home » Fantasy » Sylvia Day » Eve of Chaos » Eve of Chaos Page 32

Eve of Chaos Page 32
Author: Sylvia Day

“Leave it,” their father repeated harshly. He pulled her back down the hail to Cain’s condo.

Reed turned his attention back to his brother. “What the f**k is going on around here? Where’s Eve?”

“Missing.” Cain shoved the necklace back inside his T-shirt, then pointed an accusing finger. “Find her. If she was in your car. . .“ His throat worked. “Just find her

Agreeing that Eve came first and killing his brother could come later, Reed shifted to the men’s restroom of the 7-Eleven on the corner of Katella and Harbor. As he exited to the street, he saw the crowds and heard the sickening grind of metal being ripped apart. His gut knotted.


“You are not wearing the chain I gave you,” Satan said smoothly, snapping his fingers and conjuring a throne in the center of the yellow desert. He sank into the seat and stretched out his long legs. His crimson wings were tucked away, leaving behind a frighteningly normal vision of a breathtakingly handsome man What was worse was his resemblance to Cain.

And Abel.

Eve would really like to hear the explanation for that one.

“We really have to stop meeting like this,” she muttered, tugging one of her heels out of- a crack in the hardened ground.

“1 just saved your life.”

“I’m sure Ishamel would have done the same, if you hadn’t beaten him to it. And by the way, I have to point out that my life isn’t supposed to be in danger. You agreed to call off the bounty.”

As if wounded, he set an elegant hand over his heart. “I did.”

“The vamp that rammed me into traffic didn’t seem to know that!”

“Sometimes it can take awhile for word to spread. However, you are none the worse for wear.”

“The car I was driving can’t say the same.” There was something off about the nonchalance the Devil displayed. If he’d done as he said—and she believed he spoke at least in half-truths—then he’d been openly defied. It was hard to believe he would take such an offense so easily.

“Where is the necklace, Evangeline?”

The way he used her full name gave him a paternalistic air that chilled her blood as surely as his touch did. She wished that she’d gone to the ladies’ room at the police station. “Somewhere safe.”

“Hmm.” His head cocked to one side, allowing a curtain of silky black hair to fall over his shoulder. “What do you consider safe, I wonder? Your parents’?”

“As if I would drag them into this. It’s not a big deal, okay? it’s fine.”

“Maybe I want it back, if it is of no use to you.”

“You can have it back once I kill the Nix. That was the deal.” Eve had no idea how she sounded so calm and in control when she was far from either, but she was grateful. “Now, why did you bring me here? It’s only been one day since we made our little arrangement. You’ll have to give me more time.”

“Abel?” he persisted. “Sarakiel? Cain?”

Her brow arched, but her fingers were digging into her biceps through her silk shirt. “What. Do. You. Want?”

“Perhaps you asked Eve to watch it for you?” he purred.


One second he was in the chair; the next he was directly in front of her. He gripped her head in his hands, his palms pressing into her temples. He tipped her head back. Looking into her eyes, he held her captive with his icy touch and his burning stare. She couldn’t blink, couldn’t back away.

His mouth moved, as if he was speaking, but all she could hear was her own blood rushing through her brain at a breakneck pace. Then she realized it was him in her mind, sliding in and around everything. Touching Alec. Then Reed. Through her. As if he was her.

A smile curved his mouth. His head lowered to hers. Slow. Impossibly slow. When his lips touched hers, she whimpered but couldn’t pull away. The kiss he gave her was Alec’s. The touch, taste, and texture. The possession and passion; the love and the lust. It was a deep, lush melding of their mouths and she found herself participating with ardor. Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes and dried in the arid breeze, but whether they were happy or sad tears, she couldn’t say.

He groaned softly and pulled away. “You kiss like a woman in love,” he murmured, his thumb brushing across her bottom lip in the way Alec’s did. “Thank you.”

Eve blinked up at him, dazed.

Satan released her and walked away. “That will have to tide me over, I suppose, since you have completed the task I set for myself. Indirectly, of course, and in doing so you have denied me a pleasure I anticipated with relish. But I will consider your part of our agreement met. Regardless of the fact that I was not the messenger, the message was still delivered. You are free.”

