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Unsuitable Page 54
Author: Samantha Towle

Kas wraps his hands around the mug and stares down into it. “I’ve thought a lot this weekend.”

“About?” I ask quietly.

“You.” He lifts his eyes to mine, and the look in them makes my heart beat faster.

“I can’t change the way I behaved, and I can’t explain why I walked out on you. It was the truth when I said I didn’t know how to do this kind of thing, how to treat someone I like. Because I do like you, Daisy. A hell of a lot. I think you’re smart and strong and challenging—”

“Challenging?” I lift a brow.

“I mean it in a good way.” His lips tip up. “I like that you don’t take my shit. You’re a fighter, and I fucking love that. And the way you love your brother and have sacrificed so much for him…it’s inspiring. You’re compassionate and loyal and beautiful. So very fucking beautiful.”

He thinks I’m beautiful. And he sees me in this crappy work uniform, stinking of cleaning products.

My cheeks flush at his compliment.

“And I know you said that you were done, but I’m asking you to reconsider. To give me another chance. I’ll beg if I have to.”

He grins, and I smile.

“Give me a chance, and I promise, I won’t fuck it up.”

My smile turns skeptical, and I lift my brow again.

“Okay.” He chuckles, holding up his hands in surrender. “I can’t promise I won’t fuck it up because this is me that we’re talking about. But I do promise that I will try my very best not to fuck it up.” He lowers his hands to the countertop. “I know I’m difficult and a total arsehole at times—”

My brow lifts higher, and he laughs.

“Okay, I’m an arsehole most of the time. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you…because I do. I want you like you wouldn’t fucking believe.”

He wants me.

“Just give me another chance. Let me take you out on a date. I want to spend time with you, away from this place. So, what do you say? Go out with me, please.”

Now that I know what he had to deal with when he was younger—well, I don’t know for sure exactly what happened, but from what I’ve put together, it was bad—it makes him a hell of a lot easier to understand.

And I do want him.

So much more than I ever thought possible.

But I still wait a moment before answering. He deserves to sweat a little.

“Okay,” I finally say.

A smile breaks out across his face. “Okay?”

I can’t help but smile in return, but I fight to keep it modest. “Okay. You’ve got your chance. But this is your last chance, Kas, so try your hardest not to screw it up.” I smile.

His smile turns into a cheeky grin. It melts me.

“I’ll try really, really hard.” His voice accentuates the word hard, and my mind instantly goes in the gutter.

I feel my face heat, so I bring the coffee cup up to my lips and take a sip, trying to cover it up.

Kas puts his cup down and stands. He walks around the island to me. He takes the cup from my hand and puts it down.

Then, he takes my face in his hands, and my heart bumps clumsily in my chest.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asks softly. His thumb brushes over the corner of my lips.

“I’m working.” I give him a knowing smile.

His brow lifts. “And what about after work?”

I wait a beat and then say, “I’m free.”

He grins. “Good.” Then, he leans in and kisses me in the spot where his thumb just touched.

My whole body responds instantly. My legs turn to jelly from that one small touch of his lips against mine. I have to grip ahold of his waist to keep upright.

He moves back, smiling, like he’s fully aware of what he does to me.

“I’ll take you out straight after work. Bring some gym clothes and comfortable shoes with you.”

“You’re taking me to a gym on our first date?” I squint.

I mean, I like to run and keep fit, but sweating in a gym, in front of Kas, is not my idea of a fun first date.

“No.” He laughs softly. “I said, bring gym clothes, not that I was taking you to the gym.”

“Okay. So, where are you taking me then?”

He leans in and brushes his lips over mine, making me shiver. “You’ll find out tomorrow,” he whispers.

Then, he releases me and walks around the island. Picking his coffee up, he walks out of the kitchen.

I’m going on a date with Kas.

Oh my God…I’m going on a date with Kas!



This is what the sign reads on the building where Kas is pulling into the car park.

“We’re here.” He turns off the engine and takes the key out of the ignition.

We’re in Brixton. I’m not sure whereabouts exactly, but aside from this nondescript building and a few factories we just passed, there’s nothing here.

“And where is here?”

His lips shift up into a panty-melting smile. “You’ll see in a few minutes.” Then, he opens his door and climbs out.

Following suit, I hang my bag on my shoulder and exit the car.

Kas has been in a really good mood the whole way here. I’m not complaining; it’s just not something I’m used to. But I really could get used to it.

He comes around the car. His tall, strong body is agile as he moves closer to me. He moves so quietly, considering the size and strength of him. Almost catlike. It’s almost as if Kas walks on different air than the rest of us.

He’s wearing black trackpants, a black T-shirt, and white trainers. He looks really hot.

Samantha Towle's Novels
» Revived (Revved #2)
» Revved (Revved #1)
» The Ending I Want
» The Storm (The Storm #3.5)
» Unsuitable
» Trouble
» Wethering the Storm (The Storm #2)
» The Mighty Storm (The Storm #1)
» The Bringer