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Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) Page 43
Author: Pepper Winters

I moved forward and opened the wrought iron catch. Cracking the window open, the bird immediately hopped inside.

No fear. No hesitation.

Where the hell had this bird come from?

I froze as the raptor spread its wings, ran across the interior window, and hopped onto my hand.

“Ah!” I snatched my hand back. Its talons were sharp and its beak deadly. I’d had enough pain at the hands of human hawks to let a feathered one hurt me, too.

The bird puffed out its chest. Its beak glinted wickedly while it cocked its head and stared at me with intelligent eyes.

It saw right through me.

It saw how broken I was. How tired. How desolate.

It made me drown in guilt for being so feeble.

Unwanted tears crept into my eyes.

“I don’t have anything for you. I doubt cereal will impress a carnivore like you.”

The bird chirped.

The noise whipped through the room, sending my eyes darting to the door. I didn’t want to give any reason for Daniel to visit me. He’d done enough. He’d done too much.

Backing away, I shooed it. “Go on…get out of here.”

Instead of flying away, it hopped closer, once again targeting my hand.

“No, wait—”

It didn’t listen. With a single flap, it hopped off the sill and landed on the back of my knuckles. Its wings soared open for balance, its talons digging into my flesh for purchase.

My bicep clenched beneath its weight and I steeled myself against its uninvited presence. Its scaly legs shuffled, doing its best to remain in one place. Taking pity on it, I curled my fingers, creating a rudimentary perch. It chirped, wrapping its sharp talons around my skin. Its weight was surprisingly heavy, its plumage dense with feathers of coppers and brass. “Hi.”

It tilted its head sideways, chirping again.

A draft whistled through the gap in the open window. I moved to close it, but the bird nipped at my knuckle.

“Ouch.” I went to shake him off, but my eyes fell on its leg.

The hawk or kestrel flapped its wings, dispelling a rogue feather to flutter to the carpet. It somehow knew I’d seen its message.

My heart stopped beating as I looked through the window, squinting into the darkness. Who’d sent it? Were they still out there?

No shadows moved outside; no hint of midnight visitors.

“Who sent you?” I murmured as I glanced at the white parchment wrapped around its leg. Reaching for the red bow, I tugged it loose.

The bird screeched, bouncing up and down with impatience. Its sudden agitation forced me to yank harder. The roll of paper fell away, dropping to the sill.

With the heavy bird on one hand, I did my best to unroll the scroll and read.

However, the raptor didn’t wait. It had done its duty—it had delivered its message. Without a backward glance, it soared off my hand and slipped like a winged demon through the window crack and into the sky. Instantly, the camouflage of its feathers vanished against twinkling stars.

My heart steadily increased its tempo; my breathing turned erratic. Pinching the note, I smoothed it out until the finest, tantalizing, most miraculous sentence I’d ever seen imprinted on my brain.

Come to the stables.

My knees wobbled.

My heart grew wings.


He’s here.

He’s come back for me.

I am not forgotten.

MY LIFE WASN’T mine anymore.

It was hers.



I’d told her that, but I didn’t think she believed me. But now I was back. I was alive and ready and motherfucking angry. She was mine to protect and adore, and up till now, I’d failed her.

I should never have brought her here. I should’ve had a fucking backbone and ended this when Cut killed Emma. I should’ve found help for my condition the night I hurt Jasmine. I should’ve ended their evil the day my mother couldn’t cope.

So much history, so many lessons and decisions. At the time, I’d played the game—I’d waited and learned and prayed.

But I’d been stupid to think there was any other conclusion.

It’d taken Nila to slap me awake, electrocute my heart with her courage, and show me that I was a good person inside. That the thoughts I suffered—of torture and ruin—weren’t mine. That the horrors I’d committed in the name of family values didn’t make me the monster I’d been groomed to be.

I’m my own person.

And it was time to show Nila just what a transformation I’d undergone.

The moment she appeared on the ridge, I struggled to breathe.


The moonlight cast her in silver as she padded down the small hill, her white legs flashing beneath the white hem of her nightgown. A long black coat swamped her body, while a hood covered her head, fluttering around her face. She didn’t run. She glided over the frost-glittering grass.

