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American Gods (American Gods #1) Page 76
Author: Neil Gaiman

"Hello, a**hole," Town said, aloud. Shadow did not move.

Town reached the top of the ladder, and he pulled out the knife. He found a small branch that seemed to meet Mr. World's specifications, and hacked at the base of it with the knife blade, cutting it half through, then breaking it off with his hand. It was about thirty inches long.

He put the knife back in its sheath. Then he started to climb back down the ladder. When he was opposite Shadow, he paused. "God, I hate you," he said. He wished he could just have taken out a gun and shot him, and he knew that he could not. And then he jabbed the stick in the air toward the hanging man, in a stabbing motion. It was an instinctive gesture, containing all the frustration and rage inside Town. He imagined that he was holding a spear and twisting it into Shadow's guts.

"Come on," he said, aloud. "Time to get moving." Then he thought, First sign of madness. Talking to yourself. He climbed down a few more steps, then jumped the rest of the way to the ground. He looked at the stick he was holding, and felt like a small boy, holding his stick as a sword or a spear. I could have cut a stick from any tree, he thought. It didn't have to be this tree. Who the f**k would have known?

And he thought, Mr. World would have known.

He carried the ladder back to the farmhouse. From the corner of his eye he thought he saw something move, and he looked in through the window, into the dark room filled with broken furniture, with the plaster peeling from the walls, and for a moment, in a half dream, he imagined that he saw three women sitting in the dark parlor.

One of them was knitting. One of them was staring directly at him. One of them appeared to be asleep. The woman who was staring at him began to smile, a huge smile that seemed to split her face lengthwise, a smile that crossed from ear to ear. Then she raised a finger and touched it to her neck, and ran it gently from one side of her neck to the other.

That was what he thought he saw, all in a moment, in that empty room, which contained, he saw at a second glance, nothing more than old rotting furniture and fly-spotted prints and dry rot. There was nobody there at all.

He rubbed his eyes.

Town walked back to the brown Ford Explorer and climbed in. He tossed the stick onto the white leather of the passenger seat. He turned the key in the ignition. The dashboard clock said 6:37 A.M. Town frowned, and checked his wristwatch, which blinked that it was 13:58.

Great, he thought. I was either up on that tree for eight hours, or for minus a minute. That was what he thought, but what he believed was that both timepieces had, coincidentally, begun to misbehave.

On the tree, Shadow's body began to bleed. The wound was in his side. The blood that came from it was slow and thick and molasses-black.

Clouds covered the top of Lookout Mountain.

Easter sat some distance away from the crowd at the bottom of the mountain, watching the dawn over the hills to the east. She had a chain of blue forget-me-nots tattooed around her left wrist, and she rubbed them absently, with her right thumb.

Another night had come and gone, and nothing. The folk were still coming, by ones and twos. The last night had brought several creatures from the southwest, including two small boys each the size of an apple tree, and something that she had only glimpsed, but that had looked like a disembodied head the size of a VW bug. They had disappeared into the trees at the base of the mountain.

Nobody bothered them. Nobody from the outside world even seemed to have noticed they were there: she imagined the tourists at Rock City staring down at them through their insert-a-quarter binoculars, staring straight at a ramshackle encampment of things and people at the foot of the mountain, and seeing nothing but trees and bushes and rocks.

She could smell the smoke from a cooking fire, a smell of burning bacon on the chilly dawn wind. Someone at the far end of the encampment began to play the harmonica, which made her, involuntarily, smile and shiver. She had a paperback book in her backpack, and she waited for the sky to become light enough for her to read.

There were two dots in the sky, immediately below the clouds: a small one and a larger one. A spatter of rain brushed her face in the morning wind.

A barefoot girl came out from the encampment, walking toward her. She stopped beside a tree, hitched up her skirts, and squatted. When she had finished, Easter hailed her. The girl walked over.

"Good morning, lady," she said. "The battle will start soon now." The tip of her pink tongue touched her scarlet lips. She had a black crow's wing tied with leather onto her shoulder, a crow's foot on a chain around her neck. Her arms were blue-tattooed with lines and patterns and intricate knots.

"How do you know?"

The girl grinned. "I am Macha, of the Morrigan. When war comes, I can smell it in the air. I am a war goddess, and I say, blood shall be spilled this day."

"Oh," said Easter. "Well. There you go." She was watching the smaller dot in the sky as it tumbled down toward them, dropping like a rock.

"And we shall fight them, and we shall kill them, every one," said the girl. "And we shall take their heads as trophies, and the crows shall have their eyes and their corpses." The dot had become a bird, its wings outstretched, riding the gusty morning winds above them.

Easter cocked her head on one side. "Is that some hidden war goddess knowledge?" she asked. "The whole who's-going-to-win thing? Who gets whose head?"

"No," said the girl, "I can smell the battle, but that's all. But we'll win. Won't we? We have to. I saw what they did to the All-Father. It's them or us."

"Yeah," said Easter. "I suppose it is."

