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Fade Out (The Morganville Vampires #7) Page 5
Author: Rachel Caine


Myrnin let out a slow breath.

"What the heck was that?" Claire asked. Ada creeped her out, and besides, Ada really didn't like her. Claire was, in some sense, a rival for Myrnin's attention, and Ada . . .

Ada was kind of in love with him.

Myrnin looked down at the necklace and the portrait lying flat in his palm. For a moment, he didn't say anything, and Claire honestly thought he wouldn't bother. Then, without looking up, he said, "I did care for her, you know." She thought he was saying it to himself more than to her. "Ada wanted me to turn her, and I did. She was with me for almost a hundred years before . . ."

Before he snapped one day, Claire thought. And Ada died before he could stop himself. Myrnin had told her the first day she'd met him that he was dangerous to be around, and that he'd gone through a lot of assistants.

Ada had been the first one he'd killed.

"It wasn't your fault," Claire heard herself saying. "You were sick."

Myrnin's shoulders moved just a little, up and down - a shrug, a very small one. "It's an explanation, not an excuse," he said, and looked up at her. She was a little startled by what she saw - he almost looked, well, human.

And then it was gone. He straightened, slid the necklace into the pocket of his vest, and nodded toward the box. "Continue," he said. "There may yet be something more useful than sentimental nonsense in there."

Ouch. She didn't even like Ada, and that still stung. She hoped the computer - the computer that held Ada's still-sort-of-living brain - wasn't listening.

Fat chance.

The afternoon passed. Claire learned to scan the sheets of paper instead of read them; mostly, they were just letters, an archive of Myrnin's friendship with people long gone, or vampires still around. A lot were from Amelie, over the years - interesting, but it was all still history, and history equaled boring.

It wasn't until she was almost to the bottom of the second box that she found something she didn't recognize. She picked up the odd-shaped thing - sculpture? - and sat it on her palm. It was metal, but it was surprisingly light. Kind of a faintly rusty sheen, but it definitely wasn't iron. It was etched with symbols, some of which she recognized as alchemical. "What's this?"

Before the words were out of her mouth, her palm was empty, Myrnin was across the room, and he was turning the weird little object over and over in his hands, fingers gliding over every angle and trembling on the outlined symbols. "Yes," he whispered, and then louder, "Yes!" He bounced in place, for all the world like Eve with her Blanche DuBois note, and stopped to wave the thing at Claire. "You see?"

"Sure," she said. "What is it?"

His lips parted, and for a second she thought he was going to tell her, but then some crafty little light came into his eyes, and he closed his hand around the sharp outlines of the thing. "Nothing," he purred. "Pray continue. I'll be - over here." He moved to an area of the lab where he had a reading corner with a big leather armchair and a stained-glass lamp. He carefully moved the chair so its back was toward her, and plunked himself down with his bunny-slippered feet up on a hassock to examine his find.

"Freak," she sighed.

"I heard that!"

"Good." Claire sawed through the ropes on the next-to-last box.

It exploded.


When Claire opened her eyes again, she saw three faces looming over her. One was Myrnin's, and he looked concerned. One was the shining blond head of her housemate Michael Glass - Michael had her hand in his, which was nice, because he was sweet, and he had beautiful hands, too. The last face took her a moment, and then recognition clicked into place. "Oh," Claire murmured. "Hello, Dr. Theo."

"Hello, Claire," said Theo Goldman, and put a finger to his lips. He was a kind-looking older man, a bit frayed around the edges, and he had an antique black stethoscope in his ears. He was listening to her heart. "Ah. Very good. Your heart is still beating, I'm sure you'll be very pleased to hear."

"Yay," Claire said, and tried to sit up. That was a bad idea, and Michael had to support her when she lost her balance. The headache hit a moment later, massive as a hurricane inside her skull. "Ow?"

"You struck your head when you fell," Theo said. "I don't believe there's any permanent damage, but you should see your physician and have the tests done. I should hate to think I missed anything."

Claire pulled in a deep breath. "Maybe I should see Dr. Mills. Just in case - hey, wait. Why did I fall?"

They all exchanged looks. "You don't remember?" Michael asked.

"Why? Is that bad? Is that brain damage?"

"No," Theo said firmly, "it is quite natural to have some loss of memory around such an event."

"What kind of event?" There it was again, that silence, and Claire raised her personal terror alert from yellow to orange. "Anybody?"

Myrnin said, "It was a bomb."

She blinked, not entirely sure she'd heard him right. "A bomb. Are you sure you understand what that is? Because - " She gestured vaguely at herself, then around at the room, which looked pretty much untouched. All glassware intact. "Because generally bombs go boom."

"It was a light bomb," Myrnin said. "Touch your face."

Now that she thought about it, her face did feel a bit hot. She put her fingers on her cheeks. Burning hot. "What happened to me?" She couldn't keep the fear out of her voice.

Theo and Michael both tried to talk at once, but Michael won. "It's like a sunburn," he said. "Your face is a little pink, that's all."

Rachel Caine's Novels
» Ghost Town (The Morganville Vampires #9)
» Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires #8)
» Fade Out (The Morganville Vampires #7)
» Feast of Fools (The Morganville Vampires #4)
» Midnight Alley (The Morganville Vampires #3)
» The Dead Girls' Dance (The Morganville Vampires #2)
» Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires #1)
» Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires #5)
» Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires #6)
» Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires #10)
» Last Breath (The Morganville Vampires #11)
» Black Dawn (The Morganville Vampires #12)
» Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires #13)
» Fall of Night (The Morganville Vampires #14)
» Daylighters (The Morganville Vampires #15)