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United Eden (Eden Trilogy #3) Page 12
Author: Nicole Williams

Fine, fine, Cora said unaffected. Paris is overrated anyways. My point is we need to be on a plane tomorrow, select a dress tomorrow night, have it tailored and ready to go in a week tops”

Cora, I would have shaken her if it hadnt required removing my hands from where they were hitched into the back of Wil iams boardshorts. We were Betrothed like two minutes ago. Whats the rush?

The coming together of four sets of brows were the only answer I was offered.

What? I asked, growing impatient. What are you guys not tel ing me? I, of course, was already jumping to the worst conclusions.

The Betrothal period is short, Abigail began, getting high marks for bravery. Lasting only a couple weeks, if not days, before a Unity ceremony is conducted.

Id perfected the face of shock tonight, wearing it again at Abigails announcement.

With someone as notorious as Wil iam is, the Council wont want to wait long, Abigail continued more careful y. Likely due to the Immortal blood draining from my face. I give it a week, maybe ten days tops.

Cora leaned in, looking me in the eyes. Youre Betrothed to Wil iam tonight, only to be United with him in a matter of days. She was practical y squealing in her excitement. Can you believe it?

United united, Joseph implied, his ful beam of a smile on display as he raised his arms to the roof. Woot, woot!

Ive told you a mil ion times, Joseph, Cora scolded in her usual fashion”with a smile. You are not a rapper with nothing more than a first name.

Wait, I said, unwrapping one arm from Wil iam to glom onto Coras outstretched arm. Youre tel ing me I wil be Mrs. Wil iam Hayward sometime in the next couple weeks?

Yes. Cora drew out her reply into a few syl ables, casting a concerned look at Abigail.

Whatever happened to a long engagement . . . or Betrothal?

It took a backseat when you were Betrothed to the man of your dreams, Cora answered instantly, looking me over like Id gotten a bad case of crazy fever. Its the traditional way of doing things. You recent Mortals used to do precisely the same thing before you decided to make an engagement a drawn out affair. When you know who you want to be with, why would you wait to actual y be with them?

Theres a reason for that, you know, I fired back. These kinds of events take a lot of time to plan, not to mention if you want to book a venue that doesnt include the local Dennys parking lot, you need a years lead time since anything thats worth renting is booked at least that far in advance.

I was hardly going to be one of those brides that had to have just the right everything or else . . . I didnt care just so long as Wil iam, me, and some sort of officient was there to bind us together, but I was having a tough time wrapping my mind around it being only days away”for a lot of reasons.

Since when did you turn into a walking Brides magazine? Cora snickered, glancing over at Abigail with a can you believe this? expression.

Come on, quit acting so conventional already. We al know you would have sawed yourself in half to be Betrothed to Wil iam and we also know youd light the mutilated leftovers on fire to be United with him. Cora leaned to the side of Josephs hold, looking expectantly at me. United with him! she hol ered, stomping a stilettoed heel into the dance floor.

I could feel an emotion that felt like concern growing in Wil iam. Id felt the tenseness of his body like this so many times before, except this time I was the one bringing it on. I knew he, and everyone else for that matter, had anticipated me being ready to sprint down the aisle at the first chance.

Id expected to feel the same way, but Id been so wrapped up in hoping wed end up together I hadnt spent time preparing myself for the reality of it.

Was I having second thoughts about Wil iam or wanting forever with him? Absolutely, positively not. Some days those two things felt like al the good that was left in the world.

I was doubting myself. My ability to make the man clutching me to him happy. Happy for an eternity. I didnt have prior relationship experience to navigate through the ups and downs of what wed surely face. I wasnt a skil ed cook like Cora, I wasnt experienced with every other aspect of homemaking”I did an internal cringe at the word”that Abigail executed like it was second nature.

And then, of course, there was that physical encounter I was so excited for and so terrified of. Prior to Wil iam, I hadnt even experienced a kiss with a man. How could I count on my lack of experience to fulfil al his expectations, everything I wanted to give him?

I swal owed, partly from the heat rising at the thought of it, but more from the terror of accepting how inadequate Id be. How would Wil iam wake up feeling the day after our Union when he discovered I was as satisfying as a yard tool? I nearly shuddered at the thought.

You should see your face right now, Cora said. What I wouldnt give to know what is going on up in that odd duck mind of yours. She ceased swaying back and forth in Josephs arms to take a detailed look at me. But from the dilation of your eyes and that lovely crimson color spil ing al the way down your neck, I think Ive got a good idea what youre thinking about. A grin curled up one side of his mouth. Or fantasizing about.

Cora, Wil iam warned, sounding more severe than hed likely intended.

You dont need to protect her from me, Wil iam. Im on you guys side, remember? She attached a hand to her hip. Im just trying to get to the bottom of why Bryns not dancing on the tables right now.

Wil iams body tensed up another notch, a spasm running down the val ey of his back. That was my snapping point. Cut me some slack, Cora. I scowled. A few hours ago I thought I was going to be Betrothed to . . .”I caught myself just in time”wel . . . given the Councils aptitude for upending my world, anyone else but Wil iam, I said, thankful for the recovery, until I felt Wil iams gaze heavy on me.

You did? he asked, his voice quiet.

I flinched at the joy Id just sucked out of him. I wasnt saying anything right, so maybe it was time I just sealed my mouth shut for the rest of the night until I had a few hours to calm myself down, get a four-year degree in Suzy Homemaker, and become the apprentice of a sex goddess. From my ability to pick up on these kinds of things, I should be ready to become Wil iams wife in a few decades.

