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Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2) Page 124
Author: Sophie Kinsella

“He shouldn’t have told you,” I mutter furiously. “I told him not to. He promised.”

“Well, he did tell me! And now…” Luke breaks off. “And now I don’t know what to say,” he says more quietly. “ ‘Thank you’ doesn’t even come close.”

We stare at each other in silence for a few moments.

“You don’t have to say anything,” I say at last, looking away. “I only did it because I can’t stand Alicia. No other reason.”

“So… I’ve put you on row thirty-two,” says the checkin girl brightly. “Boarding should be at four thirty…” She takes one further look at my passport and her expression changes. “Hey! You’re the one off Morning Coffee, aren’t you?”

“I used to be,” I say with a polite smile.

“Oh right,” she says puzzledly. As she hands over my passport and boarding card, her eye runs over my FT, and stops at Luke’s photograph. She looks up at Luke, and down again.

“Hang on. Are you him?” she says, jabbing at the picture.

“I used to be,” says Luke after a pause. “Come on, Becky. Let me buy you a drink, at least.”

We sit down at a little table with glasses of Pernod. I can see the light on Luke’s phone lighting up every five seconds, indicating that someone’s trying to call him. But he doesn’t even seem to notice.

“I wanted to ring you,” he says, staring into his drink. “Every single day, I wanted to ring. But… it’s been so crazy since I got back. And what you said about me not having time for a real relationship? That really stuck with me. Plus…” He breaks off into silence.

“Plus what?” I say at last.

“I wasn’t sure,” he says, and looks up with frank brown eyes. “The truth is, I didn’t know whether we could make it work. It seemed in New York that we suddenly split apart, and started going in different directions. It was as though we didn’t understand each other anymore.”

I should be able to hear this without reacting. But for some reason the back of my throat feels tight all over again.

“So — what happened?” I say, forcing myself to sound matter-of-fact. “Why are you here? The day when all your investors have flown in to see you.”

“Not ideal. I’ll give you that.” A flicker of amusement passes briefly across his face. “But how was I to know you were planning to skip the country? Michael’s been a secretive bastard. And when I heard you were leaving…” He meets my eyes. “I suddenly realized.”

“Realized… what?” I manage.

“That I’d been a fucking… stupid…”

He pushes his glass around the table abstractly, as though searching for something, and I stare at him apprehensively. “You were right,” he says suddenly. “I was obsessed with making it in New York. It was a kind of madness. I couldn’t see anything else. Jesus, I’ve fucked everything up, haven’t I? You… us… the business…”

“Come on, Luke,” I say awkwardly. “You can’t take credit for everything. I fucked up a good few things for you…” I stop as Luke shakes his head. He drains his glass and gives me a frank look.

“There’s something you need to know. Becky — how do you think The Daily World got hold of your financial details?”

I look at him in surprise.

“It… it was the council tax girl. The girl who came to the flat and snooped around while Suze was…” I tail away as he shakes his head again.

“It was Alicia.”

For a moment I’m too taken aback to speak.

“Alicia?” I manage at last. “How do you… why would she…”

“When we searched her office we found some bank statements of yours in her desk. Some letters, too. Christ alone knows how she got hold of them.” He exhales sharply. “This morning, I finally got a guy at The Daily World to admit she was the source. They just followed up what she gave them.”

I stare at him, feeling rather cold. Remembering that day I visited his office. The Conran bag with all my letters in it. Alicia standing by Mel’s desk, looking like a cat with a mouse.

I knew I’d left something behind. Oh God, how could I have been so stupid?

“You weren’t her real target,” Luke’s saying. “She did it to discredit me and the company — and distract my attention from what she was up to. They won’t confirm it, but I’m sure she was also the ‘inside source’ giving all those quotes about me.” He takes a deep breath. “The point is, Becky — I got it all wrong. My deal wasn’t ruined because of you.” He looks at me matter-of-factly. “Yours was ruined because of me.”

Sophie Kinsella's Novels
» My Not So Perfect Life
» Twenties Girl
» I've Got Your Number
» Can You Keep a Secret?
» Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4)
» Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2)
» Remember Me?
» The Undomestic Goddess
» Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3)
» Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)
» Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
» Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6)
» Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5)
» Finding Audrey