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I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1) Page 23
Author: Ally Carter

My voice returned just in time for me to yell "BEX!" and she said, "What?" turning and sending us swerving into the other lane, which under normal circumstances would have been disastrous, but in this case really saved our lives. Fate is tricky that way—something I guess every spy figures out eventually.

Then Bex calmly righted the car and headed into town, completely unfazed.

When Bex hung a left at the Piggly Wiggly and nearly took out a crossing guard from Roseville Elementary School, Madame Dabney made her pull into the grocery store parking lot and trade places with Macey. But Bex didn't seem mad, which in itself was a little scary. Instead, she had a really pleased look on her face as she opened my door and made me push Liz into the seat Macey was vacating, which was harder than it sounds, since Liz had become kind of… oh, what's the word?…petrified.

Madame Dabney had obviously learned her lesson with Bex, because there were lots of Easy on the accelerator, dears and Okay, there's a stop sign over there, darlings coming from the front seat as Macey eased onto the streets.

Things were starting to get pretty calm. I mean, really, it was almost nice, being driven around, sitting between my two best friends in the world, feeling the sun beam through the windows. It was almost normal—or as close to normal as three geniuses, a cosmetics heiress-slash-senator's daughter, and a secret agent in a Ford Taurus can ever be.

Nestled in the backseat between Liz and Bex, I started thinking that it would have been way too much to ask for us to have a tour of the town before we were supposed to tail one of the most wanted men in the world through it. Oh, yeah, that would have been a totally unfair advantage. In the daylight, I could see thousands of hiding places where a girl could linger unseen. I recognized alleys and side streets that would have been great shortcuts. I started, despite everything, to want a rematch with Mr. Smith. But mostly, I wondered about the boy I'd seen. Was he real? Did he really walk these streets?

Then, I got my answer.

"What the bloody hell are you doing down there?" Bex asked.

"Looking for my contacts," I snapped back.

"You have twenty-twenty vision," Liz reminded me.

"It's just… I just… I can't look up right now."

I knew the car was stopped, probably at a traffic light— one of only two in the town, so Josh had to be getting close.

"What?" Bex asked in a whisper. "What's going on?" She shifted into spy-mode, sat up, and looked around. "There's nothing out there. Oh, well, you are missing a real hottie at three o'clock."

Liz craned her neck around to look. "Ooh, yeah, he's pretty skinny but worth checking out." Then she shrugged and said, "Oh. Never mind. He's giving us the Gallagher Glare."

I have no idea who came up with that name, but it's what we always call the look that people in town give us whenever they figure out where we go to school. It's the only time I ever hate our cover story—when people look at me as if I must be privileged, as if I must be spoiled. As if I must be like Macey McHenry. I want to tell them that I spent my summer cleaning fish and canning vegetables—but that's just one of a thousand things that the good people of Roseville will never know about me. Still, when people like Josh look at you like you're a cross between Charles Manson and Paris Hilton, it hurts a little—even for a spy.

"Yeah, but he's still a boy," Bex said longingly. "Hey, Cam, come take a peek."

"I am not going to look at some boy!" I snapped. "I don't care how wavy his hair is."

"Who said anything about wavy hair?" Oh, Bex is good.

"I can't believe this!" Liz said, pacing. She hadn't sat down once since we got back to the mansion—she just kept going back and forth—trying to make sense of it all. I couldn't really blame her. Liz's belief system is pretty natural for scientific geniuses. She wants life to be something that can be tested in a lab or referenced in a book. She'd thought she'd known me. I'd thought I'd known myself. Now both of our hypotheses had been thrown out the window, and we hated to start from scratch.

I couldn't let her see how shaken I was, so I did the next best thing: I got angry.

"Exactly what is so unbelievable?" I asked. "That a boy looked at me?" Sure, I'd never be an exotic beauty like Bex or a pixyish waif like Liz, but I had yet to grow boils all over my body. Mirrors don't crack when I walk by them. My Grandfather calls me Angel. Was I that unworthy of being noticed?

"Cam!" Bex ordered. "Of course that's not it."

Liz threw her hands into the air and said, "I can't believe you didn't tell us! I can't believe you didn't tell someone."

Liz's definition of someone didn't mean someone. Liz's someone meant a teacher.

"So what?" I said, trying to brush the whole thing aside.

"So what?" Liz said. "So, he saw you! Cammie, no one sees you when you don't want to be seen." She eased onto the bed beside me. "When we were trailing Smith and I had to keep you in sight, it was almost impossible, and I could hear you through the comms unit. And I knew what you were wearing. And …" She threw her hands into the air. "So what?"

I turned to look at Bex, my eyebrows raised as if to ask Are you freaked out, too?

"You really are amazing, Cam," Bex said in a perfectly serious tone, so I knew it must be true.

"Something isn't right, here," Liz said as I went into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. (It's hard to say things that will do lasting damage to a lifelong friendship when you're foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.) "Mr. Solomon wants summaries of our mission, so we've got to include him. He could very well be trying to infiltrate the school through Cammie. He could be a honeypot!"

Ally Carter's Novels
» Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy (Gallagher Girls #2)
» I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1)
» Heist Society (Heist Society #1)
» Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls #4)
» Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Gallagher Girls #3)
» Cheating at Solitaire (Cheating at Solitaire #1)
» Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society #3)
» Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story
» Out of Sight, Out of Time (Gallagher Girls #5)
» Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)
» United We Spy (Gallagher Girls #6)