Cora laughed a couple notes when I went silent again, throwing me a you owe me look. Turning to Wil iams, she said, You real y expected someone like Bryn, who makes worrying an Olympic event, to suddenly believe everything was going to come up roses because the Council made you guys a roundabout promise?

When Wil iam responded with a chuckle, the majority of tension flowing from his muscles, I knew I not only owed Cora, I owed her big time. Shed diffused in one sentence what would have taken me a few days.

Abigail smiled over at me, sharing something of an empathetic look, like she not only knew the concerns running through my mind, but understood them. Its not about the venue or the veil, its about the vows you make to one another.

I nodded my acknowledgement, letting Wil iam tuck me back to him. His chin pul ed my head against his neck and the concentrated sensations of having him this close”the beat of his heart against mine, the warmth pulsing from his body, the scent rol ing from his neck”calmed me into a state of near hypnosis. Where I was a master at setting a moment on fire, he was a master at extinguishing it.

This partys coming to an end, Cora changed the subject, searching the half empty tent. After party at our place? she asked, excitement already bubbling to the surface at the thought.

Were in, Nathanial answered instantly, running his fingers under his col ar. I cant get out of this thing soon enough.

Need any help with that? Abigail murmured, running his hands up to his neck, loosing the bowtie.

Nathanial didnt hesitate. Give us an hour, he said to Cora, already steering his wife towards the exit.

Or two, Abigail lilted back.

Cora snickered at the two of them, power walking through the tent, before answering Josephs hopeful expression without even looking. Dont get any thoughts, babe. Ive got an after party to prepare for. She was bouncing from the excitement of it.

Joseph groaned. Its just the six of us, we dont need anything more elaborate than a good playlist and a slice of your red velvet cake to have a good time.

Nice try, Cora said, spinning to Joseph. Youd think from that sad puppy face you have that youre deprived. She looked up at him with a heavily lidded expression. But I know better. She turned his exaggerated frown over with a lingering kiss. Come on, she instructed pul ing on him. You wil be greatly rewarded for your assistance.

Joseph fol owed her, shrugging his shoulder into Wil iams as he passed. See you guys in a few, or whenever you decide to stop pretending to be utterly, sickeningly enamored by each other. He stared at the two of us entwined on the dance floor before lurching forward from a yank from Cora.

A few paces away, Cora came to a screeching halt. Looking back at me, I knew whatever she had to say wasnt going to be to my liking. Oh, and Bryn? she said, sugar-coating her tone. I might have forgotten to mention that youre not al owed to see Wil iam until your Unity ceremony.

What?! I shrieked, sure Id heard her wrong or she was teasing . . . or exaggerating. Please tel me youre not serious.

Oh, I most certainly am, Cora replied, eliciting a moan from both Wil iam and me. Another ancient tradition. It makes the Unity ceremony that much more special going without seeing each other during the Betrothal period. She was grinning in a wistful kind of way. I could have strangled her.

So you better enjoy tonight because, come sunrise, you two are official y cut off from each other, Cora said, pul ing her earrings out and sliding them into Josephs pocket. Stil looking forward to that long, drawn out Betrothal, Bryn? she asked, reviewing my expression.

Words were difficult to form in this shel -shocked state, but in my desperation I found a few. Cora? I cal ed out as she and Joseph continued towards the exit. She looked back at me, knowing shed won. Do you think we could get a Unity ceremony put together by tomorrow night? I asked, only somewhat teasing.

Theres the Bryn I know and love, she yel ed across the room. Dont worry, wel get this thing rol ing. You can count on me.

Wil iam nuzzled my head back from his chest, his face glowing. You want to be United with me tomorrow night?

Tomorrow morning if it means not seeing you until we are, I answered, mirroring his expression.

There is something so sexy about knowing you cant stand to be away from me as much as I cant stand to be away from you, he said, his voice low. It makes me want to ditch this party and Coras just-announced after party.

The vibrations of his voice heavy in my ear sent tingles down my spine. Something tel s me that the certainty weve been given tonight would upend our threadbare restraint. I dont think we better chance being alone.

You just denied me, he stated, sounding appal ed, but his eyes were excited. Even sexier. His words came out muffled as they positioned at the height of my neck, journeying down . . . and down”

Eh-hmmmm, one of Wil iams guards announced himself, looking uncomfortable interrupting our moment.

Yes, Max? Wil iam asked, barely removing his lips from my col arbone. He obviously didnt care how uncomfortable the guard or I, for that matter, was.

Might I inquire as to how much longer youre planning on staying here? Max asked, eyes circumnavigating the room, mine fol owing suit. Save for the four guards interspersed around the dance floor, several members of the orchestra clasping their cases closed, and a couple dozen waiters, the place was empty. The world Wil iam and I created had eclipsed into the realm of ignorance to everything around us and that was dangerous. A room of hundreds of Immortals had emptied out and wed been none the wiser.

Nicole Williams's Novels
» Clash (Crash #1)
» Clash (Crash #2)
» Crush (Crash #3)
» Mischief in Miami (Great Exploitations #1)
» Scandal in Seattle (Great Exploitations #2)
» Trouble In Tampa (Great Exploitations #3)
» Up In Flames
» Fissure (The Patrick Chronicles #1)
» Fusion (The Patrick Chronicles #2)
» Eternal Eden (Eden Trilogy #1)
» Fallen Eden (Eden Trilogy #2)
» United Eden (Eden Trilogy #3)
» Lost and Found (Lost and Found #1)
» Near and Far (Lost and Found #2)
» Finders Keepers (Lost and Found #3)