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Immortal Hearts (Vampire Kisses #9) Page 48
Author: Ellen Schreiber

We rose from our swings. She gave me a huge hug, and I knew then what I always had known since third grade - that I had the best friend on earth.

Dullsville had several stores to buy wedding, prom, and other special-occasion dresses but none that catered to cemetery covenant ceremonies. I had to think hard and fast on where to find one. I didn't have time to order one online or to find the fabric and make the perfect dress. One place came to my mind: Jack's Department Store. I'd shopped there before and last year had found a dress left over from Halloween to wear for the first dance Alexander and I attended together -

the Snow Ball. I was hoping I'd get lucky again.

Becky drove me to Jack's and I did a quick tour of the junior department.

"Nothing suitable for the cemetery," I told Becky. She agreed.

"Halloween is over," the clerk said when I asked her about any costumes they might have in stock.

Becky was cowering behind me as I challenged the saleslady. "But don't you have anything left over? On clearance? In the back?" I was desperate.

She shrugged her shoulders. She obviously didn't want to put herself out. But then I saw Jack Patterson, the owner of the store. He held a special place in his heart for me since I helped him sneak into the Mansion for a high school initiation when he was a senior and I was twelve.

"Raven. How are you?" he asked with that same handsome smile he had when I helped him get inside the Mansion.

"I'm fine. How are you doing?"

"And Becky. It's great to see you, t to tour oo."

"Thanks, Jack. It's so nice to see you."

Jack was Matt's uncle, and he was familiar with my best friend as well.

"So what brings you ladies here today?" he asked in a pleasant voice.

"A dress." I couldn't possibly tell him what I needed the dress for, only that I needed one. "I'm looking for a Halloween dress. I was hoping you had something left over. It's only been a few weeks."

He paused. "We had some in back last time I looked," he said. "Let's go check."

I felt like a ray of moonlight hit me. We followed him into the stockroom, and he searched through men's clothes and a few women's winter dresses.

"Ah yes," he said. "Is this what you are looking for?" He held up a Snow White dress.

"Well, not exactly." It was pretty but not what I had in mind. And I hadn't imagined puffy sleeves, and I didn't have time to dye the entire dress black.

"We have more," he said, showing us an area of unsold costumes. "Feel free to sift through." As I smiled at Jack, I recalled that time when I'd helped him sneak into the Mansion, as I'd done so many times myself, and how far I'd come since then. Not only was I dating the vampire who had since moved into the Mansion, but I was on my way to becoming one myself.

I'd assisted Jack with his mission and, unknowingly, he was doing the same for me.

I was hoping to find a dress here, like I had done before for a dance. But this one was for an even more important occasion, a truly magical night that would change everything - would change me. Jack didn't know this, but the next time I saw him, I might indeed be a vampire.

"Whatever you find," he said with a twinkle in his eye, "I know you'll look beautiful."

"Thank you so much," I said sincerely. I was truly touched by his compliment; it meant the world to me. I raced over and gave him a warm embrace.

Jack was paged from the front of the store and gave us a quick wink good-bye.

Becky and I whisked through the stacks of costumes, hoping one would fill my ultimate desired covenant dress and be the right size.

"How about this?" Becky pulled out a blood-red dress, but it was at least three sizes too big.

"That one is better. But I'll have to cut it off and take in most of it."

I perused a rack of hanging costumes. But one by one, each was something other than what I needed.

"What do you think of this one, then?" Becky asked excitedly. I looked up, hopeful. She held up a tattered, bloody prom dress, one a ghost girl would wear.

Perfect for Halloween but not for my idea of a covenant ceremony.

"I do think it's cool, but it's white and red. And I'm not sure it's the right mood. Even for me," I lamented.

"I guess not."

"I don't know what I'm going to do," I said. I only had one day.

Then I spotted a dress hanging alone at the end of the rack.

I was deflated from not finding the perfect dress, but I decided to check it out. The closer I got to it, the more hopeful I became. I reached for it and held it out to the light. It was an off-the-shoulder black lace dress, with pearl buttons decorating the middle of the corset like dewdrops. It came with black lace gloves and a small lace bolero.

"I love this," I said, melting.

"It's so you!"

"I could wear this if I get cold." I modeled the bolero.

"It's gorgeous," Becky cooed.

"I hope it fits," I said, holding it up to me.

"I'm sure it will."

"I'm not going to be able to eat, anyway," I told her. "I'm too excited."

Becky examined it as I held it against me. It looked like a perfect fit.

"That dress was waiting for you - just like Alexander," she said.

We both jumped up and down and squealed with delight until a saleslady came in and told us to calm down.

Chapter 21 Vampire Kisses

I awoke with a start with bats fluttering in my stomach. It was the day of the covenant ceremony - the day I'd always dreamed of. I had barely slept the night before and I knew my eyelids must have been droopy. I splashed water on them to try to revive my face. I drank my coffee and paid pleasantries to my family. But I couldn't even call Alexander. I knew he was lying in his coffin - like I would be only a day from now. My life would finally be different.

I called Becky and she tried to calm my nerves. I paced and watched the clock. When would the sun set? Why was it taking so long? I decided to try to enjoy my last hours of sunlight and hung outside on our swing, soaking in my last few rays. But I was still preoccupied by the sun's slow descent. The minutes seemed like an eternity.

An hour later, I heard my mom call me from inside. I left the sun and came in.

My parents were leaving for a dinner with friends. They were gathering their coats from the hall closet. Before they headed out, I stopped them.

"Wait," I said. I rushed over and gave them each a hug. The next time they saw me, I'd be a vampire.

"Why are you acting so strangely?" my mom asked. "You've been preoccupied all day and hanging by yourself outside. It's not like you. Are you and Alexander okay?"

Ellen Schreiber's Novels
» The Coffin Club (Vampire Kisses #5)
» Royal Blood (Vampire Kisses #6)
» Love Bites (Vampire Kisses #7)
» Cryptic Cravings (Vampire Kisses #8)
» Immortal Hearts (Vampire Kisses #9)
» Vampire Kisses (Vampire Kisses #1)
» Kissing Coffins (Vampire Kisses #2)
» Vampireville (Vampire Kisses #3)
» Dance with a Vampire (Vampire Kisses #4)