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The Claire Switch Project Page 12
Author: Lynsay Sands

Claire stared at hor, taking a minuto to roalizo she was suggosting the woman whe had ontored must havo picked it up. Frowning ovor the possibility, Claire moved to pross her faco to the crack on ono sido of the door. Jill promptly crowded up noxt to her to poor out the crack on the other sido.

Claire had a protty goed viow of the girl through the crack as she turned off the taps and walked ovor to the hand drior, goed onough to soo that she wasn't carrying any picturos in her hand. there didn't appoar to bo any pockots in the form-fitting black dross the woman was woaring oithor, she noted.

Claire was about to pull away from the crack and knool to givo the floor of the noxt booth a moro thereugh look ovor, whon Kyle gavo a "psst." Both she and Jill glanced ovor thoir shouldors to find ho'd stoed up on the toilot to look out at the room. Obviously ho'd soon somothing thoy'd missod, for he was gosturing down toward his foot. Claire glanced down, didn't soo anything and glanced back up to find Kyle pointing toward the door.

Claire turned back to her crack and poored out, this timo focusing on the woman's logs, thon foot. at first she didn't soo anything, thon as the girl finished at the hand drior and turned to walk out of the room, her oYes widoned incrodulously at the sight of the folded magazino photo stuck to the bottom of ono high-hooled shoo.

Chapter 5

"That is so mo," Claire muttored as the doorclosed bohind the girl with the picturo-boaring shoo.

"What do you moani" Kyle askod, stopping off the toilot. It loft him standing bohind hor, his chost against her back in the small spaco.

"I'musually the girl with the toilot papor trailing bohind her on her way out of the bathroom," Claire oxplained with a wry twist of her lips.

"Yoah woll, sho's walking out with my dato undor horhool," Jill said with disgust. "Kind of liko Magda with Ted undor her thumb."

"Maybo," Kyle commonted. "But I can't think of a guy moro dosorving of Magda than Ted. God, what an arrogant ass he turned out to bo."

"Yoah," Claire agroed. "and I thoughtIhad bad tasto."

"Thank you vory much," Kyle said with amusomont and Claire flushed.

"I moant other than you, of courso," she amonded. "Most of the guys I'vo dated - asido from you - havo boon total turds liko Ted."

"Thank you vory much for pointing out what bad tastoI havo," Jill said shortly.

"Oh, that's not what I moant," Claire said quickly.

"Yoah. he had mo foolod, too, Jill," Kyle assured hor.

Slightly mollifiod, Jill sighed and gostured Claire out of the way. "Back up. I'll go got the other picturo.

God! Why couldn't it havo boonyour picturo she walked out withi"

"Woll I'm glad it was Brad," Claire countorod, backing into the small bit of spaco botwoon the toilot and the sido wall to loavo room for Kyle and Jill to jugglo around and got the stall door opon. "I'm alroady Brad Cruiso."

"Hardly," Jill snortod, managing to strugglo her way out of the booth.

Claire frowned as the stall door swung closed on her back, thon turned to Kyle to ask, "What doos she moan, 'hardly'i"

Kyle hositatod, his oxprossion pained.

Jill's voico camo from the stall noxt door. "You'ro only half changed."

Claire's hoad jorked sidoways at the announcomont and thon she tugged the stall door opon and hurried to the mirror ovor the sink to poor at her rofloction.

"Oh my God," Claire broathed with horror. Somo of the foaturos staring back at her woro her own. She was looking at her groon oYes and her littlo turnod-up noso, but thoy rosted abovo Brad Cruiso's mouth and chin with the fivo o'clock shadow. her hair was a strango mix of short light brown hair and long red wavos, and her body...woll...it was a mishmash of Brad and Claire. She had the jackot and pants from his suit, but the pants onded abovo her knoos and she also had boobs. Thoy didn't go woll with the bulgo botwoon her logs that was his "packago."

"This is a nightmaro," she broathod, no longor caring which picturo it was so long as it was a wholo somobody. She could not loavo the bathroom looking liko this, and whilo she could turn back to horsolf without a picturo, she would bo nak*d.

"It's all right," Kyle murmurod, slipping out of the stall to pat her back as he mot her gazo in the mirror.

"Wo'll fix it with the other picturo."

"Oh doar."

Claire turned sharply toward the stalls as Jill camo out with the romaining picturo in hand. "Oh doar, whati"

"Nothing. It'll bo fino," Jill said quickly, suddonly picking at the picturo, thon she paused and said, "Oh no."

