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Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy (Gallagher Girls #2) Page 12
Author: Ally Carter

So I turned my back on my mom and Mr. Solomon, and then, envelope or not, I walked away.

Do you know how many things I was feeling as we got to the room? A lot. A lot. For starters, there was the crab-puff thing. And then there was the envelope thing. But as soon as our door was closed and our stereo was on, I turned to my best friends and cried, "You planted surveillance equipment in the Hall of History while my mother was in her office!" because I guess that was the thing I felt the loudest.

"Oh, Cam," Bex said, shrugging slightly. "It was just a little recon."

Deep down, all I really wanted to do was put on my comfy pajamas and go to sleep and brush the crab-puff taste out of my mouth (but not necessarily in that order.) But instead I snapped, "Yeah, well you almost got caught—you almost got me caught. And getting debriefed by the security department isn't as much fun as it sounds, guys." I forced a laugh. "Trust me."

I said it kind of snotty, but Bex didn't answer. She didn't even get mad. Instead, she looked at me as only a best friend-slash-spy-slash-person-who-has-been-trained-on-reading-body-language can do. She climbed onto her bed and crossed her long legs. "You found something."

I could have denied it. I could have lied. But right then I was in the one room in the mansion where I could never disappear.

"Actually, I did." I told them what I'd found in my mother's desk. I listed the contents of her trash—even the shades of her lipstick. And finally, I told them about the envelope.

"We've got to get it!" Bex exclaimed, sounding as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. "We can wait until everyone goes to bed and then break into the office."

"That's not a good idea, Bex," I said as I slipped on my pajamas, took off my watch, and pulled my hair into an old stretched-out hairband.

"Come on, Cam," Bex pleaded, while Macey and Liz looked on. "If anyone can get into the headmistress's office, it's you!"

"No!" I snapped, maybe because I knew better than to let Bex work up any momentum; maybe because I was still completely on edge. But maybe because sometimes a girl just really needs to snap at someone who she knows will forgive her later.

I started for the bathroom, but Bex was right behind me. "Why not?"

"Because it's not a game," I said, talking louder than I wanted, but somehow unable to lower my voice. "Because sometimes spies get caught. Because sometimes spies get hurt. Because sometimes—"

"We've got pictures!" Liz cried triumphantly. Thin wires ran from my new watch to her computer. Images flashed across the screen. Crab puffs. File folders. And finally…


Because sometimes spies don't come home.

The picture I had taken filled the screen. My jeans were like a denim border—a frame behind the snapshot that had landed on my lap. Liz zoomed in. She magnified.

"Ooh," Macey said. "Who's the hottie?"

"That's Mr. Solomon, Macey," I said, starting for the bathroom because, well, I didn't want to cry in front of my friends. And one of the advantages of the face-washing process is that you have an excuse for squinting your eyes and looking away.

"Not Mr. Solomon," Macey said. "The other guy. Is he Blackthorne?"

"No, Macey," Bex said, saving me the trouble. I glanced in the bathroom mirror and saw Bex turn from the screen and catch my eye in the glass. "That's Cam's dad."

We study a lot of dangerous stuff at the Gallagher Academy, but there are some things so feared that they're never, ever mentioned. Everyone knows my dad was in the CIA. That he went on a mission and never came home. Now there's an empty grave in the family plot in Nebraska. Everyone knows, but no one ever asks to hear the story. And that night, Macey was no different.

I splashed cold water on my face and flossed my teeth, clinging to my routine—to normal. I might have stayed in there, flossing forever, if I hadn't heard Liz say, "Oh. My. Gosh."

In the mirror I saw her staring at the picture on the screen with the eyes of a scientist, taking in every detail of the faces of the two boys.

"Cam," Liz called, without taking her eyes from the screen. "You've got to look at this!"

I moved from teeth-flossing to face-moisturizing— anything to stay busy. "I've seen it already," I told her.

"No, Cam," Liz said, pointing at the bright screen in the dim room. "Look! Look at his shirt! Mr. Solomon's T-shirt!"

But she didn't have to finish, because there…magnified—enhanced—I saw what I hadn't noticed in my mother's office. I read the words BLACKTHORNE INSTITUTE FOR BOYS.

"It's a school," Macey said slowly.

"A boys' school!" Liz cried.

I looked at the picture and said what everyone else was thinking. "For spies?"

Chapter Six

I've always heard that the hardest thing for a spy isn't knowing things—it's acting like you don't know things you're not supposed to know. But I'd never really appreciated the difference until then. Looking at Mr. Solomon was hard, talking to my mom was impossible, and the whole next day felt like a dream. A very weird there's-a-boys'-school-for-spies-that-nobody-ever-told-me-about nightmare.

Blackthorne was a school! That Mr. Solomon had gone to! A school where they make more Mr. Solomons! It was officially the strangest day of my entire covert life. (And that includes the time Dr. Fibs's lab was temporarily gravity-free.)

I told myself that maybe it was just coincidence that Tina Walters had been swearing for years that there was a boys' school in Maine. After all, Tina also swore that Gillian Gallagher was a direct descendant of Joan of Arc. Tina swears a lot of things. Tina is frequently wrong.

Ally Carter's Novels
» Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy (Gallagher Girls #2)
» I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1)
» Heist Society (Heist Society #1)
» Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls #4)
» Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Gallagher Girls #3)
» Cheating at Solitaire (Cheating at Solitaire #1)
» Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society #3)
» Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story
» Out of Sight, Out of Time (Gallagher Girls #5)
» Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)
» United We Spy (Gallagher Girls #6)