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The Iron Warrior (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #3) Page 92
Author: Julie Kagawa

Beside us, Puck gave a very exaggerated sniff and wiped his cheek. “Aw, it’s a Hallmark moment,” he remarked, while the Wolf snorted and rolled his eyes. “Remind me to never ever ever ever ever have kids, ever.”

The Wolf panted a grin. “I think the entire world would echo that sentiment, Goodfellow.”

“See? Never say I’m not a giver.” Gazing back toward the trio in the clearing, he winced. “Well, here come the courts. Things are gonna get interesting.”

I looked back. The courts had indeed arrived, with Oberon, Titania and Mab at the head, a large crowd of fey trailing behind. Quickly, we walked forward to join Meghan, Ash and Keirran, as the armies of Summer, Winter and Iron crowded the clearing, dozens of angry fey eyes fastened on the prince.

Keirran gently freed himself from Meghan’s arms, stepped back and lowered himself to a knee, bowing his head, as the rulers of Faery halted a few yards away. I could feel the angry energy swirling in the air, freezing temperatures making my skin prickle and static electricity making my hair stand up.

“Prince Keirran.” It was Oberon who spoke, and his voice was not friendly. “You have returned. Where is the First Queen?”

“She’s dead, Lord Oberon,” Keirran replied, keeping his head bowed. “She will threaten the courts and the Between no more. The war is over. The Forgotten have relinquished this fight...” His voice dropped a little. “As have I.”

“How convenient,” came Titania’s smooth, hateful voice. “Now that the First Queen is gone, you attempt to beg your way back to the court’s good graces. But we have not forgotten your crimes, the destruction you brought to the Nevernever, the lives you took, your attempt to destroy the Veil. The Iron Queen cannot protect you this time, Prince.” Titania narrowed her eyes, her lip curled in hate and triumph. “You are a traitor to Faery, and the law demands you must be punished. Death or eternal exile from the Nevernever. That is the reward for treason. And neither Mab nor the Iron Queen can argue with that. It is the ancient law.”

“Screw the law,” I broke in, startling everyone, even myself. Why the hell was I defending him again? I just couldn’t stop myself when it came to family. Keirran deserved punishment, sure, but I was thinking more community service or maybe grounding him until he was a hundred. Death or eternal exile from his world and family seemed a little harsh, even for him.

Besides, I’d be damned if I let the evil Summer bitch queen have her way here. I might’ve been pissed at my nephew, but I couldn’t stand Titania. “He killed the First Queen,” I went on, staring the rulers down. “The Lady would have destroyed the Veil, and Keirran chose to stop her and end the war himself. That should count for something.”

“You know nothing of our laws, Ethan Chase.” This time, Mab was the one who spoke, though her voice was not quite as venomous as Titania’s. The Winter Queen almost sounded...regretful. Almost. “Prince Keirran is a traitor to all of Faery. He waged war on the courts, trying to bring a usurper to power. Not only that, he attempted to destroy the Veil and throw both the mortal realm and the Nevernever into chaos. He is responsible for the destruction of hundreds of lives and, had his plan succeeded, thousands more. Any one of those crimes would be cause for death or exile. We cannot simply turn a blind eye, even if the Iron Prince is the queen’s son. Even if he is kin to us all.” Mab raised her voice, her tone icy. “The law is clear. He must face the consequences of his actions.”

“If the Iron Queen refuses,” Titania added, smirking at Meghan, “she faces war from both Summer and Winter. Do not think you can let the prince go free. The whole Nevernever will rebel if you do.”

“I am well aware of this, Queen Titania,” Meghan said tightly. “Have I said anything to the contrary? Keirran will be punished, but perhaps you would allow me to decide my son’s fate on my own.”

The Summer Queen glared at her. “He deserves death,” she hissed, making me tense, and Kenzie stiffened in horror. “Exile is too good for him, not with the destruction he has caused. That boy is a danger to the Nevernever and all of Faery, and we should make certain he will never have the chance to rebel again.”

“If any would like to try,” came Ash’s deep, terrifying voice, and a sheet of frost spread over the ground, “they can step forward right now.” Unsurprisingly, no one did.

“What would you have us do, then, Iron Queen?” Oberon asked. “Titania does raise a serious concern. Your son is a prince of Faery, with the glamour of all three courts flowing through him. You have seen firsthand the destruction he is capable of. If we exile him, how do we know he will not someday return with an army of exiles at his back to threaten the Nevernever once more?”

“Oh, come on!” Kenzie exclaimed. “He’s right there, on his knees. Does he really look like he’s going to try to take over the Nevernever again?” Her voice softened, and she gazed down at the prince in sympathy. “He’s lost things, too,” she murmured. “More than you would understand. If you just talked to him, you would know that.”

“Is that so?” Oberon didn’t sound convinced. “Then perhaps he should tell us these things. Speak, then, Iron Prince,” he ordered, gazing down at the kneeling faery. “Now is your chance to state your intentions, before we decide your fate. Do you not have anything to say on your behalf?”

“I throw myself on the mercy of the courts,” Keirran replied in a flat voice, not looking up. “I have nothing to say in my defense. Do with me what you will. But...” He hesitated, then took a quiet breath. “Please, spare the Forgotten. They were pawns in the Lady’s scheme, and she...we, used them terribly. They’re not a threat to the courts or the Nevernever. They truly just want to survive.”

Julie Kagawa's Novels
» The Iron Warrior (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #3)
» The Forever Song (Blood of Eden #3)
» Rogue (Talon #2)
» Talon (Talon #1)
» Summer's Crossing (The Iron Fey #3.5)
» Iron's Prophecy (The Iron Fey #4.5)
» The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1)
» The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden #2)
» The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1)
» Winter's Passage (Iron Fey #1.5)
» The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2)
» The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey #3)
» The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey #4)
» The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #1)
» The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #2)