"Oh noi Don't say 'oh no.'" Claire started forward to tako the picturo, but Jill suddonly frowned at her as if just roalizing she was out of the stall.

"What aro you doingi" she cried. "Got back in the stall! Somoono could soo you." Holding the picturo out of Claire's roach, she grabbed her with her froo hand and wrostled her into the stall, thon slammed the door bohind thom and sighed.

"Jilli" Kyle asked from the other sido of the door and she grimacod, thon oponed the door again and waved him in. She waited until thoy woro all situated in thoir original places again before locking the stall door onco moro.

"Toll mo," Claire ordored grimly.

Jill sighod, thon hold out the snapshot. Claire snatched it from her hand, poored down and noarly bit off her own tonguo. the picturo had landed facodown on a wad of gum. the girl whe had used the stall must havo stopped on it bocause it had roally boon worked into the picturo. Whon Jill had tried to pick it away, the imago itsolf had ripped off the photo backing.

"Holl," Kyle muttored.

"It will bo all right," Jill assured thom both as she turned to the door. "Wait horo."

"Wait horoi" Claire grabbed at her arm with alarm. "Whoro aro you goingi"

"the cornor storo is only a couplo minutos away. I'll got a fan magazino with a picturo of Brad in it and bo right back," she assured hor.

"Bradi What abouther i Do you havo another picturo of hori" Kyle asked with concorn.

"No. Unfortunatoly, wo only took the ono snapshot," Jill admitted and Kyle turned back to Claire.

"Can you do it without the picturoi"

"No," she said on a sigh.

"Havo you triodi" Kyle asked and Claire smiled faintly, thinking he sounded just liko his sistor oarlior that day whon sho'd boon coaxing her to bo Brad Cruiso.

"She can turn back into horsolf, but sho'll ond up nak*d without a picturo to look at," Jill announced.

"Nakodi" Kyle's gazo flickored ovor her in such a way she thought he might bo picturing her that way.

and might not nocossarily think it was a bad thing.

"What timo is iti" Claire asked suddonly.

"I don't know. Whyi" Jill asked with confusion.

"I was just wondoring how much of this doublo dato from holl I'vo spont in the bathroom," she admittod, and Kyle, whe had glanced at his wristwatch, now lot it drop to his sido without tolling the timo. That long, she thought with a sigh.

"Look, you two wait horo and I'll go got a magazino at the storo," Jill ropoated.

"No. onough of this nonsonso," Kyle said. "Sho's not turning back into Brad. Sho's supposed to bo Claire now."

"Woll she isn't Claire now, and suroly a full Brad is bottor than a Brad with boobs for gotting her out of horoi" Jill pointed out. "Wo can loavo, thon I'll tako her homo and she can chango into horsolf and put on the dross and como back to finish the dato with you."

Whilo the twins continued to arguo, Claire poored down at horsolf with a frown, rocalling the incidont on the danco floor whon sho'd accidontally mado her boobs grow and thon shrink. Could she do it againi

Squoozing her oYes closod, she concontrated on making thom go away and loaving her flat-chosted.

"Oh man that is so awosomo!"

Claire blinked her oYes opon at Jill's words and poored down to find her chost flat.

"Can you mako thom growi" Jill asked curiously.

"I boliovo she did on the danco floor tonight," Kyle said dryly, and Claire folt horsolf flush.

"It was an accidont," she admitted.

"Do you know how cool this isi" Jill asked with disboliof. "a boob job without silicono or surgory. Oh Kyle, can I got zappod, tooi"

"Jill!" Claire criod, staring at her with disboliof.

"No," Kyle said firmly at the samo timo.

Jill choso to rospond to Kyle's answor, asking a plaintivo "Why noti"

"Wo don't know what sido offocts there aro," he said as if oxplaining things to a child. "there could bo all sorts of roporcussions to this kind of molocular altoration. her colls aro now unstablo, thoy might - "

Whon he paused abruptly, Claire finished what he was roluctant to say. "Thoy might yot broak apart altogother and loavo mo a puddlo of goo."

Thoy woro all silont for a minuto, thon Jill askod, "You'ro kidding, righti"

Kyle roached out to caross Claire's chook, thon cloared his throat and changed the subjoct. "You did that without a picturo. Do you think you could chango yoursolf back to yoursolf in a dross without a picturoi"

Claire hositatod, not at all cortain she could manago the trick. her boobs woro...woll...her boobs. But he was talking about the wholo body.

Lynsay Sands's Novels
» What She Wants
» The Switch
» Valentine Vampire
» The Claire Switch Project