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Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9) Page 19
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

"So he won't target them for...termination." Caitlyn paused in her pacing to look at her nephew and niece. They were so beautiful and innocent. "You have to protect them, too."

"Yes. It's better for Dad to feel attached to them."

Caitlyn turned to face her sister. "Do you know if he was controlling me or Dylan?"

"I don't think so. Dylan was always busy with his sports, so he was hardly ever home. You were young and eager to please. I don't think Dad ever needed to use mind control on you. I was the one who gave him trouble."

Caitlyn winced. "I'm so sorry."

Shanna waved a dismissive hand as she stood. "It's not your fault. Let's put it all behind us, okay?"

"How can I? I suffered for years, feeling lonesome and abandoned. And you were suffering, too! Dad had no right to separate us."

"He couldn't control me. He probably thought I'd be a bad influence on you." Shanna snorted. "He still thinks I'm a bad influence on you. But it's all over. We're together now. That's what really counts."

Caitlyn rushed to her sister and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're all right, that you found new friends, and you have such beautiful children."

Shanna smiled and wiped her sister's cheeks. "No more tears, okay? Everything will be all right."

Caitlyn nodded, although she still felt shaky inside. The last two nights had completely turned her world topsy-turvy. Creatures who should be monsters were now her friends. And her dad was looking like the real monster.

She needed to get away from it all. "I think I'll go back to the townhouse now." She needed a long hot bath and a good night's sleep.

"Okay," Shanna said. "Maybe we can come see you tomorrow. Late afternoon?"

"Hello, my darlings," a woman with an Eastern European accent said from the nursery.

"Radinka!" Tino shouted. "Look at my new fire truck."

Shanna strode into the nursery, bringing Caitlyn with her. "Hi, Radinka. Remember my sister?"

"Yes, of course." Radinka extended a hand. "We're so happy to have you join us."

"Thank you." Caitlyn shook hands with the older woman, then realized she wasn't letting go.

"Ah." Radinka squeezed her hand and studied her carefully. "Yes. I see love in your future. A very passionate love."

Caitlyn's face grew warm. "Okay." She tried to withdraw her hand, but the older woman held tight.

"Hmm. It is a forbidden love," Radinka murmured.

Shanna leaned close to Caitlyn and whispered, "She's a bit psychic."

"A bit?" Radinka released Caitlyn's hand and gave Shanna an incredulous look. "Wasn't I right about you and Roman? And Emma and Angus? And Darcy and - "

"All right." Shanna laughed. "You're extremely psychic."

"Thank you." Radinka set her handbag on the table and began unbuttoning her coat. "Now if I could just find a match for my son."

"Gregori is the vice president of marketing here at Romatech," Shanna explained.

"I like Gregori!" Sofia whirled around in a circle.

Radinka snorted. "I've never met a female who didn't. I don't know how I'll ever get him to settle down." She removed her coat. "By the way, Shanna, he's your first appointment tonight. He should be here in fifteen minutes."

"Good evening," a masculine voice came from the hallway.

Caitlyn stiffened. She'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Hi, Carlos!" Tino skipped over to the door.

Caitlyn turned and found his golden brown eyes focused entirely on her. Her heart pounded. Her throat constricted, making her breathless. Oh God, she couldn't handle an encounter with him now. She'd had enough drama for one evening.

"Ah, interesting," Radinka whispered.

Shanna shook her head at Radinka, then gave the shape shifter a bland look. "Can we help you, Carlos?"

"Emma sent me. May I have a word with you, Caitlyn?"

She swallowed hard. "My training doesn't start till tomorrow, so I'm going back to the townhouse now."

His eyes gleamed amber. "We didn't think you should drive back all alone. Emma thought you might be upset after the confrontation with your father."

"I'm fine, really." Caitlyn turned toward the others in the nursery. "It was nice to meet you, Radinka. Shanna, I'll see you and the kids tomorrow. 'Bye."

