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Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1) Page 18
Author: Pepper Winters

I yanked the first item—a delicious amethyst dress—off its hanger and tore the neckline with my teeth. My heart raced as I gnawed on the silky fabric. It took a few attempts, but I managed to cut it enough to rip it with my hands. It cracked like a lightning bolt and split in two.

The next victim hung on a padded hanger—a cream blouse with prancing black horses. It ripped with a loud snarl. I tossed it to the floor, joining the growing cemetery of clothes.

In a rampage, I grabbed the bras and tore the straps off. They joined the graveyard. Next, I found a drawer full of impractical nylons and laddered them with nails and teeth.

I panted, loving the fierce retribution in my veins. It may only be clothes I ruined, but it gave me an outlet. My skin shone with sweat as I reached for another blouse.

I froze as the door slammed open.

Q stood, fists balled at his sides, posture hard and unmovable. Eyes darted over the pool of ruined clothing. His jaw clenched before glaring at me with every unspoken command possible.

My legs wobbled, wanting so badly to hit the floor, to grovel for forgiveness. I didn’t know this owner standing in the doorway. No remnants of the man who fingered me in both pleasure and pain last night resided in his gaze. I pushed too hard.

Oh, fuck.

I hunched, crumpling the grey blouse in my hands. Fear gripped, turning me into an autumn leaf.

Clearing his throat, he cricked his neck. The force of his temper buffeted like a slap to the face. “Care to tell me why you’re ruining three thousand euros worth of clothing?” He purred with undisguised lust, and barely held restraint. Face tense with outrage, smouldering need in his eyes.

My body took control as blood boiled to lava. Attraction rolled through my belly and I wanted to punch myself for how wet I became. I had no self-control. He was right to treat me like a slave. I was nothing but a sex hungry woman who didn’t deserve Brax’s adoration. Who only deserved to be beaten and taken. I was so f**ked up, I couldn’t get wet with gentle kisses from a man who loved me. But, put a man who wanted to hurt in front of me, with f**king on his mind and bondage in his thoughts, and I unravelled like the slut I’d become.

Tears erupted, and Q growled. “No point crying. You knew I’d be furious, yet you did it anyway.” He stalked forward, kicking the door shut. He stopped a metre away. “Tears won’t save you.”

I sniffed, straightening my back. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting I cried because of my torment, cried with hatred for a traitorous body. Fear smothered, but the unmasked need swimming in my blood scared me a hundred times more. Would I have reacted this way for any man who bought me? Or was Q different? An unwilling aphrodisiac to my sinful body.

My voice came out whisper-soft. “I won’t allow you to dress me like an object. I refuse.” I didn’t mention most of the items were gorgeous, exactly what I would’ve chosen given a bigger bank balance. “I’m human, too. Not an object for you to play with.”

He chuckled. “An object who’d rather be nak*d the entire time? That can be arranged.”

My heart bucked. I dropped my eyes. “No.”

“No?” He inched closer, bringing inferno heat. His entire body rippled with lustful fire. “You say no after destroying things I bought for you?”

“Does it hurt for you to see things damaged?” I dared look in his eyes and his nostrils flared. “Because if it does, then you’re hurting me. I have feelings—same as you!”

His hand lashed out, grabbing the nape of my neck. Dragging me closer, I collided against solid muscle, and breath exploded from my lungs.

“You think you’re like me? You’re not,” he snarled, right before his mouth smashed against mine and his tongue darted past my lips. I punched him, but he didn’t stop. If anything, it amplified him from ruthless to out of control.

Spinning me around, he trapped me hard against the door, grinding his h*ps into mine. In one fluid move, he kicked my legs apart with a foot. So quick, so sure.

My lungs couldn’t get enough oxygen as he kissed me harder than anyone had before. Blood mixed with his dark taste. Indents of teeth bruised my mouth, and thoughts disintegrated. I half-moaned, half-cried as he thrust his c*ck so hard against me, my feet left the floor.

Ending the kiss on the same brutal note, he panted, “What are you?”

I blinked, completely disoriented. Then fight returned; I shoved him.

He grunted as he stepped back, but it wasn’t enough. Landing on me again, his weight pinned my body. Breath hot on my cheek as he rubbed his five o’clock shadow along my jaw. “Don’t f**king push me. What are you?”

Not this again. In a moment of lunacy, I tried to head-butt him.

His eyes flared wide and lips twitched. The look of alpha possession overshadowed for a moment with sheer amazement. He rammed his thigh between my legs, rubbing against overheated flesh. Even through denim every part of him awoke every part of me and I ached. I burned. I wanted.

“You made me say it last night. You broke me. I won’t do it again,” I seethed.

He growled, moving his thigh. He cupped with me forceful fingers. My head wanted to crash against his shoulder in servitude, but I couldn’t. This was wrong. God help me, I’d broken myself with battling two conflicting things. Run. Fuck. Run. Fuck. The trance sent wetness gushing from me. I’d never been so turned on and never hated someone more.

“I’ll gladly break you again to hear you say it.” His hands captured my wrists, slamming them above my head against the door. Holding me with one hand, his other went back to my jeans. With nimble fingers, he undid my fly and somehow managed to wriggle his hand inside the denim and knickers.

I bucked as a finger pressed deep inside. No soft requests or gentle foreplay, a straight finger fuck.

