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Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) Page 12
Author: Pepper Winters

Cut nodded. “By all means.”

Bonnie scoffed under her breath, the diamonds of her broaches gleaming like death rays.

Cole looked back at the contract. “The first part of the Fourth Debt will be explained at Cut’s discretion.”

First part?

“And the second part, hereby known as the Fifth Debt, will be carried out by Daniel Hawk due to the nature and requirements of the debt.”

Was there always a Fifth Debt or was that new?

I trembled to think of more pain but I was glad in a bizarre way. It means I have more time to kill them before they kill me.

“An able-bodied person must extract payment and…” His eyes fell on Jasmine, pity glowing. “…requires a journey not fit for someone in Ms. Hawk’s condition.”

My back stiffened at the look he gave her—the look I’d seen so many people give others less fortunate than them.

What was I talking about?

Less fortunate? Jasmine had more wealth than she could ever spend. She came from a lineage that banded together and protected their own no matter the cost. Not having use of her legs was a downside, but it didn’t handicap her, nor did it make her a nicer person for her struggles.

Jasmine fisted her hands on the table. I didn’t know if it was from the misplaced condolences or anger at being denied.

Either way, I laughed under my breath, unable to stop my derisive frustration. “Don’t pity her.”

Cole glanced away guiltily.

Jaz flicked me a cold look. “Don’t you dare speak on my behalf.”

I turned to face her, war ready to break out between us. I thought I’d find the courage to fight by sparring with Daniel or Cut. Not Jasmine. I’d hoped, woman to woman, we would rally together. I’d hoped she’d be on my side.

Stupid hope. Stupid, stupid dreams.

Marshall sent a fountain pen skittering toward me, breaking the strained standoff. “If you would be so kind to sign and initial the amendment, I’ll ensure it’s kept safe and on record.”

They hadn’t listened to a word I’d said. Once again, treating me as a clause to fix, an amendment to be filed.

For a split second, I was glad Jethro and Kes were dead.

They were free from this. Free from suffering more insanity.

My heart imploded on itself as Jethro took over my mind. His tinsel hair, golden eyes, and unbearable complexities.

He’s dead.

There was nothing else for me but to play their game until there was a winner and a loser.

I’ll be the winner.

I picked up the pen. With steady hands, I uncapped it and had a sudden daydream of breaking it in half and splashing ink all over the so-called contract.

My mind raced with thoughts of my mother. Had she sat in this exact chair and signed the previous amendment? Why had Cut become heir and what’d happened to his brother?

Did he kill that family member, too?

I glared at him.

Cut glared right back.

I wanted answers, but how would I get them?

The Weaver Journal?

Could the diary actually have anything worthwhile inside and not just brainwashing drivel that Cut wanted me to believe? I hadn’t bothered with it because every time I touched its pages, a sense of evil had warned me away.

Lies and misfortune and fraudulent deceit.

I’d suspected Kes gave it to me to keep me in line by reading about the adversity of my ancestors—striving to be better to avoid such things—but what if he gave it to me for another reason? What if he’d been trying to help me from day one?

Why didn’t I study the damn thing?

Because I’d been so wrapped up in Jethro. Falling in love, attending polo matches, and accepting horses as gifts.

God, I’m so stupid.

“Ms. Weaver.” Marshall slapped the table, wrenching me from my thoughts. “If you would be so kind…”

Jaz stiffened in her chair. “We don’t have all day, you know.” Ripping the page away from me, she snatched the fountain pen, and signed the bottom where her name and date waited.

Pushing me out of the way, she scooted the contract and pen to Daniel. “See, Nila? Wasn’t so hard.”

Daniel smirked. “Watch again how easy it is.” He signed with an unintelligible scrawl. “Signing your life away, literally. Kinda fun, isn’t it?” He placed the two items back in front of me. “Your turn.”

“I’m surprised you don’t expect me to sign in blood.”

Bonnie gave up being the silent matriarch and slid into a caustic temper. “For shit’s sake, you stupid girl. Be reasonable!”

The table froze.

My heart sprinted with hostility. She wanted to fight? I’d give her a damn fight. “I am being reasonable. You expect me to die for you. It would make sense to make me sign in blood—I’m sure you’d get a kick out of that, you witch.”