The girl smiled again, in the half-light, and made her way back to the camp. Easter put her hand down and touched a green shoot that stabbed up from the earth like a knife blade. As she touched it it grew, and opened, and twisted, and changed, until she was resting her hand on a green tulip head. When the sun was high the flower would open.

Easter looked up at the hawk. "Can I help you?" she said.

The hawk circled about fifteen feet above Easter's head, slowly, then it glided down to her, and landed on the ground nearby. It looked up at her with mad eyes.

"Hello, cutie," she said. "Now, what do you really look like, eh?"

The hawk hopped toward her, uncertainly, and then it was no longer a hawk, but a young man. He looked at her, and then looked down at the grass. "You?" he said. His glance went everywhere, to the grass, to the sky, to the bushes. Not to her.

"Me," she said. "What about me?"

"You." He stopped. He seemed to be trying to muster his thoughts; strange expressions flitted and swam across his face. He spent too long a bird, she thought. He has forgotten how to be a man. She waited patiently. Eventually, he said, "Will you come with me?"

"Maybe. Where do you want me to go?"

"The man on the tree. He needs you. A ghost hurt, in his side. The blood came, then it stopped. I think he is dead."

"There's a war on. I can't just go running away."

The nak*d man said nothing, just moved from one foot to another as if he were uncertain of his weight, as if he were used to resting on the air or on a swaying branch, not on the solid earth. Then he said, "If he is gone forever, it is all over."

"But the battle-"

"If he is lost, it will not matter who wins." He looked like he needed a blanket, and a cup of sweet coffee, and someone to take him somewhere he could just shiver and babble until he got his mind back. He held his arms stiffly against his sides.

"Where is this? Nearby?"

He stared at the tulip plant, and shook his head. "Way away."

"Well," she said, "I'm needed here. And I can't just leave. How do you expect me to get there? I can't fly, like you, you know."

"No," said Horus, "You can't." Then he looked up, gravely, and pointed to the other dot that circled them, as it dropped from the darkening clouds, growing in size. "He can."

Another several hours' pointless driving, and by now Town hated the global positioning system almost as much as he hated Shadow. There was no passion in the hate, though. He had thought finding his way to the farm, to the great silver ash tree, had been hard; finding his way away from the farm was much harder. It did not seem to matter which road he took, which direction he drove down the narrow country lanes-the twisting Virginia back roads that must have begun, he was sure, as deer trails and cowpaths-eventually he would find himself passing the farm once more, and the hand-painted sign, ASH.

This was crazy, wasn't it? He simply had to retrace his way, take a left turn for every right he had taken on his way here, a right turn for every left.

Only that was what he had done last time, and now here he was, back at the farm once more. There were heavy storm clouds coming in, it was getting dark fast, it felt like night, not morning, and he had a long drive ahead of him: he would never get to Chattanooga before afternoon at this rate.

His cell phone gave him only a No Service message. The fold-out map in the car's glove compartment showed the main roads, all the interstates and the real highways, but as far as it was concerned nothing else existed.

Nor was there anyone around that he could ask. The houses were set back from the roads; there were no welcoming lights. Now the fuel gauge was nudging Empty. He heard a rumble of distant thunder, and a single drop of rain splashed heavily onto his windshield.

So when Town saw the woman, walking along the side of the road, he found himself smiling, involuntarily. "Thank God," he said, aloud, and he drew up beside her. He thumbed down the window. "Ma'am? I'm sorry. I'm kind of lost. Can you tell me how to get to Highway Eighty-one from here?"

She looked at him through the open passenger-side window and said, "You know. I don't think I can explain it. But I can show you, if you like." She was pale, and her wet hair was long and dark.

"Climb in," said Town. He didn't even hesitate. "First thing, we need to buy some gas."

"Thanks," she said. "I needed a ride." She got in. Her eyes were astonishingly blue. "There's a stick here, on the seat," she said, puzzled.

"Just throw it in the back. Where are you heading?" he asked. "Lady, if you can get me to a gas station, and back to a freeway, I'll take you all the way to your own front door."

She said, "Thank you. But I think I'm going farther than you are. If you can get me to the freeway, that will be fine. Maybe a trucker will give me a ride." And she smiled, a crooked, determined smile. It was the smile that did it.

"Ma'am," he said, "I can give you a finer ride than any trucker." He could smell her perfume. It was heady and heavy, a cloying scent, like magnolias or lilacs, but he did not mind.

"I'm going to Georgia," she said. "It's a long way."

"I'm going to Chattanooga. I'll take you as far as I can."

"Mm," she said. "What's your name?"

"They call me Mack," said Mr. Town. When he was talking to women in bars, he would sometimes follow that up with "And the ones that know me really well call me Big Mack." That could wait. With a long drive ahead of them, they would have many hours in each other's company to get to know each other. "What's yours?"

Neil Gaiman's Novels
» Norse Mythology
» The Graveyard Book
» American Gods (American Gods #1)