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Sawyer (Alluring Indulgence #7) Page 38
Author: Nicole Edwards

God, he was a first-rate asshole back then.

“Are you the gay police now?” Ricky asked, moving forward and pulling Sawyer from his thoughts. “You gonna fight all their battles?”

“Their battles?” Sawyer snapped. “That’s my family you’re referrin’ to. You’re damn right I’ll fight their battles. Every fucking one of them if necessary.”

Sawyer’s fists were clenching at his sides and he fought the urge to punch Ricky in the face. It would’ve made him feel a little better, but he didn’t need to do more to piss off Mack, although he wasn’t exactly sure what he’d done to garner his wrath in the first place. However, one surefire way to get the bartender riled up was to start shit in his bar.

“Sawyer, I think it’s time you moved along.”

Sawyer spun around to see Sheriff Endsley standing just a few feet away, his unyielding gaze pinning Sawyer in place. Rather than argue, Sawyer nodded and headed toward the door without another word. Unfortunately, Sheriff Endsley followed close on his heels.

Based on the man’s posture, Sawyer knew the other man had something to say and he welcomed whatever was on his mind, but he wasn’t sure he could handle it tonight. He was pissed, the rage churning inside him. A strong hand on his shoulder had Sawyer spinning around, coming face-to-face with the sheriff, and he fought the urge to throw a punch. He wasn’t stupid.

“I’m not sure what kinda stunt you’re tryin’ to pull, Sawyer, but I’m sick of this shit. You’re drawin’ attention where it doesn’t need to be.”

Sawyer was at a loss for words, confused by the anger plastered on Jeff’s face. Oddly, it matched the expression Mack had when Sawyer had entered the bar.

“I warned Mack. I told him to stay away from that place, but no, he was curious. And look where that got us.”

“Where’s that?” Sawyer asked, confused.

“Right where the others have been. Your so-called discreet club . . . It’s nothin’ but a sham. There ain’t nothin’ private about it. The rumors have started and it’s hard to believe . . .”

When Jeff didn’t finish his sentence, Sawyer took a step closer. “Hard to believe what?” he asked defensively.

“I’d appreciate if you’d stay the hell out of my business,” Jeff said softly. “You’ve done enough damage to enough people.”

“What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” Sawyer felt as though he’d been sucker punched. He got the feeling that Jeff was pinning this on him, blaming Sawyer for the rumor that had started—although he hadn’t heard a damn thing up to this point so he wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t. Jeff’s next words solidified Sawyer’s fears.

“Funny how you personally assured us that no one would find out and then all of a sudden it’s spread around town. Is that your way of marketing that damn club?”

Sawyer’s eyebrows turned down, confusion racking him. “Me? You think I said somethin’?”

“It’s hard to think otherwise. I know how you work. I remember all too well how you treated Kennedy back in high school. My daughter was right in not trustin’ you, Walker. And if you wanna do right by her, wanna fix the wrongs you’ve done, you’ll back off.”

“Back off? What are you sayin’?” Sawyer had an idea, but he wanted to hear Jeff say it.

“Stay away from Kennedy.”

Sawyer was immediately drawn back to the past, to the night he and his friends had toilet-papered Kennedy’s house as a joke. Unfortunately, that was one of the few times they’d ever been caught, and by Jeff, no less. However, in Sawyer’s defense, it had been a case of kids being kids. He’d grown up since then.

Was that what this was? Was Jeff trying to keep Sawyer away from Kennedy because he’d pulled a few pranks when he was a kid? He didn’t see how that made him untrustworthy though. Certainly not enough for Jeff to fault him for some bullshit like this. Then again, if Kennedy had shared with her father how she’d been treated in high school, it was possible that Jeff blamed him personally.

“I’m done,” Sawyer said, exasperated. He didn’t have to put up with this bullshit. Turning back around, fully intending to get in his car and head home, Sawyer stopped suddenly. The instant he saw Kennedy standing just a few feet away in the parking lot, Sawyer knew he’d been right about Jeff. Keeping Sawyer away from Kennedy was his plan after all.

Sawyer’s eyes met Kennedy’s and he noticed the fury flashing in them. Yeah, she’d heard it all, just as her father intended. And he knew then that no matter how hard he tried, she wasn’t going to trust him.

Nicole Edwards's Novels
» Sawyer (Alluring Indulgence #7)
» Braydon (Alluring Indulgence #6)
» Brendon (Alluring Indulgence #8)
» Addicted (Club Destiny #2.5)
» Ethan (Alluring Indulgence #5)
» Temptation (Club Destiny #2)
» Holidays with the Walker Brothers (Alluring Indulgence #4)
» Conviction (Club Destiny #1)
» Entrusted (Club Destiny #7)
» Perception (Club Destiny #6)
» Devotion (Club Destiny #5)
» Captivated (Club Destiny #4.5)
» Infatuation (Club Destiny #4)
» Seduction (Club Destiny #3)