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Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4) Page 30
Author: Sophie Kinsella

I untie Ginger and start leading him out of the village, trying to stop the hatboxes bobbing up and down too much. A couple of people gawp as we go by, but that’s OK. They’re probably just not used to strangers in these parts.

We’re just approaching the first bend when I hear a clattering sound ahead. The next moment, Suze and Lulu appear on their horses.

“There she is!” says Lulu, shading her eyes against the sun.

“Bex!” cries Suze. “We were worried! Are you OK?”

“I’m fine!” I call back. “We’ve been having a lovely time!”

As they come nearer I can see Suze and Lulu exchanging stunned glances.

“Bex… what have you done to Ginger?” says Suze, her eyes running over all the bags and boxes in disbelief.

“Nothing,” I say. “He’s fine. I just took him shopping. I got these two great hats!”

I wait for Suze to say “Let’s see them!” but she looks totally gobsmacked.

“She took a horse… shopping,” Lulu says slowly. She glances at me, then leans over and whispers something in Suze’s ear.

Suddenly Suze gives a helpless snort and claps her hand to her mouth.

I feel my face flame.

She’s laughing at me.

Somehow I never thought Suze would laugh at me.

As soon as we’re back at the house, Lulu heads off home, and Suze has to rush in and feed the twins. I’m left in the stable yard with Albert, who is a total sweetie and helps me untie all my bags and packages from Ginger’s tack.

I’m walking out when Luke approaches, in his Barbour and Wellingtons.

“So how was it?” he says cheerfully.

“It was… all right,” I say, staring at the ground. I’m waiting for Luke to ask what’s wrong, but he seems distracted.

“Becky, I’ve just had a call from Gary at the office,” he says. “We need to get going on the Arcodas Group pitch. I’m really sorry, but I’m going to have to head back to town. But listen. Why don’t you stay on here for a few days?” He smiles. “I know how desperate you were to see Suze.”

And suddenly I feel a swell of emotion. He’s right. I was desperate to see Suze and I’m bloody well going to. Who cares about stupid Lulu? I’m going to have a proper chat with my best friend, right now.

I hurry into the house to find her in the kitchen, feeding both the twins at once while Ernie fights for a place on her lap.

“Suze, listen,” I say eagerly. “It’s your birthday coming up. I want to treat you to something really special. Let’s go to Milan! Just the two of us!”

“Milan?” She looks up, her face strained. “Ernie, stop it, sweetheart. Bex, I can’t go to Milan! What about the babies?”

“They could come with us!”

“No, they couldn’t,” says Suze, sounding almost sharp. “Bex, you just don’t understand!”

I smart at her words. Why does everyone keep telling me I don’t understand? How do they know?

“OK, then,” I say, trying to stay cheerful. “Let’s have a fab birthday lunch right here! I’ll bring all the food, you won’t have to do a thing… ”

“I can’t,” Suze says, without looking at me. “Actually I’ve… I’ve already made plans for my birthday. Lulu and I are going to a spa for the day. A special mother and baby day. She’s treating me.”

I can’t hide my shock. Suze and I always spend our birthdays together.

“Right.” I focus on the back of the door, where an ancient tweed jacket, about six dog leads, and what seems to be a dead pheasant are hanging. “Well… have fun. Enjoy it!”

There’s silence in the kitchen. I don’t know what to say.

I’ve never not known what to say to Suze.

“Bex… you weren’t here,” Suze says suddenly, and I can hear the distress in her voice. “You weren’t here. What was I supposed to do? Have no friends?”

“Of course not!” I say brightly. “Don’t be silly!”

“I couldn’t have survived without Lulu. She’s been a real support to me out here.”

“Of course she has.” Tears are suddenly pricking at my eyes and I turn away, fiercely blinking them back. “Well… you have fun together. I’m sure you will.”

“Bex, don’t be like that. Look… I’ll speak to Lulu about the spa. I’m sure we could find a third place.”

She’s taking pity on me. I can’t bear it.

“No!” With an almighty effort I manage a laugh. “Really, it’s no big deal. I probably wouldn’t have time anyway. In fact… I came in to tell you we have to go back to London. Luke’s got work engagements.”

Sophie Kinsella's Novels
» My Not So Perfect Life
» Twenties Girl
» I've Got Your Number
» Can You Keep a Secret?
» Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4)
» Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2)
» Remember Me?
» The Undomestic Goddess
» Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3)
» Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)
» Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
» Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6)
» Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5)
» Finding Audrey