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Watch Over Me (Danvers #7) Page 48
Author: Sydney Landon

“No, it’s fine,” she answered hoarsely. “I can pick up a test. I . . . just thought I’d wait to see if I didn’t get my . . . period before I did. But, I know you want to know as soon as possible.”

“Er—sure,” he replied, not knowing what else to say. He hadn’t really wanted nor did he need to know early, but the words were out there now, and he thought it was easier to just let it go rather than dragging something out that she plainly didn’t want to discuss. Shit, it looked like Gage was right. She had been upset with him for not mentioning it sooner. He wanted to tell her that he hadn’t because it didn’t change anything at all for him, but nothing he had said was coming out right tonight. He’d just piss her off or upset her further. One thing you learned how to do well in the military was to know when it was time to retreat and that time had come and gone already. He rubbed her back before kissing her on the forehead. “I’m going to head out now. See you at the office tomorrow?”

Without making eye contact, she nodded her head and opened the door for him. If that wasn’t a sign that she wanted rid of him, he didn’t know what was. “Good night, Dominic,” she said softly and a bit too formally for his peace of mind.

“’Night, babe,” he replied as he stepped into the hallway. She had the door closed before he could turn and see her one last time. You really made a mess out of that, he thought to himself as he walked down the hallway to his apartment. He probably needed to bring more to the table tomorrow than a cup of coffee. A better mood and some groveling were definitely in order.

Spending two tours in the Marines hadn’t allowed for long-term relationships, so in many ways this was all new ground for him. He was under no illusions that this would be the last time he screwed up, but he planned to do his best not to hurt her again. He’d always thought Gage was full of shit since he never stayed with a woman long enough to be qualified to give advice, but it seemed he might have been wrong. He’d no longer disregard his buddy’s advice if it sounded even reasonably coherent. Hell, before he opened his mouth again, maybe he should solicit every piece of guidance that anyone was willing to offer.

Chapter Twelve

Going to work feeling like an emotional wreck was becoming a disturbing pattern for Gwen. One that she detested. She’d never been one to bring her problems to the office with her, but now it seemed to be happening a lot this week. She’d stepped off the elevator this morning, hoping to make it to her office without seeing anyone, but she’d had no such luck. Instead, she’d almost immediately run into her beautifully put together friend, Mia. She loved her, she really did, but Crystal would have been preferable in this instance since they both seemed to be having a miserable week. Mia, however, just glowed as a woman who was loved and in love seemed to do. No doubt, she’d had amazing sex before leaving home. God, she could almost hate her. “Morning chick,” Mia said in a singsong voice.

Gwen managed to grunt out, “Morning,” in reply before opening her office door. “I’ve got a ton of work to catch up on today,” she threw over her shoulder as she walked to her desk. She hoped the other woman would get the message, but Mia plopped down in a chair as if completely oblivious.

Before either of them could say anything, Dominic walked through the open doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand. As Mia stood, obviously intent on leaving to give them some privacy, he held up his hand, stopping her. “It’s okay. I’m just on my way out.” He walked over to Gwen, setting the cup in front of her before saying, “Gage and I are heading back to Charleston this morning. Our supervisor that we hired for the new location there has come down with the flu. And to top it off, now his assistant isn’t feeling well, either. We just don’t have anyone extra in that capacity to send. And I’m likely to be gone the rest of the week.”

Gwen felt a wave of relief. She was so confused and distraught over her feelings for him right now that knowing there was no danger of seeing him before she left for her sister’s this weekend was a much-needed reprieve. Plus, having him gone would save her from doing something crazy, like wrapping herself around his feet and holding on tight. Who knew that all it took was a hot guy to make her kick her pride to the curb? “I understand,” Gwen assured him. Waving a hand brightly, she added, “You go do your thing.” Oh dear God, did I actually just say that? Gwen groaned inwardly. She sounded like some sixteen-year-old.

To his credit, Dominic’s lips twitched only slightly at her cheesy words of encouragement. “I’ll do that,” he said. “I kind of feel like you’d rather me high-five you instead of kissing you good-bye, but you’re not getting off that easy, babe.” Gwen heard Mia’s murmur of approval as Dominic leaned over and locked his lips on hers. The kiss was short but firm. If it had lasted a few seconds longer, Gwen would have been ready to pull him onto her desk and damn the consequences. Of course, knowing Mia, she would probably be selling tickets to the rest of the office and munching popcorn during the main event. Dominic pulled away and gave one light tug on her hair before starting for the door. He paused there to say, “I’ll call you,” before walking away.

Before Gwen could say anything, Mia looked down at her watch and groaned. “Crap, I have my morning meeting in ten minutes. That sucks because I have so many questions. We are going to lunch today, and you’re not getting out of it! I’ll shoot Crystal an e-mail and invite her as well. That poor girl needs something to take her mind off her nut-job mother.”

Sydney Landon's Novels
» The One for Me (Danvers #8)
» Watch Over Me (Danvers #7)
» Always Loving You (Danvers #6)
» No Denying You (Danvers #5)
» Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)
» Pierced (Lucian & Lia #1)
» Betting on You (Danvers #4.5)
» Fighting For You (Danvers #4)
» Not Planning on You (Danvers #2)
» Fall for Me (Danvers #3)
» Weekends Required (Danvers #1)