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Holidays with the Walker Brothers (Alluring Indulgence #4) Page 60
Author: Nicole Edwards

“Travis’ turn,” Zane called.

“Bullsh –” Before he could get the curse out, Kylie’s hand shot over, effectively covering his mouth.

Travis’ head jerked toward his youngest brother. He did not want to know what was in the box sitting on his knee. He damn sure didn’t want to open it in front of his parents or Kylie’s.

Grabbing the small gift that had been placed in front of him, he picked at the edges of the paper as he glanced around the room. He had no idea who drew his name this year, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. The idea of secret Santa with this group was kind of scary, all things considered.

“What did you get?” Zoey asked.

Peeking inside, just in case it was something that would make his mother want to run and hide, Travis studied the small cluster of bottles.

“Need some help?” Kylie asked sweetly, staring up at him from her position at his side.

“No, I don’t need any help,” he growled. Lifting the bottles out of the box, he held them up.

“Neon Warming Message Lotion,” Travis said, reading the description. He had no idea what the rationale was behind that one, but he figured he’d find out soon enough.

“You like it?” Zane asked, and Travis cringed. Now he’d find out exactly what the reason was.

“I’m sure I can find something to do with it, thanks,” he said in a rush, putting the box on the floor at his feet.

“Well, I figured with all of those moving parts, you might need something to help you find your way in the dark.”

Travis glared at Zane, but everyone else laughed, including Curtis, whose booming chuckle resounded over everyone else.

“Next,” Kaleb called out when the laughter died down somewhat.

“I say it’s Ethan’s turn.”

“Nuh-uh,” Ethan added. “Zane can go next.”

Travis knew this was only going to go downhill from there, so he sat back and sent up a silent prayer that this would not get out of hand.



Brendon pulled Jessie in close to his side as he rested on the arm of the couch close to where Kaleb and Zoey were sitting. The room was full, and there was limited seating, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Granted, it could be at each other’s expense considering this secret Santa idea had taken a remarkably quick detour to the naughty.

Then again, this was a Walker family holiday, so Brendon shouldn’t have expected much less.

Watching as Zane opened the gift he’d been presented, Brendon held his breath. There was no telling what was in that large flat box or whether it was even appropriate for present company, but they were all about to find out together.

Zane slowly slid the item out of the box before holding it up for everyone to see. “What is it?” he asked.

“It’s a net,” Ethan explained.

“What the he–” Zane paused, “What the heck do I need a net for?”

“Because we’re still waitin’ for you to catch her,” Ethan said, nodding toward V.

“Shut up,” Zane said, grinning from ear to ear as he tossed the net on the floor. “I caught her. Look, this proves it.”

Pulling a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, Zane held it up for everyone to see. “March twenty-second,” he said proudly.

A round of applause replaced the laughter.

About damn time, Brendon thought to himself. He knew those two would eventually tie the knot, but he was wondering if they would all have to wait an eternity for that to happen.

“Congratulations, Bubba,” Braydon said over his shoulder.

Zane just grinned from ear to ear.

“Who’s next?” Gage asked.

“How about one of the ladies this time?” Zane suggested.

“The bride to be,” Jessie added.

V glanced over at them, frowning.

“Good idea. V, what did you get?” Sawyer said.

With hurried movements, V quickly retrieved the item from the gift bag sitting on the floor at her feet. When she pulled out the bottle everyone remained silent, waiting to hear what it was.

“Wine,” V said with a laugh. “Thank God.”

“Figured you’d need it,” Beau told her from across the room.

“Well, you were right.” Setting the bottle back in the bag, V leaned back and entwined her arm with Zane’s while he pretended to pout. They shared a quick kiss and then the game moved on to the next person.

Brendon glanced over at Jessie. She seemed to fit in perfectly in this family. And it was days like this when he wondered whether his way of life was keeping him from something more. Although, there was no reason he should want more than he had. But, if he honestly thought about it, in the long run, Jessie could probably make him truly happy.

Nicole Edwards's Novels
» Sawyer (Alluring Indulgence #7)
» Braydon (Alluring Indulgence #6)
» Brendon (Alluring Indulgence #8)
» Addicted (Club Destiny #2.5)
» Ethan (Alluring Indulgence #5)
» Temptation (Club Destiny #2)
» Holidays with the Walker Brothers (Alluring Indulgence #4)
» Conviction (Club Destiny #1)
» Entrusted (Club Destiny #7)
» Perception (Club Destiny #6)
» Devotion (Club Destiny #5)
» Captivated (Club Destiny #4.5)
» Infatuation (Club Destiny #4)
» Seduction (Club Destiny #3)