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Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7) Page 29
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

"Where is she?" Maggie asked.

"The room next to the chapel, at the end of the hallway." He motioned to the double swinging doors behind the bandstand. "She said she would come here soon, but you might want to check on her."

"I will." Maggie hurried off.

Phil strode into the foyer, wondering how much Vanda knew about shape shifters.

Phineas zoomed in through the front door and joined him. "I was just finishing my rounds when Connor called," he said in a husky voice.

"How are you feeling?" Phil asked.

"Better. Roman gave me some Blissky on ice, and that helped with the throat burn." Phineas placed a hand over his heart. "But the pain of betrayal - how could my sweet angelic LaToya be so cruel?"

"Give her time." Phil headed down the hall with him. "She just needs to get to know you."

Phineas grimaced. "That's what I'm afraid of. What if she finds my rap sheet? I'll be lucky if she doesn't try to arrest me. How can love be so cruel?"

"I know what you mean. The lady I love is scared to death of wolves. How can I tell her what I am?"

Phineas sighed. "Fate can be so cruel." He shot Phil a curious look. "Who are you in love with?"


Phineas snickered. "You're in love with an it?"

"She's a Vamp. I believe you all claim to be somewhat human."

Phineas scoffed. "Then what's the problem, bro? Don't you big bad wolves live a nice long time?"


"Hot damn, bro, that's the best kind."

Phil smiled. "At least she already knows about shape shifters. It won't come as a total shock when I tell her the news."

"Who are we talking about?" Phineas lowered his voice. "It's not Vanda, is it?"

Phil stopped. "Am I that obvious?"

"Only to the Love Doctor. I'm in tune with sweet love vibrations." Phineas shook his head, wincing. "But I have to tell you, man. I was at Vanda's club when that Jedrek dude attacked and Carlos shifted into a black panther - I mean a real black panther. She was upset, wanted him out of her club. I don't think she likes shape shifters at all."

Phil swallowed hard. "Thanks for the warning."

"Any time, bro." Phineas sighed. "We're so screwed. Vanda hates shape shifters. LaToya hates vampires. How can life be so - "

"Cruel?" Phil finished the question for him, wishing he knew the answer. Life had certainly dealt Vanda some cruel blows. But she was a survivor, and he wouldn't give up hope. He swiped his ID and activated the hand sensor to open the door to the security office.

Inside, it was standing room only. Phil was surprised by the number of nonsecurity people in attendance, like Roman and Jean-Luc and their wives, but obviously everyone wanted the latest news available.

Connor nodded at Phil and Phineas. "I've been catching everyone up. About thirty minutes ago Casimir and two of his cohorts teleported into the main temple of Apollo's compound in Maine. Angus and his team caught them by surprise, and a battle ensued. Casimir ordered his men to defend him, then teleported away while they were left fighting for their lives."

"Typical of the bastard," Jean-Luc muttered.

"Aye." Connor nodded. "One of the cohorts managed to escape, but the second one was captured. All we know about him is that he used the name Hermes. He refuses to divulge any more information."

Jack snorted. "I'm sure Angus can change his mind."

Connor smiled grimly. "They have Hermes tied up with silver chains to prevent him from teleporting away. Angus wants to transfer him here to the silver room at Romatech, where we have tighter security, but of course they canna teleport him here with all the silver on him. So they're driving him here."

Phil figured the trip from Maine had to be over five hundred miles. "I don't think they can make it here before sunrise."

"Nay, that's why Austin and Darcy will be driving the van," Connor explained. "They'll have Hermes chained and boxed in the back to keep him from escaping or getting burned by the sun. Meanwhile, Angus and the rest of his team will remain at the compound in case Casimir returns with more men to try to rescue Hermes."

"How many Vamps does Angus have with him?" Jack asked.

"Three," Connor replied. "Emma, Dougal, and Zoltan."

"Does he want more?" Jean-Luc asked. "I can go."

"Me, too," Jack said.

Connor smiled. "If ye want to go, Angus wouldna refuse you. But 'tis probably unnecessary. Casimir has never been known to rescue any of his followers."