“Say it,” he ordered. My eyes snapped closed as he hooked his finger, pressing against my g-spot. “Your body drips for me, esclave. I’ll let you have me, if you say it. Say you’re mine.”

Another finger entered as fierce as the first and legs turned to jelly. He held me upright by my wrists and fingers rode me deep. I’d never been touched so totally before. Brax… he wasn’t a lover of foreplay… Stop thinking about Brax. Especially now. This would break his heart.

My mind cracked into shards. I struggled to fight the insane urge to submit; I could never submit. Lifting extremely heavy eyelids, I snarled, “Mine. Not yours.”

He flinched as if I’d struck him, eyes flashing with a feral edge. “Wrong answer.” He ducked and threw me over a shoulder, just like the captor in Mexico. All residual fear rushed to haunt me and my body no longer hummed. It burned for freedom. To end this, to run.

Q dropped me on the bed, immediately yanking my jeans off. I couldn’t stop it. One minute they were on, the next they lay discarded with the other torn clothes.

He climbed on top and I kicked. My knee connected with rib cage and he winced, but a hand grabbed my side, pressing my own broken rib. Everything oozed to greyness with pain. It gave him time to undo his tie and wrap it tight around my wrists.

My heartbeat thrummed in my arms, hating the tight restriction. Shoving my wrists above my head, he pinned me down, trying to wedge between my legs. I fought like an alley cat. Our legs battled, feet grappled with the sheet, and for a moment, I might’ve won. I lost with one misplaced kick.

Within moments, I lay spread-eagled with him panting above. Smouldering, unwanted lust ignited. Misplaced lust. Lust that drove me mad with confusion and hatred.

Eagerness and longing flamed his face. His smell of sin, citrus, and sandalwood dazzled my senses, flaring every part. My core clenched as Q rocked, breathing hard and rattling. Somehow, the synapses of my brain hardwired to his scent.

Oh, God. He successfully owned one of my senses! Smell. I couldn’t let him take more.

Howling, I bit his shoulder. “Let me the f**k go!”

He reared back, rage and hard-edged respect in his eyes. Did he respect I fought? Did it turn him on so damn much? Sick, sick bastard.

He raised a hand as if to strike me.

I fought the urge to curl into a little ball, and stared into his turbulent gaze. “Do it. Hit me. At least the pain will leave a physical mark you’ll have to see every day.”

He opened his mouth, then shut it. His hand hovered, before cupping my cheek. He ran a trembling thumb across my lips. “Say it.” Something raw blazed in his gaze, imploring on some deep, psychological level. He seemed desperate to hear me admit I was his.

He reached between us, stroking my cl*t through my knickers. All the fireworks that’d been smouldering, sparked to life. An orgasm gripped my muscles with sharp ecstasy; I threw my head back.

“Oh, shit.” I didn’t want the orgasm—even though I did. I didn’t want it, as Brax never gave me one, and to me, that made our separation horribly final. As if Q sliced us apart, leaving me ruined for anything but roughness and savagery.

Just as the bands of muscles exploded, Q stopped touching. He scrambled off, pulling me to a sitting position. My bound wrists drooped in my lap. I blinked, body resonating with the build-up of intensity, smarting for relief. My orgasm dwindled to nothing.

I wanted to scream. He left me deliberately on the knife-edge of pleasure.

“What is your name?” he demanded, as he undid his belt, tore it from its belt loops, and tossed it on the ground. The sound of the heavy belt buckle hitting soft carpet sent heartbeats racing ever faster.

I refused to answer, but couldn’t look away as he undid his fly and untucked the crimson shirt. He left the royal blue jacket on, but unbuttoned it so the material flared to the sides.

Placing himself in front, his crotch the perfect height to my mouth, he ordered, “Suck me.” Q’s gaze sent incandescent fire racing in my blood, but it didn’t match the horror I lived with. Suck him? I couldn’t. Not a man. A stranger. My owner. I’d rather bite.

When I didn’t move, Q pushed his boxer briefs down, pulling his raging hard c*ck from its prison. The tip glistened with pr**um, his scent of musk and darkness spelled around me.

Fisting his thick length, he bit his lip, stroking. My stomach clenched; I closed my eyes. “Please—” I shook my head. “I can’t.”

He inched closer, practically pressing his c*ck against my lips. “You can. And you will, esclave.”

I tilted my head away, hyperaware of the dampness of pr**um as he ran his hot erection along my cheek. His hand lashed out, fingers bruising my chin, keeping me in place. “Open. And if you bite, I’ll hit you so hard, you won’t wake up for days.” His voice rasped with excitement, but there was something else, too. Something I recognised, but couldn’t place. Heat blazed all emotions to dust.

My body twitched as tears flowed. I needed help. I needed saving. Everything I felt suddenly boiled over, steaming with no outlet…then something happened.

Everything… stopped.

My mind shut down, body turned numb. Everything I battled… disappeared. I was left an empty shell—uncaring, blissfully vacant.

Calm descended as I accepted obedience like a balm against the hardship of fighting. In that moment, I became what he wanted: his.

Pepper Winters's Novels
» Third Debt (Indebted #4)
» Fourth Debt (Indebted #5)
» Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC #1)
» Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
» Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1)
» Destroyed
» First Debt (Indebted #2)
» Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)