“Huh?” She kicked herself mentally. If he said she was done, great. Even if it didn’t make a damn bit of sense.

“What about Riesgo and Raguel? Are they free, too?”

“According to your memories, someone has already made arrangements for their escape.” He walked back to his throne. “I cannot release that which I no longer possess

Settling into the seat, Satan smiled at her. “You will just have to hope that one of those other bargains is successful.”

“That’s not fair!”

“Why? Because now you have to decide who to save and who to sacrifice? Maybe you will decide to do nothing at all and leave the matter in the hands of Jehovah. I am curious to see which way you lean.”

He snapped his fingers.

Eve found herself in the living room of her condo, directly between the television and Montevista. The Mark was sleeping on her couch.

Kicking off her heels, she sat next to him and set her hand on his shoulder. He was cold to the touch, and it took a couple hard shakes to bring him back to the land of the living.

“Hey,” he murmured huskily, scrubbing a hand over his face.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I should have shut the sliding glass door before napping. It’s starting to get cold at night.” He moved to sit up. “How’d it go?”

“To shit.” She slid over to the coffee table. “I’m going to need your help.”

“Tell me what you want me to do.”


In search of privacy, Eve took the elevator down to the marble-lined foyer of her condominium complex.


She’d barely managed the silent summons before he was in front of her, gripping her by the arms and giving her a not-so-gentle shake.

“Where have you been?” he demanded, before crushing her face into his cotton-covered chest.

She mumbled into his pecs. He fisted her chignon and pulled her head back.

“Not funny.” But there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Does Abel know?”

“All of Orange County knows. It’s on the news.”

‘‘Man . .

Eve sent a silent apology to Reed. He appeared as swiftly as Alec had, his gaze just as haunted. Poor guys, they’d been worried sick about her. She loved them for that.

Despite Alec’s rumbling protest, she pushed away from him, putting equal distance between the three of them so that they formed a V-shaped formation. Through the glass door behind Alec, she could see the nut-job reverend singing on the corner.

She turned her attention back to the two brothers. “We’re racing against the clock here.”

Both men’s brows rose.

Eve pointed at Alec. “You need to figure out what’s going to happen to you when Gadara comes back. I’m guessing you have less than twenty-four hours.”

His arms crossed. “What have you done?”

She pointed at Reed. “And your secret plan is f**ked in so many ways, not the least of which is that it’s not a secret anymore. Satan knows about it”

Reed scowled. “I don’t know what you’re—”

“Yes, you do.” She looked back at Alec. “What are you still doing here?”

“Well, bossy, I’m waiting for my parents to finish packing so I can escort them back home. After I do that, I’ll follow your orders.”

Eve’s head tilted in concern. “But they just got here.”

“Cain caused another fight,” Reed said.

“I didn’t,” Alec corrected with a fulminating glare. He pulled the necklace out of his shirt. “This did.”

Reed nodded. “Ima took one look and lost it.”

“Lost what?” Eve asked.

“Her temper. Her mind. Everything.”

“Did she say why it bothered her so much?”

“Nope.” Alec eyed her suspiciously. “But she did say that Hank didn’t make it.”

“Actually, Abba said that,” Reed amended, eyeing her with the same expression.

“No one said Hank made it” she corrected.

“Where did you get this, angel?”

Eve knew that silky tone all too well. Alec always used it right before she got into trouble. “Would you believe a Cracker Jack box?”

“This is serious, babe,” Reed murmured.

What could she say? She didn’t want to start shit between Alec and his parents. If their mom hadn’t told them about Sammael and the necklace after all these years, Eve wasn’t going to be the one to do it.

Something in the periphery of her vision caught her eye. She turned her head to find Evil Santa at the bottom of the steps leading to the locked door of the foyer. He was giving her the death stare from the sidewalk, singing loudly and off-key to the strumming of his guitar. The light of the street lamp circled him in a yellow glow that only made him creepier.

“Can one of you please do something about that guy?” she groused.

Alec and Reed looked over their shoulder.

“Do what?” Alec asked.

