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Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track #1) Page 13
Author: Erin McCarthy

Ohmigod. “No, Ryder, don’t!” Tamara half sat up and held out her hand, which was stupid, since he couldn’t see her, but she needed to stop him before . . .

Too late. Ryder had the door open and was strolling in. Tamara dove back down, like that was going to hide anything, clutching the sheet with an iron grip as she waited for the fallout.

“It’s not like you to sleep so late—”

Ryder glanced up, and immediately stopped talking, his mouth falling open in a nearly comical expression of surprise. His lips moved, but nothing came out, and for the first time in the decade she had known him, Ryder Jefferson was well and truly speechless. It might have been funny, and under different circumstances, she would have ribbed him for it, but the truth was she was absolutely and utterly without words herself. She was frozen in mortification.

“Morning, Ryder,” Elec said, breaking the awkward silence in the bedroom. “How are you doing today?”

Tamara realized that Elec was snuggled up against her, his arm over her hip, his face still right next to her shoulder, his leg nestled with hers.

She flushed, feeling the heat rise up her neck and into her cheeks. “It’s not what it looks like,” she said to Ryder, which was perhaps the stupidest thing she had ever said in her entire life.

That ridiculous lie in the face of the obvious seemed to break through Ryder’s shock. He burst out with a laugh. “Oh, I think it’s exactly what it looks like.” He grinned. “Guess Elec saw you home safely. Knew I could count on him.”

Ryder moved through the room to his closet, still grinning. “I hate to be the voice of reason—I mean, when does that ever happen? But it’s damn near noon. I have to grab my uniform and head to the pre-race meetings with my team. I would imagine you have to do the same, rookie.”

Elec sat up next to her. “Jesus, it’s almost noon? I had no idea it was that late.”

Tamara looked from Ryder to Elec. Between the wine and the lack of sleep, her brain was fuzzy. She also desperately needed a drink of water to get rid of a major case of cotton mouth and she was painfully aware that she was both naked and that her body was aching in places she hadn’t even been aware she had muscles. Which reminded her of why she was sore and the different ways she had been touched and licked and entered and she was really, really not at the top of her game.

But she could have sworn Ryder had just called Elec a rookie.

“Rookie?” she said. “What kind of rookie?”

Ryder had pulled his bag out of the closet and was moving back toward the door. “Tammy, geez, girl, get some sleep. If Elec keeps driving the way he has been, he’s well on his way to being rookie of the year.”

Then Ryder was gone with a wave and another big old grin. “See you all at the track.”

And Tamara was left staring at Elec as he turned to her. “You’re a driver?” she asked stupidly.

Now it was his turn to look confused. “Of course. You didn’t know that?”

She shook her head and swallowed, wondering why it felt like she’d stuffed marshmallows into her mouth. It was hot and sticky and she was having trouble getting her spit down her throat. “I thought you were on Ryder’s pit crew.”

Those soulful brown eyes—the ones that were completely responsible for her current state of nakedness—penetrated her.

Then his mouth turned up in a smile. “No kidding? Well, hell, at least I know you wanted me for me, not because I was a driver.”

Hah. If she had known he was a driver, she would have run.

Then she remembered the way his tongue had felt on her, and she knew she was lying. She totally would have stayed anyway; she just would have felt more guilt in doing it.

“What’s your last name?” she asked, thinking maybe she should have asked that a tiny bit sooner. Though she hadn’t followed racing all that closely in the last two years, so even if he had told her his name, it was possible she wouldn’t have recognized it as belonging to a rookie driver.


Oh, no. “Monroe . . .” That was a name she knew. Tamara sincerely hoped that he wasn’t . .


“Elliot Monroe’s son.”

Yep. That’s exactly who she was hoping he wasn’t. He was just the son of one of racing’s legend drivers. His entire family was involved in the sport and the older brother Evan had been driving in the cup series when Pete had. The Monroes and the Briggses had socialized together for years before a legendary fallout the year Pete had died. Tamara remembered a particular barbeque at her in-laws’ house probably a decade ago where all the Monroes had attended, including Evan, who was her age, and their younger son, who had been a quiet, dark-eyed teenager named . . .

Oh my God.

It was Elec. “I know you,” she said, struck dumb. “You were at a barbeque at the Briggses a long time ago. You got drunk on pilfered beer and took your daddy’s car and did doughnuts on the front lawn.”

Elec rubbed his chin and gave a sheepish smile. “Guilty as charged. But they shouldn’t have left the beer keg unattended. It was too much a temptation for a teenage boy.”

Tamara started to think she just might faint. Dear God in heaven, she had slept with a teenager. She was a molester. She scooted back on the mattress, trying to get off the same pillow as him, put some space, any space, between them. “You were like twelve then! How old are you now? My Lord, Elec, I’m old enough to be your mother!”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said, not looking at all concerned that she had just done a Mrs.

Robinson on him. He reached for her, touching her hip, hauling her back a little toward him. “That was more than ten years ago, I imagine. And if you’re old enough to have a twenty-six-year-old child, I’ll eat my car, part by part.”

“You’re twenty-six?” Tamara’s heart rate slowed a little. That didn’t sound quite as bad.

She’d been thinking early twenties, but at least he was heading toward thirty.

“Well, almost. In a couple of months.”

“Oh my God!” She panicked and ducked under the sheet. She could not even look at him in all his sexy cuteness. It was too tempting and just so wrong. Unfortunately, diving under the sheet only forced her to confront her own nakedness as well as his. And his nakedness was a beautiful thing, all muscular and hard and hairy in the right places, with a big old morning erection. Nope, going under hadn’t been one of her better ideas.

Erin McCarthy's Novels
» Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track #1)
» Slow Ride (Fast Track #5)
» Full Throttle (Fast Track #7)
» The Chase (Fast Track #4)
» Hard and Fast (Fast Track #2)