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Burned Page 16
Author: Krista Lakes

I felt the car slow as we turned onto the exit ramp. We quickly parked and headed into Eliche's. I could see the Ferris wheel slowly turning, surrounded by the giant colored tentacles of the roller-coaster tracks. My adrenaline started pumping just looking at the coasters, feeling my excitement grow with every step.

Andrew bounced around the parking lot like a kid on sugar, excited to go on the rides with me. Audrey and Ray followed slightly behind us, a distance between the two of them. It only struck me as odd for a moment before the childlike excitement of entering the park overwhelmed me.

Ray handed over our tickets at the entrance, and the four of us walked into the park. Carousel music floated on the spring air, the smell of cotton candy and popcorn permeating the street. I couldn't wait to get to the rides, but I stood patiently as Ray picked up a map.

"We don't need a map, Ray. I can see the coaster we want from here, and besides we have all day to get to the rides," Audrey said with just a hint of anger in her voice. I wondered what was going on between them. I looked over at Andrew, but he wasn't paying any attention.

"I'm using a map, because I like to have a plan. Seriously, this will take me five minutes and save us from wandering all over the park like idiots," he growled back at her. This time Andrew turned to look at the two of them, surprise flashing across his face.

"I know where we should go for the first coaster. If you two want to follow me, then we can look at the map in line and come up with a plan there," he said, trying to break the tension. Audrey turned and smiled at Andrew. It was a fake smile that I knew meant trouble.

"You know what, Andrew? You and Holly go on ahead. We'll catch up."

"Thanks, Mrs. Miller. We'll save you two a spot in line." I jumped in, quickly grabbing Andrew's hand. He looked baffled for a second but let me lead him away. Just as they were almost out of sight, I could see Audrey round on Ray, anger contorting her face. Ray began to wave the map around, and I was glad we were out of earshot.

"What was that about?" Andrew asked, glancing behind us as we walked.

"I have no idea, but I didn't want to be there," I replied, still pulling on his hand. "They don't need us there to watch them argue." I could tell he wasn't happy about the situation, but we continued on.

"What are they fighting about?" Andrew asked as we got close to the line for the ride.

"I guess the honeymoon is over. They'll be all right. They couldn't stay lovey-dovey all the time. They'll argue a little, and then by the end of today they'll be better. Promise," I said, feeling confident in my relationship-reading. I knew Audrey and Ray were good together, and I wasn't worried about them. Andrew seemed to debate the concept in his head for a moment before coming to the same conclusion.

"I guess you're right," he said grudgingly but then smiled and pulled me toward the end of line for the roller coaster. Since we had arrived early, we didn't have to wait long, and we were quickly to the turnstiles guarding the platform to the ride. I could feel my stomach rising in my throat, my heart starting to pound as I watched the people before me strap into the coaster cars.

My hand was sweaty in Andrew's as our turn came and we pulled the safety bar down over our heads. The coaster lurched forward, and my heart threatened to pound out of my chest. I focused on breathing as we climbed the hill. Andrew laughed anxiously next to me as we teetered for a moment at the precipice before falling forward at an incredible speed. I screamed, my fear quickly turning into exhilaration as we spiraled and spun, defying gravity for a short moment in time.

I stumbled out of my seat and onto the exit ramp, giggling as Andrew pulled me close for a kiss. I could taste his adrenaline, and his heart pounded against my hand on his chest. The ride operator gave us a dirty look to keep moving, and we hurried out to look at our picture. It only took a minute before the photograph of the two of us screaming like little girls came up on one of the screens. I elbowed Andrew in the ribs, and we both laughed at our silly expressions. The line was still short, so we decided to ride it again. We were half way back to the ride entrance when a deep voice called my name.

"Holly Davenport? Holy shit, it is you!"

I turned slowly, praying that I wasn't hearing that voice. I felt my blood begin to chill.

"Hi, Bobby. What are you doing here?" I said slowly.

"Not expecting to see you. Who's your friend?" Bobby's handsome face filled me with fear. I hadn't spoken to him since I told him I thought I was pregnant. I had hoped never to see him again.

"Bobby, this is Andrew. Andrew, Bobby," I gestured to each person as I named them. Three of Bobby's friends stood behind him, silent and waiting. Anxiety built up in my chest. I didn't want him to be here.

"Andrew? Like the one from high school?" Bobby asked, stepping closer. I nodded as Andrew smiled and reached out his hand.

"So you're Bobby? Glad to finally have a face to the name," Andrew said, honestly excited to meet him. I realized that I had never told him what a jerk Bobby had turned out to be; to Andrew, Bobby was the boyfriend I had gushed about and then just stopped talking about. He had no idea the pain Bobby had inflicted upon me and other girls like me. I wanted to run away so badly.

"Well, it was great to see you. Andrew and I have to go," I said quickly grabbing Andrew's hand. I pulled hard, trying to send the message we needed to get away. Andrew didn't resist me, but he didn't move quickly either.

"You're looking good, Holly. I thought you would be waddling around by now. Glad to see you got the baby taken care of," Bobby called out. Andrew froze, confusion painting his face as he looked at me.

The world spun like I was still on the roller coaster. Time slowed to show me every detail but still went too fast for me to stop the train wreck that was coming.

I watched the roller coaster launch another train of willing participants into the sky. Blue and pink cotton candy hung in the window of a cart. I couldn't move; my feet were glued to the floor with my heart plummeting through them.

"It's too bad you took off like you did, Holly. James here wanted to try you next after I told him how good a ride you were. He was excited that he didn't have to worry about knocking you up," Bobby sneered. He always did like to go for the pain. He never knew when to stop.

