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See Me Page 23
Author: Nicholas Sparks

The crowds grew sparser the farther out she got, and by the time she reached the end of the pier she noticed only a lone fisherman, his back toward her. He was dressed in faded jeans and a baseball cap, but from her cursory glance she could tell that he was put together just right. Shrugging off the thought, she turned her gaze to the horizon, catching sight of the moon rising from the sea. In the distance, a catamaran glided over the surface, and she idly wondered whether Serena might be persuaded to join her on a sailing trip one weekend.

“Are you following me?” The voice came from the corner of the pier.

When she turned, it took a few seconds for her to register that it was Colin. The fisherman in the baseball cap, she suddenly realized. She felt heat rise in her cheeks. Had Serena set this up, too? No, coming out here had been her idea. Hadn’t it? Serena hadn’t talked about Colin or the pier… which meant this had to be a coincidence, like the night he’d pulled over and changed her tire. What were the odds of meeting him here? Too low to be plausible, and yet… he was here and she was here, and she could tell he was waiting for an answer.

“No,” she stammered. “I’m not following you. I just came out here to enjoy the view.”

He seemed to weigh her answer. “And?”

“And what?”

“The view. How is it?”

Flustered, she had to process his question before she could answer. “It’s beautiful,” she finally said.

“Better than from the restaurant?”

“Different. More peaceful.”

“I think so, too. That’s why I’m here.”

“But you’re fishing…?”

“Not really,” he said. “Like you, I’m mainly here to appreciate the scenery.” He smiled before leaning over the railing. “I didn’t mean to bother you,” he assured her. “Enjoy the sunset, Maria.”

Somehow, hearing him say her name out here felt more intimate than it had in the bar, and she absently watched as he began reeling in his line. He cast again, the line unspooling into the distance, and she wondered whether she should stay or go. He seemed content to give her space, just as he’d done the night they’d first met. Which reminded her…

“Hey, Colin?”

He turned his head. “Yes?”

“I should have thanked you for changing my tire the other night. You really saved me.”

“You’re welcome. I was glad to help.” He smiled. “And I’m glad you came to the restaurant tonight, too.”

“That was Serena’s idea.”

“I could tell. You didn’t seem all that happy to see me.”

“It wasn’t that. I was just… surprised.”

“Me too.”

Maria could feel his gaze lingering on her before he finally turned away. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond, and for a while, the two of them simply stood there in silence. Colin seemed perfectly relaxed and self-contained, while Maria tried to immerse herself in the view once again. A shrimp boat trawled the darker waters in the distance, and over her shoulder, the lights flickered on at Crabby Pete’s. The faint strains of classic rock began to drift out of one of the restaurants, signaling the beginning of the evening festivities.

She studied Colin from the corner of her eye, trying to figure out why he seemed so different than other men. In her experience, men her age generally fell into one of five categories: arrogant types who believed themselves to be one of God’s favorite creations; friendly guys who might become keepers except for the fact that they often weren’t interested in relationships; shy guys who could barely speak; men who weren’t interested in her at all for one reason or another; and really good ones – genuine keepers – who were almost always taken, in her experience. Colin didn’t seem like the first kind, and based on what she’d observed at the bar, he didn’t seem like the second or third kinds, either. Which meant, obviously, that he was either the fourth or fifth kind. He wasn’t interested in her… and yet, deep down, she suspected that she might be wrong about that, though she wasn’t sure why. Which left the possibility that he was in the fifth category, but unfortunately, she’d pretty much ended the conversation earlier, so maybe his silence was a reaction to her perceived standoffishness.

After he’d changed her tire. After his friendly efficiency at the bar. After Serena had assured her that he was a nice guy. And after he’d initiated a conversation just a few moments earlier. She felt her shoulders slump. No wonder she spent her weekends alone.

“Hey, Colin?” she tried again.

He was still leaning over the railing, and when he turned after a moment, she detected the same trace of amusement she’d noticed in the bar. “Yes?”

“May I ask you a question?”

“Yes.” His blue-gray eyes glowed like sea glass.

“Why do you like fishing?”

He reached up, tilting his hat back slightly. “I guess I don’t, really. And I’m not very good at it, either. I hardly ever catch anything.”

She registered the soft precision of his speech. “Then why do you do it?”

“It’s a good way to unwind after work, especially when it’s busy… It’s just nice to have a few minutes to myself, you know? I come out here and it’s quiet and the world slows down for a while. I started bringing a pole because it gave me something to do, instead of just standing out here and staring at the horizon.”

“Like I was doing?”

Nicholas Sparks's Novels
» Two By Two
» See Me
» A Walk To Remember
» Nights in Rodanthe
» The Notebook
» Dear John
» The Last Song
» The Lucky One
» Safe Haven
» The Wedding
» Message in a Bottle
» The Rescue
» The Guardian
» A Bend in the Road
» The Choice
» True Believer
» Three Weeks With My Brother
» The Longest Ride
» At First Sight
» The Best of Me