"True," Jack agreed. "He considers them expendable. Still, I'd like to go just as a precaution."

Lara leaned close to him, her expression worried. "Shall I come with you?"

"You're tired. Get some rest." Jack kissed her brow. "Wait for me at the townhouse. I'll be back before dawn."

Jean-Luc gave his wife a kiss, then he and Jack went into the armory at the back of the office to collect some weapons.

"Yo." Phineas held up a hand. "I want to go, too."

Connor shifted his gaze to the young black Vamp. "I appreciate that, but we have a special assignment for you."

Phineas grinned. "Cool! Lots of action, huh?"

"I requested your help." Roman stepped toward him. "I believe you once supplied the Malcontents with the ingredients to make Nightshade?"

Phineas's grin faded. "Yeah, that's why they transformed me. They wanted a drug dealer." He crossed his arms, frowning. "I don't do that shit anymore. I'm one of the good guys."

"I know you are," Roman replied. "But if we had some Nightshade, we could teleport prisoners like Hermes. When the Malcontents kidnapped Angus two years ago, they paralyzed him with Nightshade, so there was no need for silver chains. Then they were able to teleport him."

"I know." Phineas shifted his weight. "I feel really bad about helping them, but they said they'd kill my family - "

"We doona blame you, lad," Connor said.

"It would really help us to have some Nightshade," Roman said. "Unfortunately, I don't know how it's made."

"Oh, bummer," Phineas mumbled.

"Exactly," Roman continued. "But I think I could figure out the formula if I had the right ingredients. Do you remember them? Can you procure them for me?"

"Yeah, I remember." Phineas grimaced. "We're talking some bad-ass illegal shit."

Connor gave him a wry look. "We have every confidence in you."

"Yeah. Thanks." Phineas leaned close to Phil and murmured, "If LaToya finds out about this, she'll be really pissed."

"No one needs to know." Connor had overheard him. "Once ye have the drugs in yer possession, ye can erase the mortals' memories."

"Look at it this way," Phil said to Phineas. "You'll be taking dangerous drugs off the street."

The young Vamp's eyes lit up. "You're right. I'll be doing the world a favor."

Roman smiled. "Thank you. This could be a valuable weapon in our war against the Malcontents."

"Dr. Phang at your service," Phineas boasted.

"Then off ye go." Connor gave him a pointed look.

"Right." Phineas nodded. "I'll have to drop by the townhouse first to change clothes. Can't go into the hood looking like this." He teleported away.

Connor waved Phil over. "Can ye take Heather and Lara to the townhouse?"

"Sure." Phil frowned. "But I'd rather go with Jack and be where the action is."

"I doona believe there will be any more action in Maine tonight," Connor whispered. "And once Austin and Darcy get the prisoner here, this is where the action will be. I'm counting on yer help with the prisoner, so get yer rest now while ye can."

It was almost like old times with a full house to guard. Phil drove Lara Boucher, Heather Echarpe, and Heather's daughter Bethany to the townhouse. Then he excused himself to go to the basement to get a few hours sleep. He had to stay alert during the day, when he guarded the Vamps.

He was up again shortly before dawn. Vanda, Cora Lee, and Pamela teleported in from the nightclub. Jack and Jean-Luc returned from Apollo's compound in Maine, reporting that there had been no more activity there. Angus and the rest of his team had decided to stay there. Phineas arrived home with good news. He'd managed to find all the drugs Roman needed to figure out the Nightshade formula.

Kerrelyn Sparks's Novels
» The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8)
» How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake #1)
» Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9)
» Vamps and the City (Love at Stake #2)
» Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)
» A Very Vampy Christmas (Love at Stake #2.5)
» Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)
» Wild About You (Love at Stake #13)
» Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake #3)
» The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake #4)
» How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)
» All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire (Love at Stake #5)
» Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake #16)
» Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake #6)
» Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7)
» Vampires Gone Wild (Love at Stake #13.5)
» The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14)
» Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12)