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Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood #9) Page 27
Author: J.R. Ward

Unfortunately, the proxy theory most certainly did not work when you wished you had been the one to take someone's virginity, but you hadn't, and your best follow-up idea was to go to a club, find someone with a similar physical trait, like ... oh, say ... hair color ... and f**k them instead.

In that proxy situation, you ended up feeling hollow, and not because you'd come your brains out and were floating on a little postcoital cloud of ahhhhh, yeah.

Standing in this tunnel, all by himself, Qhuinn was utterly empty in his own skin. Ghost-towned from the inside out.

Too bad his libido was far from out of bright ideas. In the quiet solitude, he started to imagine what it would be like if it were him instead of his cousin coming down with Blay for dinner. If he was the one sharing not just a bed, but a bedroom with the guy. If he stood up to everyone and said, Hey, this is my mate -

The mental lockdown that followed that little ditty was so complete, he felt like he'd been punched in the head.

And that was the problem, wasn't it.

As he rubbed his mismatched eyes, he thought back on how much his family had hated him: He'd been raised to believe his genetic defect of having one blue and one green iris meant he was an abnormal freak, and they'd treated him as an embarrassment to the bloodline.

Well, actually it had been worse than that. They'd ended up kicking him out of house and sending an honor guard to teach him a lesson. Which was how he'd ended up a wahlker.

To think they'd never known about the other "abnormalities" he harbored.

Like wanting to be with his best friend.

Christ, he so didn't need a mirror to see himself for the coward and the fraud he was ... but there was nothing he could do about it. He was locked in a cage with no key that he could find, years of his family's derision boxing him in and cramping him: The truth behind his wild side was that he was a straight-up pu**y. Blay, on the other hand, was the strong one. Tired of waiting around, he'd declared who he was and found somebody to be with.

Fucking hell, this hurt ...

With a curse, he cut off the premenstrual monologue and forced himself to get walking. With each footfall, he tightened himself up, duct-taping his messy inner workings together and fortifying his leaky pipes.

Life was about change. Blay had changed. John had changed.

And he was next on the list, apparently, because he couldn't keep going like this.

As he entered the training center through the back of the office, he decided that if Blay could turn over a new leaf, so could he. Life was what you determined it to be; regardless of where fate put you, logic and free will meant you could make your cabbage patch anything the f**k you wanted.

And he didn't want where he was: Not the anonymous sex. Not the desperate stupidity. Not the burning jealousy and nagging regrets that got him nowhere.

The locker room was empty, as there were no training classes going on, and he changed by himself, getting naked before pulling on black running shorts and a pair of black Nikes. The workout room was likewise an echo chamber, and that was just as well.

Firing up the sound system, he flipped through the shit with the remote. When Gorillaz's "Clint Eastwood" came on, he went over to a treadmill and got on the thing. He hated working out ... just despised the mindless gerbil nature of it all. Better to f**k or fight, he'd always said.

However, when you were stuck indoors because of the dawn, and were determined to try to give celibacy a shot, running to get nowhere seemed pretty frickin' viable as an energy suck.

Juicing up the machine, he hopped on and sang along.

Focusing on the white-painted concrete across the way, he pounded one foot after another, again and again and again, until there was nothing to his mind or his body except the repetitive footfalls and the beat of his heart and the sweat that formed on his bare chest and stomach and back.

For once in his life, he did not go for breakneck: The speed was calibrated so that his pace was a steady churn, the kind of thing he could sustain for hours.

When you were trying to get away from yourself, you gravitated to the loud and obnoxious, to the extremes, to the reckless, because it forced you to scramble and hang on with your clawing nails to cliffs of your own self-invention.

Just as Blay was who he was, Qhuinn was the same: Even though he wished he could be out and with the ... male ... he loved, he couldn't make himself go there.

But by God, he was going to stop running from his cowardice. He had to own his shit - even if it made him hate himself to the core. Because maybe if he did, he'd stop trying to distract himself with sex and drinking, and figure out what he did want.

Apart from Blay, that was.

Chapter Fourteen

Sitting beside Butch in the Escalade, V was a six-foot-six, two-hundred-fifty-pound contusion.

As they sped back to the compound, every inch of him was pounding, the pain forming a haze that calmed the screaming inside of him.

So he'd gotten something of what he'd needed.

The trouble was, the relief was beginning to fade already, and didn't that get him pissed off at the Good Samaritan behind the wheel. Not that the cop seemed to care. He'd been dialing that cell phone of his and hanging up and dialing again and hanging up, like the fingers on his right hand had a case of Tourette's.

He was probably calling Jane and thinking better of it. Thank f**k - "

Yeah, I'd like to report a dead body," he heard the cop say. "No, I'm not giving my name. It's in a Dumpster in an alley off Tenth Street, two blocks over from the Commodore. Looks to be a Caucasian female, late teens, early twenties ... No, I'm not giving my name.... Hey, how about you get down the address and stop worrying about me...."

As Butch got into it with the operator, V shifted his ass in the seat and felt the broken ribs on his right side howl. Not bad. If he needed another hit to chill him out, he could just do some sit-ups and get back on the agony-go-round -

Butch tossed his cell onto the dash. Cursed. Cursed again.

Then decided to share the wealth: "How far were you going to let it go, V? Until they stabbed you? Left you for the sun? What was going to be far enough?"

V talked around his swollen lip. "Don't front, true."

"Front?" Butch swung his head around, his eyes positively violent. "Excuse me?"

"Don't pretend ... you don't know what this is like. I've seen you on a bender.... I've seen - " He coughed. "I've seen you drunk on your feet with a glass in both hands. So do not go holier-thanthou on me."

Butch refocused on the road. "You are a miserable son of a bitch."


Yup, that was about it for the convo.

By the time Butch tooled up in front of the mansion, both of them were wincing and blinking like they'd been hit in the puss with Mace: The sun was still buried on the far side of the horizon, but it was close enough to put a blush in the sky that was only a few megawatts south of deadly to a vampire.

They didn't go into the big house. No f**king way. Last Meal was about to get its knife and fork on, and given both their moods, there was no reason to feed the gossip mill.

Without saying another word, V walked into the Pit and beelined for his bedroom. There was no seeing Jane or his sister looking like this, for real. Hell, given what his mug felt like, there might be no seeing them even after a shower.

In the bath, he started the water and disarmed in the dark - which involved all of taking his one dagger out of the belt holster around his waist and putting it on the counter. His clothes were filthy, covered with blood and wax and other shit, and he let them fall on the floor, unsure what he was going to do with them.

Then he got under the spray before it was warm. As the cold water hit his face and pecs, he hissed, the shock shooting down into his c**k and hardening him - not that he felt any interest in doing something about the erection. He just closed his eyes as his blood and the blood of his enemy sluiced off his body and got sucked down the drain.

Man, after he got his shit washed up, he was so going to put a turtleneck on. His face was f**ked-up, but maybe that could be explained away by his having been in a fight with the enemy. Turning himself into a black-and-blue canvas from head to foot?

Not so much.

Hanging his head and letting the water run off his nose and chin, he tried desperately to go back to the numb floats he'd had in the car, but with the pain fading, his drug of choice was losing its grip on him and the world was getting too clear again.

God, the sense of being out of control and pissed off choked him sure as if there were hands around his throat.

J.R. Ward's Novels
» Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood #4)
» Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood #5)
» Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood #6)
» Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood #7)
» Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood #8)
» Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood #9)
» Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood #10)
» Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1)
» Covet (Fallen Angels #1)
» Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood #2)
» Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood #3)
» The Story of Son