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Tease Me (One Night with Sole Regret #7) Page 4
Author: Olivia Cunning

Madison realized that the guy was flirting. She really could be clueless about those things. Sometimes she wondered if she’d have ever figured out that Adam was attracted to her if he hadn’t spelled it out so clearly by stealing that first kiss as she was showing him out of her office one evening. After months of counseling sessions, she’d still had no idea that his teasing was actually flirting. She’d wanted him, even though she’d known it was inappropriate to fantasize about a client, but she’d never thought for a fraction of a second that he reciprocated her desire until he’d pushed her up against the back of her office door and showed her otherwise.

“Not especially patriotic, no.” She focused her gaze on the aisle, wishing the hopeful trumpeter would take a hint and let her out. She didn’t want to flirt with the guy and was pretty sure he’d gotten the wrong idea just because she’d talked to him. For the duration of the flight, she’d been engrossed in a mystery novel. Okay, that was a lie. She’d reread every sentence dozens of times because she couldn’t stop thinking about Adam. When she’d managed to draw her thoughts from the man, they immediately shifted to the bombshell her boss had dropped on her hours ago. But pretending to read had kept the stranger next to her from engaging her in conversation. It hadn’t kept him from staring though. She’d caught him watching her every time she glanced his way.

When her row mate didn’t budge despite her intense staring at the line of passengers shuffling past, she said, “Can you let me out, please?”

“If you tell me your name.”

She sighed, figuring she’d get what she wanted more quickly if she just played along. “It’s Madison.”

“That’s cute,” he said, stepping into the aisle at last. “Just like you.”

She scrambled in front of him, and he trailed after her.

“I’m Chris. Are you from here? I could really use someone to help me find my way around.”

“No, I’ve never been to New Orleans before. I’m meeting someone. My boyfriend,” she clarified, smiling as she used the word. He really was her boyfriend now, though it sounded so seventh grade to call him that. Yet significant other sounded so cold and lover too risqué. So boyfriend would have to do.

“So that hot date comment wasn’t in jest?”

“I’m afraid not.”

As she exited the plane, Madison smiled at the friendly flight attendant and then hurried down the ramp toward the terminal.

“So what hotel are you staying in?” Chris asked, rushing forward to fall into step beside her.

“Not sure,” she said, hoping she didn’t have to get rude with the guy, but he couldn’t seem to take a string of very large hints that she had no interest in talking to him. She didn’t want to be mean, but he was starting to make her uncomfortable. “My boyfriend arranged everything. He said he wants to surprise me.”

She was sure all of Adam’s surprises would be exceptional. They always were. They were also guaranteed to take her mind off her troubles. All of them. Even the big one she was pretending to ignore. How could she have been fired? Her parents would be so disappointed in her. And she’d never live down the I told you so from her sister.

“I came to NOLA to unwind,” Chris said. “I just graduated with my bachelor’s degree and landed my first job. I figured I should blow off some steam before I have to play at being a real adult.”

Job. Madison’s stomach plummeted. No, she wouldn’t think about that now. She’d worry about it on Tuesday when her time with Adam was over and she returned to her stark, stark reality.

“That’s nice,” she said in a strained voice. She paused at the end of the ramp to scan the unfamiliar airport for directional signs to baggage claim. Chris stopped beside her. She glanced at him; the poor guy looked almost as lost as she felt. So maybe he really was just looking for someone to help him navigate a new city, but he’d latched on to the wrong person. She had an agenda and it involved only Adam.

“Congratulations on earning your degree and landing a job,” she added. “It’s not easy to do in this economy.”

She cringed at that reality too. Shoot! She might never find another job. Especially if Joanna gave her a crappy reference. Maybe she should try to fight Joanna’s decision to fire her. But then Madison’s affair would become very public knowledge and she might never find another job. Shit, shit, shit! What was she going to do?

Think about Adam, only Adam. He’d make all the crap fade into the background. At least for the weekend.

Madison took a deep breath and hurried off in the direction of baggage claim, following signs while avoiding collisions with other passengers who were also trying to find their way.

“I actually had two job offers,” Chris continued, still trailing her.

Madison stifled an annoyed sigh. Surely she could lose this guy in baggage claim. Adam would rescue her.

“That’s nice.” For him.

“So which college do you attend, Madison?”

She laughed, her ego stroked despite herself. “I graduated years ago.”

“I don’t believe it. What, were you a prodigy or something?”

She lifted her eyebrows and shook her head. “No such thing. I’ve been playing at being a real adult for quite a while now.” And sometimes it sucked. But most of the time she loved her life.

“So you’re from Dallas?”

“Yeah. Well, a ranch outside of Dallas.” What was with the third degree?

“Oh, you’re a cowgirl.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her as if his every fantasy had just come to life.

“No, I’m a counselor.” Had been a counselor. She bit her lip and ducked her head so he wouldn’t see the absolute panic in her eyes.

Oh God, what was she going to do? How was she going to support herself? She didn’t think her sister would kick her out of the house, but she would feel terrible if she couldn’t contribute financially to their joint living situation.

“Like a marriage counselor?” Chris pressed.

Why wouldn’t this guy go away and leave her alone? “Addiction.”

Chris whistled. “I bet you meet some interesting people.”

There was no deterring this guy, but the last thing she wanted to talk about was her job—or lack thereof. She spotted a sign marking the nearest restroom and found her out. “Yes, I do. Good luck with your new career,” she said and ducked into the ladies room. She took her time relieving her bladder, washing her hands, checking her face and hair, applying lip gloss, and sending a text to Kennedy, telling her twin she’d made it safely to New Orleans. She didn’t tell her about her meeting with her boss—her ex-boss. Kennedy already disliked Adam. She’d really rip him a new one when she found out that he was the reason Madison had been fired.

Olivia Cunning's Novels
» Sinners at the Altar (Sinners on Tour #6)
» Take Me to Paradise (Sinners on Tour #6.1)
» Tease Me (One Night with Sole Regret #7)
» Insider (Exodus End #1)
» Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour #3)
» Share Me (One Night with Sole Regret 0.5)
» Wicked Beat (Sinners on Tour #4)
» Try Me (One Night with Sole Regret #1)
» Double Time (Sinners on Tour #5)
» Tempt Me (One Night with Sole Regret #2)
» Take Me (One Night with Sole Regret #3)
» Touch Me (One Night with Sole Regret #4)
» Tie Me (One Night with Sole Regret #5)
» Tell Me (One Night with Sole Regret #6)
» Backstage Pass (Sinners on Tour #1)
» Rock Hard (Sinners on Tour #2)