest and fished out a small ivory carving of a seated woman shrouded in her own hair. She used the angreal to pull as much of the One Power into her as she dared. To anyone watching who could channel, she’d look imposing indeed.

She glanced back at the Guardswomen. They were confused, obviously, and stood with their hands unconsciously on their swords. “Your Majesty?” Kaila asked.

“How do I look?” Elayne said, tweaking her weaves to make her voice deeper.

Kaila’s eyes opened wider. “Like a thunderhead given life, Your Majesty.”

“Imposing, then?” Elayne asked, jumping slightly at the dangerous, almost inhuman sound of her voice. Perfect!

“I’d say so,” the lanky Guardswoman said, rubbing her chin with one hand. “Though the slippers do spoil the effect.”

Elayne glanced down, cursing at the pink silk. She wove some more, making her slippered feet vanish. The weave would make it appear as if she were floating in the air, wrapped in a pulsing shroud of darkness, cloak and straps of black cloth fluttering round her. Her face was hidden completely in blackness. As an added touch, she created two faintly glowing pricks of red where the eyes should be. Like coals radiating with a deep crimson light.

“Light preserve us,” one of the Guards whispered.

Elayne nodded to herself, her heart quickening in excitement. She wasn’t worried. She’d be safe. Min’s viewing promised that. She ran through her plans again. They were solid. But there would be only one way to test them for certain.

Elayne inverted her weaves and tied them off. Then she turned to the Guards. “Turn out the lights,” she said to them, “and remain perfectly still. I will return shortly.”

“But—” Kaila said.

“That is an order, Guardswoman,” Elayne said firmly. “You had best obey it.”

The woman hesitated. She likely knew that Birgitte would never let this happen. But Kaila was not Birgitte, thankfully. She reluctantly gave the order and the lights in the room were doused.

Elayne reached into her pocket and took out the foxhead medallion, the real one, and held it hidden and tucked in her hand. She took a deep breath, then created a gateway. The ribbon of light was bright in the blackened room, glowing and bathing them in a pale glow, like moonlight. It opened into a room that was similarly dark.

Elayne stepped through and found herself in the Palace dungeons, in one of the cells. A woman knelt on the far side of the cell, beside the sturdy door with a small window at the top, slotted with bars, that let in the only light in the dank cell. There was a small cot to Elayne’s right and a bucket for a chamber pot to her left. The tiny room smelled of mold and human waste, and she could clearly hear the scratching of rats nearby. It still seemed too lavish quarters for the woman in front of her.

Elayne had chosen Chesmal with calculation. The woman had seemed to have some authority among the Black, and she was powerful enough that most of the others would bow to her. But she also had seemed more passionate than logical, when Elayne had last encountered her. That would be important.

The tall, handsome woman spun as soon as Elayne entered the cell. Elayne held her breath. Blessedly, the act worked. Chesmal threw herself to the straw-covered floor of the cell.

“Great One,” the woman hissed. “I had—”

“Silence!” Elayne shouted, her voice booming.

Chesmal cringed, then glanced to the side, as if waiting for the Guards outside to peek in. There would be Kinswomen there to hold Chesmal’s shield; Elayne could feel them. Nobody came, despite the sound. The Kin were following Elayne’s orders, odd though those orders were.

“You are less than a rat,” Elayne said with her disguised voice. “You were sent to see to the Great Lord’s glory, but what have you done? Allowed yourself to be captured by these fools, these children?”

Chesmal wailed, bowing herself further. “I am dust, Great One. I am nothing! We have failed you. Please, do not destroy me!”

“And why shouldn’t I?” Elayne barked. “The work of your particular group has been marked with failure after failure! What have you done that would possibly persuade me to allow you to live?”

“We have killed many of these fools who work against the Great Lord!” Chesmal wailed.

Elayne winced, then, steeling herself, created a whip of Air and lashed it across the woman’s back. It was no more than Chesmal deserved. “You?” Elayne said. “You had nothing to do with their deaths! Do you think me stupid? Do you think me ignorant!”

“No, Great One,” Chesmal wailed, curling up further. “Please!”

“Then give me reason to let you live.”

“I have information, Great One,” Chesmal said quickly. “One of those we were told to seek, the two men that must be killed at all costs…one is here in Caemlyn!”

What’s this? Elayne hesitated. “Tell me more.”

“He rides with a mercenary group,” Chesmal said, sounding relieved to have information that was wanted. “He is the man with the keen eyes who wears the hat and carries the spear marked by ravens!”

Mat? The Darkfriends were hunting Mat? He was friends with Rand, true, and ta’veren. But what had Mat done to gain the ire of the Forsaken themselves? More disturbing was that Chesmal knew of Mat’s presence in the city. He hadn’t arrived until after the Black sisters had been captured! That meant….

That meant Chesmal and the others were in contact with other Darkfriends. But who? “And how did you discover this? Why was this not reported earlier?”

“I got news this very day, Great One,” Chesmal said, sounding more self-assured now. “We are planning an assassination.”

“And how can you do that while imprisoned?” Elayne demanded.

Chesmal looked up briefly, her square face showing confusion. She said nothing.

I’ve tipped her off that I don’t know as much as I should. Elayne gritted her teeth behind her mask of shadows.

“Great One,” Chesmal said. “I have been following my orders carefully. We are almost in a position to begin the invasion, as commanded. Soon, Andor will be awash with the blood of our enemies and the Great Lord shall reign in fire and ash. We will see it done.”

What was this? An invasion, of Andor? Impossible! How would it happen? How could it happen? And yet, dare she ask the questions? Chesmal seemed to suspect that something was wrong.

“You are not the Chosen who visited me before, are you, Great One?” Chesmal asked.

“Our ways are not to be questioned by one such as you,” Elayne growled, punctuating the remark with another switch of Air across the woman’s back. “I need to know how much you have been told. So that I can judge the gaps in your understanding. If you are ignorant of…. Well, that is to be seen. First, explain to me how much you know of the invasion.”

Brandon Sanderson's Novels
» Legion
» Elantris (Elantris #1)
» The Emperor's Soul
» The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1)
» Warbreaker (Warbreaker #1)
» Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (Alcatraz #1)
» Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones (Alcatraz #2)
» Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia (Alcatraz #3)
» Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens (Alcatraz #4)
» The Rithmatist (Rithmatist #1)
» The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2)
» Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1)
» The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3)
» Infinity Blade: Awakening (Infinity Blade #1)
» The Alloy of Law (Mistborn #4)
» Infinity Blade: Redemption (Infinity Blade #2)
» The Hope of Elantris (Elantris #1.5)
» The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time #12)
» Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time #13)
» A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time #14)