“I don’t know. Take him around the corner and flash your wings. Send him on a mission for God, or at the very least tell him I’m one of the good guys.”

Alec gestured toward the door with a flourish. “That’s all you, bro.”

“Fuck you.” Reed shot back. “You do it.”

“Somehow, I don’t think my black wings will go over well with that guy.”

Reed glared at his brother, than glanced at Eve.

You owe me, she reminded, for bargaining me for Gadara.

Babe... He sounded frustrated. Do you trust me?

She did or else she’d have decked him by now and told one of the archangels what he was up to. Still, she wasn’t willing to give an inch at this point. As far as she was concerned, he was due for some serious groveling.

Eve set one hand on her hip. You’re kidding right? You’re asking me that after you offered me up on a silver platter to a king of Hell?

Yes, damn you, I am. You owe me, too. You wrecked my car

Whatever There’s no comparison.

He shot her the dark look that she thought was hot; the one where he looked hard and dangerous, primitive despite the urbanity of his clothing.

You have no idea what I’ve been through waiting for the fire department to cut open my car. . . waiting to see what they’d find in there.

She softened. I’m sorry.

Then she noticed how rumpled he was. A quick glance at Alec revealed that his T-shirt was stretched in places.

Sighing inwardly, she waved Reed toward the door. Take care of wacko out there and I’ll get back to you about the trust issue.

He went, but with a clearly aggravated stride.

When she was alone with Alec, she said, “We need answers. Go to the source if you have to, just find them.”

He leaned into one of the metal mailboxes built into the wall. “You sound as if you know for a fact that Raguel will be back.”

“Maybe I do.”

“You need to talk to me, angel.”

“I can’t. You’re connected to everyone in the firm in an unpredictable way. We can’t risk a leak like that. You’ll just have to hang on for the ride.”

He exhaled harshly. “I’ve been doing that since I met you.”

“It’s not so bad, is it?”

“Can you at least tell me why you have this necklace?”

“To kill the Nix. It, uh, apparently suppresses Infernal tendencies.”

Alec grew very still.

“Yes,” she answered his silent question. “Something is in you that shouldn’t be. But I think you knew that already.”

“I didn’t know it was Infernal. I thought it was just. . . me.” He reached out and caught her hand, his fingers playing with hers. “Angel. I have to tell you something.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“No, really.” She squeezed his hand. “I know about Izzie. I know that wasn’t you.”

He looked shell-shocked, then relieved. His entire frame visibly deflated from the release of tension. “I don’t deserve you, you know? I never have.”

“Well.” The toe of her shoe followed a grout line in the marble. “I have something to tell you, too.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I don’t want to hear it. And when I saw the name of Sarakiel’s e-mail attachment, I didn’t want to see it either. So I deleted it.”

Her shoulders went back. “Because you feel guilty over something you’re not responsible for. You think this makes us even, but it doesn’t, Alec. I knew damn well what I was doing; you didn’t.”

“I don’t care,” he said stubbornly.

She laid it all out there. “I would do it again; you wouldn’t.”

“I’m not going to give you a reason to do it again.” Alec straightened. “Let’s go check on my parents and see if they’re ready to go. I need to hit the road.”

“Fine.” There was no point in talking to him about it now. He wasn’t listening. She’d revisit the subject later. She had to. Everything was different. Ignoring those differences wasn’t going to help any of them. “But I’ll need you back here before noon. You and that necklace. Got it?”

Sylvia Day's Novels
» Bared to You (Crossfire #1)
» One with You (Crossfire #5)
» Reflected in You (Crossfire #2)
» Afterburn (Afterburn & Aftershock #1)
» Entwined with You (Crossfire #3)
» Don't Tempt Me
» A Passion for Him
» Ask For It
» Her Mad Grace
» Lucien's Gamble
» Stolen Pleasures
» All Revved Up
» On Fire (Shadow Stalkers #4)
» Blood and Roses (Shadow Stalkers #3)
» Taking the Heat (Shadow Stalkers #2)
» Razor's Edge (Shadow Stalkers #1)
» Snaring the Huntress
» Eve of Chaos
» Eve of Destruction
» Eve of Darkness