Tino and Sofia hugged her, then Caitlyn opened the nursery door to leave.

Carlos stepped back to let her pass. "You've been crying," he whispered.

A shiver skittered down her back. "It's nothing." She headed to the conference room to collect her handbag and portfolio.

He hovered in the doorway with a duffel bag in his hand. "You've been through a lot this evening. Why don't you let me drive?"

Just what she needed, another controlling man in her life. "No thanks. I'm fine." She swung her handbag onto her shoulder and marched out the door.

Carlos strode alongside her. "Let me put this another way. I..."

She glanced at him. He was clearly struggling to get something out. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

He gave her an annoyed look. "This cat is fine. I...I actually need a ride back."

She snorted. "Can you say pretty please?"

He halted, glowering at her. "No, I can't. I could easily hitch a ride with one of the Vamps."

"Fine." Tears blurred her vision and her voice cracked. "'Cause I really want to be alone right now." Shanna might think everything was settled, but Caitlyn was still reeling from everything she'd just learned. Her dad had purposely separated her from her sister and he'd turned her mother into an emotionless shell.

His expression softened. "Catalina, you shouldn't be driving when you're this upset."

She couldn't bear for him to be nice. Sympathy would make her crumble faster than anything. "Don't tell me what to do. I hate controlling men. I hate - " Tears threatened to fall, so she whirled away before he could see them and strode down the hallway to the foyer.

Dammit! She wiped a tear off her cheek. She was upset. All those years when she feared she wasn't good enough, she had suffered needlessly. It hadn't been her fault. Or Shanna's fault. They'd been cursed with an ass**le for a father.

She barged through the front doors into the parking lot. Cool air stung her wet cheeks. She hurried to her car, set her portfolio on the trunk, then fumbled in her handbag for the keys.

"It's a rental car, right?" Carlos asked. "Why don't you let me drive?"

She spun around to face him. "You're still here?"

"I never left. You're too upset to know when someone's two steps behind you. You shouldn't be driving."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"I'm a friend, Catalina," he growled. "I am not your father."

With a cry of exasperation, she tried to shove him away.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her back, slamming her against his chest. His eyes gleamed with anger...and something else.

Desire. Her breath caught. Her handbag and keys tumbled from her grasp to land on the asphalt pavement. "Do it," she whispered, sliding her hands around his neck. "Kiss me."

The muscles in his neck strained. His grip on her arms tightened. "No."

She pushed him away, and he released her. They stood a foot apart, staring at each other, breathing heavily.

"The cameras are on," he said softly. "I'm not giving Emma and Angus another show to watch."

Caitlyn lifted her eyebrows. "Then you'll kiss me in private?"

His amber eyes burned into her. "No." He leaned over, scooped her keys off the ground, then unlocked the passenger side door. He opened it and gave her a fierce look. "Get in."

She snatched her handbag off the pavement and grabbed her portfolio off the trunk. Rejected again. Just as well. The last thing she needed in her life right now was another domineering male. She tossed her belongings onto the floor, then climbed into the car and settled on the seat. Her tight skirt hitched up quite a bit, but she didn't tug it down. She glanced up at Carlos to see if he'd noticed.

His jaw ticked, and he slammed the door shut.

With a snort, she fastened her seat belt. This was going to be a fun ride.

Chapter Ten

This was going to be a ride from hell, Carlos thought as he drove through White Plains. It was damned hard to concentrate with her tight little skirt halfway up her thighs. He glanced over. More than halfway.

Kerrelyn Sparks's Novels
» The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8)
» How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake #1)
» Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9)
» Vamps and the City (Love at Stake #2)
» Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)
» A Very Vampy Christmas (Love at Stake #2.5)
» Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)
» Wild About You (Love at Stake #13)
» Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake #3)
» The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake #4)
» How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)
» All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire (Love at Stake #5)
» Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake #16)
» Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake #6)
» Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7)
» Vampires Gone Wild (Love at Stake #13.5)
» The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14)
» Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12)