I wanted her to soar to me. To fly.

But something was wrong. She moved too slowly. Like a woman who’d lost her fire.

My heart shattered as she slowly closed the distance. She looked magical and mystical and far too precious to tame.

But I had tamed her. And she’d tamed me.

Come faster, Nila.


My hands curled as she didn’t increase her pace. I stayed where I was, lurking in shadows, waiting.

My body vibrated, wanting so fucking much to charge toward her. To tackle her on the soft grass and kiss her senseless beneath the stars. I couldn’t stand another second without her in my arms.

I took a step onto the cobblestone courtyard.


Common-sense forced me back into the shade. I couldn’t leave the safety of the stables—couldn’t risk anyone seeing me from the Hall.


Every second was fucking torture.

She moved as straight and true as the kestrel I’d sent her.


His name and memory was a stain upon my joy.

My brother had to survive because he deserved to see the new future. He and Jasmine were owed a happier life than the one we’d been dealt.

I wanted them by my side when I introduced Nila to Hawksridge and showed her that this place had not been kind to her, but once it was mine, it would be our private haven.

Come. Faster. Run.

My heart thundered with erratic syncopation.

Nila skidded down the small incline, the flash of glittery ballet flats catching moonshine.

Every step brought her closer. I sighed heavily. The throb from my rib faded; the twinge from my newly removed stitches disappeared. For the first time since waking up in the hospital, I felt truly healed. My body had mended, but without her, my soul would’ve been torn forever.

Trading grass for cobblestones, Nila’s shoes slapped quietly, closing the distance between us. Her breathing wheezed—as if she’d been sick but healing—and her hood hid her stunning long hair.

My skin sparked as she sprinted around the mounting block and sailed through the double doors of the stables.


I grabbed her.

She screamed as my arms snaked around her, trapping her vibrating form, saying hello with echoing heartbeats. Spinning her in my hold, I planted both hands on her hips and walked her backward to the wall.

I never stopped moving.

Pushing, shoving, coming fucking apart at having her in my arms.

Her eyes met mine. Her fright disappeared, consuming me under an avalanche of love. “Oh, my God...it’s true…you’re here.”

I smiled, opening myself completely. I fed off her happiness, loving how deeply she cared for me. I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t deserve such unconditional acceptance. But something shadowed her. She felt…different…quieter. She didn’t have her usual spark or vibrant will.

My soul growled at the thought of her fading from me.

I’d bring her back.

I will.

Her back hit the brick wall, my hands soared from her hips to her cheeks, and nothing else fucking mattered. “Christ, I’ve missed you.” Ducking my head, I captured her mouth in a brutal kiss.

Live for me. Breathe for me. Come back to life for me.

My lips bruised with how hard I kissed her. I hadn’t meant to be so rough, but Nila exploded. The passion and ferocity missing inside her suddenly detonated into being.

I groaned as her hands disappeared into my hair, grabbing fistfuls, yanking me closer. She melted and fought; her tongue shooting into my mouth.

She whimpered as my kiss turned violent, driven by the need to affirm that this was real. That she was truly in my arms and still fighting, still surviving.

Our heads tilted, changing the kiss’s direction. Her fingers tugged harder on my hair. I kissed her deeper.

“You’re here.” I poured words with kisses, not knowing if I spoke or yelled it from my soul. “Fuck…you’re truly here.”

Her tongue swirled with mine, her chest pressing hard as she sucked in rapid breaths. My side ached but nothing would stop me from kissing her until we passed out from pleasure.

She’d returned to me, but she was still quiet inside, still hesitant and unsure.

“I’m here.” She kissed faster. “You’re alive.” Her fingers dug firmer. “God, Jethro…you’re okay.” Her voice broke, and the world ceased to exist.

It was just taste and love and heat.

The dam of her emotions drowned me, and I cried out as she reincarnated in my arms. Fuck, I’d missed her. Fuck, I’d worried about her.

Pepper Winters's Novels
» Third Debt (Indebted #4)
» Fourth Debt (Indebted #5)
» Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC #1)
» Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
» Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1)
» Destroyed
» First Debt (Indebted #2)
» Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)