I smiled, glowing in resentment. In the course of one meeting, I’d called Jasmine a bitch and her grandmother a witch. Not bad considering my past of being shy and scared of confrontation. Even vertigo gave me a reprieve, keeping me levelheaded and strong.

Bonnie shot pink with fury. “Why you little—”

Marshall jumped in, waving his hands in a ceasefire. “We don’t expect it in blood. Ink will more than suffice.”

“And if I don’t?”

“If you don’t what?” Cole frowned.

“If I don’t sign it—like I’ve been saying since I got here. Then what?”

Marshall flicked a glance at Cut. His jaw worked as their eyes shot messages above my comprehension. Finally, he bowed his head. “Then a certain type of persuasion would be used.”

I laughed loudly. “Persuasion? Torture, you mean. I thought you had integrity to uphold. Didn’t you just say you had evidence that all documents were signed without—as you put it—persuasion?”

Marshall hunched. “Well…eh…in some cases—”

“Sign the bloody paperwork, you ingrate!” Bonnie stood up stiffly, her cane in hand.

“Nila, fucking—” Cut growled.

“Shut up! All of you.” Jaz suddenly wrapped her fingers around mine, pinching the pen into position. Dragging my hand over the paperwork, she muttered, “The things I fucking do.”

“Wait, what are you doing?” I struggled, but found out that she might not have use of her legs, but she had strength in her arms that I couldn’t fight.

“I’m putting an end to this. I’ve wasted too much time dealing with this as it is.” She forced the nib onto the paper.

“No, wait!”

Digging her fingernails into my hand, she directed the pen and printed a rudimentary name.

My name.

Signed and witnessed on the Debt Inheritance amendment.

“What the hell have you done?”

She released me. “I did what I had to.”

My chair screeched backward as I towered over her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

She wheeled away from the table, wobbling a little on the ramp. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” She stabbed me in the belly with her finger. “You’re the one dragging this out when you know there’s no way out.” Tears gleamed in her eyes. “He’s dead. They’re both dead. The sooner you are too, the better.”

My heart plummeted to the floor. Jethro’s voice and touch and smell and kisses all slammed into me.

He’s dead.

He’s dead.

God, it hurts.

“I wish it were you!” I screamed. “You never deserved him. You should’ve died instead of him. He leapt in front of you to save you and this is what you do to repay him! I hope the devil—”

“Enough!” Cut soared upright, eyes shooting golden sparks. “Jasmine, calm down. Nila, shut up immediately.” He splayed his arms like a messiah seeking peace. “It’s done. It’s unfortunate that this had to happen, but—”

“My brothers’ deaths are a misfortune, father?” Jaz’s cheeks glowed red. “I’ll tell you what’s a misfortune—having to deal with this bullshit!” Her hands latched around chrome wheel rims. “I’m sick of this. I want her gone. Now! I want this finished!”

The lawyers scrambled to their feet. “I think it’s time we departed.” The towers of paperwork quickly disappeared back into their boxes.

The men bowed. “Pleasure being of service once again. We’ll be back in touch once the, eh…once the final part of the inheritance has taken place.”

The final part?

The final part?

That was my final part—the last straw on my willpower.

I cracked. I was a girl, but now I was a monster.

I’ve had enough.


Darting around the table, I planted myself in Colin Marshall’s path. His eyes flared. My palm twitched. And I slapped the bastard full on the cheek.

My hand blazed with fire, but I loved it.

I embraced the pain.

I gave myself over to fury.

His mouth popped open. “What on earth? Ms. Weaver!”

Chairs screeched as Hawks leapt to their feet. I ignored them.

“Listen to me.” I stalked Marshall as he backpedalled. “That final part you just so loosely mentioned is my death. The day they cut off my head and steal back their necklace from my decapitated throat.” I looped my fingers through the diamond collar. “How can you stand there discussing my life like a simple business transaction? How can you delete the lives of two men—two men who would’ve put an end to this insanity—and think you’re upholding something legal? How can any of you breathe the same air as me and not be struck down for the devils you are?”

Pepper Winters's Novels
» Third Debt (Indebted #4)
» Fourth Debt (Indebted #5)
» Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC #1)
» Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
» Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1)
» Destroyed
» First Debt (Indebted #2)
» Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)