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Deeper Than Midnight (Midnight Breed #9) Page 5
Author: Lara Adrian

Silence held for more than a moment on the other end. Lucan felt a shift in the air around him and glanced up as Gabrielle walked into the room.

He put Rowan on hold with barely a word of warning simply because he wanted to watch his beautiful mate move. She carried an empty tea tray out of their library and quietly placed it in the kitchen. The tray had been set for two: Gabrielle and another female who'd arrived at the compound earlier that evening. Only one of the dainty teacups had been drained. Only one of the bone china plates had been cleaned of its tiny chocolate cake and sundry other frosted confections.

Lucan didn't have to guess which of the women had eaten. A dusting of chocolate powder rode the lush bow of his auburn-haired mate's perfect mouth. He licked his own lips as he watched Gabrielle, hungered as always for a taste of her. If not for the disturbing business at hand, to say nothing of the more minor dilemma that awaited his decision in the other room, Lucan might have dismissed all the demands on him except the one that would get him na**d with his woman in the least amount of time.

The quick glance she shot him said that she knew the direction of his thoughts. Of course, the truth of it was probably written all over his face. It took only a graze of his tongue to feel the sharp edge of his emerging fangs, and the way his vision was sharpening, he guessed his eyes were more amber than gray now, his desire transforming him to his true nature in much the same way that blood thirst would.

A slow smile spread over Gabrielle's lips as she walked toward him. Her big brown eyes were deep and soft, her fingers tender and inviting as she reached up to stroke his tense cheek. Her touch soothed him as always, and his growl sounded more like a purr as she weaved her fingers into his dark hair.

With Mathias Rowan parked at the end of the silenced line, Lucan held the phone away from him as he tilted his head down toward Gabrielle's mouth. He brushed his lips across hers, his tongue sweeping lightly across the trace dusting of cocoa that flavored her kiss.

"Delicious," he whispered, seeing the hungered glow of his irises reflected in the fathomless depths of hers. Gabrielle wrapped her arms around him, but she was frowning as she held his gaze. She kept her voice quiet, all but mouthing the words. "Is everything okay with Hunter and Chase?"

He nodded, pressing a kiss to her brow. It felt awkward dismissing her concern. In the year and a half that he'd been blood-bonded to Gabrielle, they had shared everything. He trusted her more than he had ever trusted anyone else in all of his considerable years of life. She was his mate, his partner, his beloved. As his most precious confidante, she deserved to know what he was feeling as a man. What he feared in his heart and soul, as the head of this compound, which had at some point begun to feel more like a household to him than the strategic nerve center of the Order's mission headquarters.

While his warriors battled daily with their own personal demons, while the Order had taken a few hits, weathering some shattering losses as well as some much-needed triumphs - while the compound's population had swelled to almost double what it had been not even two years past as several of the warriors fell in love and found their mates - one disturbing fact remained.

They hadn't yet been able to stop Dragos and his madness.

That Dragos was still breathing, still able to cause the kind of bloodshed and destruction he'd orchestrated last week with the abduction of a Darkhaven youth from a powerful Breed family and the subsequent razing of their residence that had killed all inside was a failure Lucan took very personally.

It was a reality that had struck him far too close to home.

But that was something he couldn't share with Gabrielle, not now. He couldn't bear to make her feel the same dread that haunted him. He had been shouldering as many of his burdens as possible on his own. Until he had all the answers, until his plans were in place and ready to be acted upon, the rest was his to bear.

"Don't worry, love. Everything is under control." He placed another tender kiss on her brow. "How are things going in the other room?"

Gabrielle gave a mild shrug and shook her head. "She doesn't talk much, but it's no wonder, considering all she's been through. All she wants is to go home to her family. Also understandable, of course."

Lucan grunted, in total agreement. He wanted nothing more than to send their guest on her way. Sympathetic to the woman's situation or not, the last thing he needed was another civilian underfoot at the compound for the next few days. "I don't imagine we've gotten any further word on her ride out of here, have we?"

"Nothing in the last hour. Brock said he or Jenna will call right away if the weather clears enough in Fairbanks to let them out."

Lucan cursed. "Even if the blizzard stops right now, they're easily a full day away yet. I'll have to put someone else on this instead. Maybe it's a good way to get Chase out of my hair for a while. Hell, after what I just heard tonight, it might be the only thing to keep me from killing him."

Gabrielle narrowed her gaze on his, all business now. "No way are you going to send that poor woman off to Detroit with Chase as her escort. Not happening, Lucan. I'll take her there myself before I let that happen."

He hadn't been totally serious to begin with, but he wasn't about to argue with her. Not when her chin was held at that stubborn upward angle that said she had absolutely zero intention of backing down. "Okay, forget I said it. You win." Grabbing her close with one arm, he let his hand roam down to the curve of her behind. "How come you always win?"

"Because you know I'm right." She moved in tighter, rising up on her toes until her mouth was brushing his. "And because - admit it, vampire - you wouldn't have me any other way."

Lara Adrian's Novels
» Shades of Midnight (Midnight Breed #7)
» A Taste of Midnight (Midnight Breed #9.5)
» Ashes of Midnight (Midnight Breed #6)
» A Touch of Midnight (Midnight Breed 0.5)
» Veil of Midnight (Midnight Breed #5)
» Midnight Rising (Midnight Breed #4)
» Bound to Darkness (Midnight Breed #13)
» Midnight Awakening (Midnight Breed #3)
» Crave The Night (Midnight Breed #12)
» Kiss of Crimson (Midnight Breed #2)
» Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed #11)
» Kiss of Midnight (Midnight Breed #1)
» Darker After Midnight (Midnight Breed #10)
» Stroke of Midnight (Midnight Breed #13.5)
» Deeper Than Midnight (Midnight Breed #9)
» Tempted by Midnight (Midnight Breed #12.5)
» Taken by Midnight (Midnight Breed #8)
» Marked by Midnight (Midnight Breed #11.5)