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The Shadow (The Florentine #2) Page 33
Author: Sylvain Reynard

Raven’s mouth dropped open. “You’re telling me he wanted this?”

“I’m not saying there wasn’t a seduction. But if the human rejects the darkness forcefully, the demon looks elsewhere.”

“William is different.”

“William is a vampyre.” Father stood, picking up the cross from the table. “Do not be deceived. He’s controlled by darkness, and it’s darkness you see when you look into his eyes. It’s darkness you take into your body when you fornicate with him. If you aren’t careful, that darkness will overtake you as well.

“Reflect on that, Raven, and stay away from him.” He held the cross out to her. “Take it. It will protect you.”

“I don’t need protection from William—he protects me from the others.”

The priest held her gaze for a moment and placed the cross in his pocket. He gathered the remaining objects in his hands.

“I will return to Rome tonight. Come with me.”


“It’s dangerous here. He might kill you.”

“He’s as likely to hurt me as you are.”

The priest’s face grew stricken. Raven felt tears form at the sight.

She wanted to go to him. She wanted to hug him.

But she loved William more.

The priest sighed and rubbed at his beard before crossing to her and placing his hands on her shoulders. “Think about what I’ve said. Even if you have nothing to fear from him, you have everything to fear from the other vampyres, especially if they wish to attack him through you.”

The priest kissed her forehead. Then, with his thumb, he made the sign of the cross over her skin.

“May God protect and defend you.”

He walked to the door and unbolted it, placing his hand on the doorknob. “I’m not giving up on you, Raven.”

She nodded, her eyes wet.

“Whatever you do, don’t feed from him.” The priest’s tone was ominous. “That is a line, once crossed, that cannot be uncrossed.”

Father Kavanaugh exited her apartment, closing the door behind him.

A few minutes later, she realized he’d left the cross on the table.

Chapter Twenty-eight

William’s first concern was for the safety of the principality. He ran from building to building, leaping across the roofs, searching for any sign the Curia had invaded. He made a circuit around the city, examining the borders and the patrols with an assessing eye.

Eventually, he stood high atop the Palazzo Vecchio, staring down at the city he loved, and felt fear.

Under normal circumstances, he would have gone to the Consilium, shared his intelligence, and sent out search parties to see if any other Curia members had entered the city. But he couldn’t risk exposing Raven.

The Consilium would demand to know about her connection to the Curia and would likely sentence her to death, a sentence he could commute to transformation, as prince. But either outcome was unacceptable. Raven didn’t want to be a vampyre. And the thought of her death . . .

William shuddered.

How was it that his love for Alicia had been reduced to a small ember in comparison to the raging fire of his love for Raven? He thought he’d known love. But the warmth and affection he’d felt for Alicia was nothing compared to what he felt for Raven.

He felt desperation and desire.

The Consilium would have to be told about the infiltration of the Curia in the city, if they didn’t know about it already. The intelligence network would inevitably discover the priest’s presence. He would have to conceal Raven’s involvement, through whatever means necessary.

With a cry, he leapt from the top of the palazzo to the stones below, breaking into a run upon impact. He’d done his duty assessing the security of the principality. Now he needed to make sure Raven was safe. If the priest had decided to take her with him . . .

William didn’t want to think about the consequences.

As he raced over the Ponte Santa Trinita and over to Santo Spirito, he didn’t pray. But he spoke to his friend the saint, long dead, and begged him to pray, not for himself but for her.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Raven felt as if she were underwater; all sounds seemed distant, all sights seemed blurry.

She sat at her kitchen table, staring at Father Kavanaugh’s cross, completely immobile. Her thoughts returned to the day William had revealed what he was. She recalled watching in horror as he stuck a dagger through his hand and began to bleed. She remembered trying to flee from him.

The revelation that Jack Kavanaugh, the man she’d thought of as a father, was a member of the Curia was just as shocking, if not more so. He was the best person she knew. The most saintlike. And he belonged to a group that killed sentient beings. Furthermore, he believed William to be evil.

How could someone so wise and so kind be so deceived?

Unless he isn’t deceived, she thought.

A sliver of doubt burrowed its way into her mind.

Had William really chosen this life? Was he culpable for that choice?

Raven covered her eyes with her hands, unable to trace that line of thought to its conclusion.

Mechanically, she moved to the window, noting with some concern that William’s motorcycle was still parked outside.

He’d left her. He’d promised to protect her but he’d left. Surely he was as afraid of the Curia as she, if not more so. And he’d abandoned her.

She wondered if he’d return.

She wondered if love could be killed.

With these worries weighing on her, Raven stood, preparing to switch off the lights and go to bed. She took a step forward, pausing when she saw the cross Father Kavanaugh had left behind.

It was small and primitive looking, a wooden crucifix with a crudely carved figure of Christ. He had been so sure it would protect her, which was no doubt why he’d left it behind despite her protests.

It must be a relic.

She examined the cross, wondering what kind of relic it was. Some crucifixes had the relic inside, visible through a tiny window on the back. This one had no such window. She was about to place it back on the table and go to bed, when a sudden realization seized her.

If this were a relic, William would avoid it. He didn’t want the others knowing about his resistance to relics. He’d removed the relic he’d initially given her from her apartment when they first came to know one another, so as not to arouse suspicion.

If she wanted William to return, she needed to remove the cross as soon as possible. She grabbed her keys, tucked her cell phone into the back pocket of her jeans, and exited her apartment, locking the door securely behind her.

As she descended the staircase, clutching the railing in the absence of her cane, her heart beat quickly. She moved through the back door and walked to a neighboring building, which also faced the piazza. She wasn’t sure what kind of radius a relic projected, but she decided that three buildings away should be far enough.

She placed the cross in a small alcove next to a shuttered window. At least it would offer her neighbors some kind of protection. She turned around and was just approaching her back door when she felt a sudden gust of wind.

She opened her mouth to scream, but a hand closed over it, muffling the sound.

Chapter Thirty

Raven struggled, but only until her eyes met William’s.

He motioned to her to be quiet before lifting her in his arms and sweeping around the side of the building to his motorcycle. He placed her on her feet, his arms wrapped like iron bands around her waist.

Sylvain Reynard's Novels
» The Shadow (The Florentine #2)
» The Raven (The Florentine #1)
» The Prince (The Florentine 0.5)