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Can You Keep a Secret? Page 63
Author: Sophie Kinsella

Except that would be a bit mean.

And besides, she's not the only one. Everyone is dropping Jack Harper into their conversations, left, right and centre. It's as if now he's gone, everyone's suddenly pretending they were his best friend and he thought their idea was perfect.

Apart from me. I'm just keeping my head down and not mentioning his name at all.

Partly because I know that if I do, I'll blush bright red, or give some huge, goofy smile or something. Partly because I have a horrible feeling that if I once start talking about Jack, I won't be able to stop. But mainly because no-one ever brings the subject up with me. After all, what would I know about Jack Harper? I'm only the crappy assistant, after all.

'Hey!' says Nick, looking up from his phone. 'Jack Harper's going to be on television!'


I feel a jolt of surprise. Jack's going to be on television?

How come he didn't tell me?

'Is a TV crew coming to the office, or anything?' says Artemis, smoothing down her hair.


'OK folks,' says Paul, coming out of his office. 'Jack Harper has done an interview on Business Watch, and it's being broadcast at twelve. A television is being set up in the large meeting room; anyone who would like to can go along and watch there. But we need one person to stay behind and man the phones.' His gaze falls on me. 'Emma. You can stay.'

'What?' I say blankly.

'You can stay and man the phones,' says Paul. 'OK?'

'No! I mean … I want to watch!' I say in dismay. 'Can't someone else stay behind? Artemis, can't you stay?'

'I'm not staying!' says Artemis at once. 'Honestly, Emma, don't be so selfish. It won't be at all interesting for you.'

'Yes it will!'

'No it won't.' She rolls her eyes.

'It will,'I say desperately. 'He's … he's my boss too!'

'Yes, well,' says Artemis sarcastically, 'I think there's a slight difference. You've barely even spoken to Jack Harper.'

'I have!' I say before I can stop myself. 'I have! I …' I break off, my cheeks turning pink. 'I … once went to a meeting he was at …'

'And served him a cup of tea?' Artemis meets Nick's eyes with a little smirk.

I stare at her furiously, blood pounding through my ears, wishing just once I could think of something really scathing and clever to put Artemis down.

'Enough, Artemis,' says Paul. 'Emma, you're staying here, and that's settled.'

By five to twelve the office is completely empty. Apart from me, a fly and a whirring fax machine. Disconsolately I reach into my desk drawer and take out an Aero. And a Flake for good measure. I'm just unwrapping the Aero and taking a big bite when the phone rings.

'OK,' comes Lissy's voice down the line. 'I've set the video.'

'Thanks, Liss,' I say through a mouthful of chocolate. 'You're a star.'

'I can't believe you're not allowed to watch.'

'I know. It's completely unfair.' I slump deeper in my chair and take another bite of Aero.

'Well, never mind, we'll watch it again tonight. Jemima's going to put the video on in her room too, so we should definitely catch it.'

'What's Jemima doing at home?' I say in surprise.

'She's taken a sickie so she can do a home spa day. Oh, and your dad rang,' she adds cautiously.

'Oh right.' I feel a flicker of apprehension. 'What did he say?'

I haven't talked to Mum or Dad since the débâcle at the Corporate Family Day. I just can't bring myself to. It was all too painful and embarrassing, and for all I know, they've completely taken Kerry's side.

So when Dad rang here on the following Monday, I said I was really busy and I'd call him back — and, never did. And the same thing at home.

I know I'll have to talk to them some time. But not now. Not while I'm so happy.

'He'd seen the trailer for the interview,' says Lissy. 'He recognized Jack and just wondered if you knew about it. And he said …' She pauses. 'He really wanted to talk to you about a few things.'

'Oh.' I stare at my notepad, where I've doodled a huge spiral over a telephone number I was supposed to be keeping.

'Anyway, he and your mum are going to be watching it,' says Lissy. 'And your grandpa.'

Great. Just great. The entire world is watching Jack on television. The entire world except me.

When I've put the phone down, I go and get myself a coffee from the new machine, which actually does make a very nice café au lait. I come back and look around the quiet office, then go and pour orange juice into Artemis's spider plant. And some photocopier toner for good measure.

Then I feel a bit mean. It's not the plant's fault, after all.

'Sorry,' I say out loud, and touch one of its leaves. 'It's just your owner is a real cow. But then, you probably knew that.'

'Talking to your mystery man?' comes a sarcastic voice from behind me, and I turn round in shock, to see Connor standing in the doorway.

'Connor!' I say. 'What are you doing here?'

'I'm on my way to watch the TV interview. But I just wanted a quick word.' He takes a few steps into the office, and fixes me with an accusing stare. 'So. You lied to me.'

Oh shit. Has Connor guessed? Did he see something at the Corporate Family Day?

'What do you mean?' I say nervously.

'I've just had a little chat with Tristan from Design.' Connor's voice swells with indignation. 'He's gay! You're not going out with him at all, are you?'

He cannot be serious. Connor didn't seriously think I was going out with Tristan from Design, did he? I mean, Tristan could not look more gay if he wore leopardskin hotpants, carried a handbag, and walked around humming Barbra Streisand hits.

'No,' I say, managing to keep a straight face. 'I'm not going out with Tristan.'

'Well!' says Connor, nodding as though he's scored a hundred points and doesn't quite know what to do with them. 'Well. I just don't see why you feel it necessary to lie to me.' He lifts his chin in wounded dignity. 'That's all. I just would have thought we could be a little honest with each other.'

Sophie Kinsella's Novels
» My Not So Perfect Life
» Twenties Girl
» I've Got Your Number
» Can You Keep a Secret?
» Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4)
» Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2)
» Remember Me?
» The Undomestic Goddess
» Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3)
» Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)
» Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
» Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6)
» Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5)
» Finding Audrey