Andrew glanced from him to me, from the taunting, perfect face to my bloodless, shameful one. Horror filled his face as Bobby continued. "Andrew, have you heard the cute little noise she makes when she cums? If you get her drunk, she'll kiss girls and then give you a bl*w j*b. I haven't found a girl that gives such good head since she decided she was too good for us."

Andrew dropped my hand and took two steps, his fist whipping out like lightning. Bobby wasn't expecting a sucker punch, and he went down hard. His buddies stepped up like a wall, ready to beat the living shit out of Andrew, but Bobby waved them off. Bright red blood trickled out his nose, and he wiped it with the back of his hand as he stood. He looked at the smear of red and smirked at Andrew.

"Holly, you got yourself a real prince. Keep her, Prince. I already used that whore up."

Red fury filled my vision, but before I could move, Andrew grabbed my wrist. I struggled for a moment, Bobby's laughter filling my ears. I wanted to kill him, but Andrew held me in place as Bobby and his gang sauntered away. I could feel anger and revulsion flowing through his fingers as he clenched down on my wrist. His face was emotionless as he waited for Bobby to get out of his sight.

"What did he mean, Holly?" Andrew asked quietly, releasing my wrist and pushing it away from him.

"Andrew, Bobby is a jerk, and-" I started. I could feel the tears growing behind my eyes. I wished so badly that we had come out of the ride just one minute later. Why did he have to ruin my life again?

"That's not what I asked. What did he mean, 'glad to see you got the baby taken care of?'" Andrew faced me, staring me down. His blue eyes were cold. I held my wrist in my hand, unable to look him in the eye. He waited a moment, then said with a voice cold as ice, "That's what I thought."

"No, Andrew! I was never pregnant! I mean, I thought I might have been, but the test came back negative," I tried to explain. "Please, can we just sit down and talk about this?"

"So you thought you were pregnant. Would that scumbag have been the father?" His eyes blazed with a cold fury. I had never thought he would look at me like that.

"I wasn't sure," I started, trying to be truthful.

"You weren't sure? Just how many people did you fuck, Holly? Should I be getting tested?" He was practically screaming. I glanced around, my face growing hotter. People were starting to stare.

"Can you please not yell? I made some poor choices, and I have some regrets," I said trying to keep my voice low. I didn't need people hearing about my bad decisions in the middle of an amusement park with their kids.

"Some poor choices, Holly? I'm seeing some real poor choices. You thought you were pregnant and you weren't sure of the father. Tell me how that happens, Holly. Tell me how that happens and you don't at least mention it. Tell me how you do that to someone you claim to love." His voice had a low growl to it.

"I was at a party and I got drunk, okay? I didn't tell you because I knew you would react this way. I didn't tell you because I am ashamed of it. I saw how you reacted to poor Louise, and I'm no better than she is." My voice cracked with a sob. He stared at me like I had just landed from space. "I didn't tell you because I thought you would hate me, and I couldn't bear the thought of that. You know me better than anyone, Andrew."

"But you kept this from me! I've told you everything—things I've never told anyone, but you kept this from me. What else are you keeping from me?" Andrew's voice quavered with pain. "I thought I knew you. But apparently I have no clue who you are," he said softly. His eyes were blue pools of disdain shining out at me.

"Andrew, I love you. You said you loved me too," I whispered, taking a step toward him. He held up his hands in disgust. His lips curled with revulsion as he edged away from me.

"I loved the Holly I knew. Not you." He turned his back to me and started walking away.

"Andrew, please!" I called out, chasing after him. I touched his back and he squirmed out of my touch like I was something filthy.

"Do not touch me. I don't know you anymore, and I don't want to know you anymore," he whispered. There was a war in his eyes between anger and sadness as he turned away.

I couldn't breathe. My lungs felt like they were made of wet rags. Another burst of screams came from the roller coaster behind me. I felt numb. Nothing hurt, but everything ached at the same time. I walked to a grassy spot near the entrance to the roller coaster line and collapsed to the ground. Everything was blurry and out of focus as I stared at a pebble on the asphalt. I rubbed my wrist, wondering if this was all just a horrible dream.

How had I gotten here? I knew why I didn't tell him. If I had told him he would have done the same thing. Maybe I was just better off with someone like Bobby.

No. I felt anger rise up, a hot fire burning in my belly. I didn't deserve that. I deserved someone who treated me like I was worth something. If Andrew couldn't see past my mistakes, then he wasn't worth my time. I didn't need him either. A tear dripped down my cheek, hot and painful. I knew I was lying to myself, feeding on anger to justify my pain. I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit something. I wanted to feel some kind of physical pain just to make my chest hurt less.

Krista Lakes's Novels
» Freshwater Kisses (The Kisses Series #4)
» Wishful Kisses (The Kisses Series #3.5)
» Kisses From Jack (The Kisses Series #1.5)
» The Woman of Her Enemy's Nightmares
» The Woman of the Billionaire's Dreams
» Worthy of the Billionaire's Love
» Sunrise Kisses (The Kisses Series #8)
» Worthy of the Billionaire's Trust
» Barefoot Kisses (The Kisses Series #7)
» The Woman of Her Adversary's Desires
» Hurricane Kisses (The Kisses Series #6)
» Sandcastle Kisses (The Kisses Series #5)
» Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
» Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
» Champagne Kisses: A Timeless Love Story
» Worthy of the Billionaire's Attention
» Teasing the Billionaire
» Fire Always Burns
» Burned
» Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story