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Tease Me (One Night with Sole Regret #7) Page 20
Author: Olivia Cunning

Madison couldn’t argue with her logic. It happened to be true. There was a gross double standard in the world when it came to sex. And it wasn’t fair.

“Besides,” Lindsey continued, throwing her hands out for emphasis. “I was safe! I was on fucking birth control pills, and I took them every day like I was supposed to. Despite what people are saying about me, I did not try to get pregnant. I did not want to get pregnant. But I am pregnant, and I’m sick and tired of trying to be nice to all these dickheads and their jealous girlfriends while I take all the blame and responsibility for the entire situation!”

Madison wasn’t sure if she should admire or be leery of Lindsey’s sudden backbone. She’d been hiding it all evening—Madison wasn’t sure why—and this woman wasn’t all she seemed. “Lindsey . . .”

“Screw you.” Lindsey shoved off the wall and strode toward the exit, apparently too angry to waddle. “And if you really think Adam would make a good father, you need to have your head surgically removed from your ass.”

Lindsey shoved Madison aside, wrenched the door open, and slammed it behind her, leaving Madison to gawk. Did she really come across as having her head up her ass? Madison wondered if the reason she so enjoyed anal sex was because she was so used to the feel of her head up there and she got off on it.

Madison used the restroom, taking a moment alone to get her thoughts in order. Perhaps confronting Lindsey had been a bad idea, but at least she knew where the woman stood.

By the time she joined the band, crew and guests for dinner, all of the food had been claimed. She noticed that Owen had saved a plate for Lindsey though. Bizarre. Madison was sure he was just looking out for the baby, but she’d never encountered a man as thoughtful as he was. Especially toward someone he claimed not to be interested in. It was no wonder Lindsey clung to him.

Adam beckoned Madison to sit beside him and share what little was left on his plate. “I didn’t know you would be so long,” he said. “I would have stopped Jacob from getting thirds.”

“You might have tried,” Jacob said to his plate of empty crawdad shells. “But you would have failed.”

“Crawdad populations dwindle drastically when Jacob’s in the region,” Owen said from beside her.

“And your point would be?” Jacob asked, reaching across the table to steal a crawdad off Lindsey’s plate.

Madison wrinkled her nose. She wasn’t sure how he could stomach more spicy food. Just thinking about eating more crawdads made her want to hurl. “I’m not that hungry anyway.”

“I’m sure Adam could offer you a protein shake to tide you over—” Owen’s words were silenced by Adam’s hand in his face.

Lindsey was concentrating so hard on her plate—and not looking at Madison—that it was a miracle the piece of plastic didn’t melt beneath the heat of her gaze. Madison would never say anything about their private conversation in front of all these people. She could only imagine how hard it was for Lindsey to sit among them knowing what everyone must be thinking of her.

Madison stiffened when Adam’s hand slid up her leg, pushing her skirt up until she felt a cool breeze against the heated flesh between her thighs. If anyone’s head had been under the table, she had no doubt they could have seen parts of her normally concealed by her panties. The panties she’d left on the bus.

His thumb rubbed circles over her aching labia, causing her to swell and grow wet with anticipation. She opened her legs beneath the table, surprised by her own brazenness and even more surprised when her action was rewarded with the tip of Adam’s finger sliding down her seam and dipping into her slick opening.

Her mouth fell open and a small gasp escaped her. She snapped her jaw shut and glanced around, seeing if anyone had noticed her reaction and guessed its cause. She stiffened when she noticed Jacob’s knowing smirk. Did he suspect she was getting fingered right there at the dinner table?

“Okay, guys,” the band’s impossibly sexy tour manager, Sally, said from the doorway. “It’s time for your meet and greet.”

“We’ll finish this later,” Adam promised, sliding his finger an inch deeper before withdrawing it. He dropped a kiss on her cheek and left her sitting there all flushed and aroused.

Damn, how she wanted him.

Madison squeezed her thighs together and tried to collect her thoughts. One thing was clear: Adam was attempting to kill her via lack of sexual fulfillment. She’d never have believed it was possible to actually die from horniness, but the man was determined to prove her wrong. As she glanced around the room, trying to think about anything besides the incessant throb between her thighs, she spotted Lindsey whispering something into Jordan’s ear. He nodded and tripped over his feet as he hurried after the band. Lindsey followed him out of the room a scant moment later.

Well, that did the trick. Madison’s excitement fizzled out like a soggy firecracker. What was Lindsey up to? She better keep her meat hooks out of Adam or heads were going to roll. Or maybe Madison would do something slightly less violent to her.

Madison glanced up when Melanie sat beside her in the seat Adam had recently vacated.

“So what’s the story with Lindsey?” she asked, without warning.

Gabe hadn’t told her anything yet? Madison didn’t want to spread rumors and divulge secrets, so she shrugged. “I don’t know. Apparently she got knocked up by Owen, and she didn’t have anywhere else to go. They’re not a couple or anything.”

Melanie stared at her. Could she tell that Madison was withholding information? She was such a bad liar. Her belly was quivering as she waited for Melanie’s next words.

“So Owen is the father?” Melanie asked. “Gabe sounded unsure.”

“As far as I know,” Madison said. “She hangs all over him, so I just assumed… Why? Did you hear differently?”

If Melanie already knew the shocking truth about Lindsey’s pregnancy, Madison was more than ready to talk shit about her, but if Melanie didn’t know anything, then Madison didn’t want to get Gabe into trouble. She really liked Gabe. There had to be a reason he hadn’t explained things to Melanie yet.

Melanie shook her head. Well, damn. Madison had no one to gossip with then. She wondered how Melanie would react when she found out that Gabe might be the father of Lindsey’s baby. Or that it might be Adam’s . . .

Madison couldn’t imagine Adam trying to fit raising a baby into his already full life. Something would have to give. And she couldn’t deny she worried that the thing that would have to take a backseat was herself.

Olivia Cunning's Novels
» Sinners at the Altar (Sinners on Tour #6)
» Take Me to Paradise (Sinners on Tour #6.1)
» Tease Me (One Night with Sole Regret #7)
» Insider (Exodus End #1)
» Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour #3)
» Share Me (One Night with Sole Regret 0.5)
» Wicked Beat (Sinners on Tour #4)
» Try Me (One Night with Sole Regret #1)
» Double Time (Sinners on Tour #5)
» Tempt Me (One Night with Sole Regret #2)
» Take Me (One Night with Sole Regret #3)
» Touch Me (One Night with Sole Regret #4)
» Tie Me (One Night with Sole Regret #5)
» Tell Me (One Night with Sole Regret #6)
» Backstage Pass (Sinners on Tour #1)
» Rock Hard (Sinners on Tour #2)