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Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7) Page 39
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

"Army helicopters?" Phil asked.

"We think so," Angus said as he continued to pace. "They must have used mind control to infiltrate nearby military bases."

"I'll alert the military," Sean Whelan said. When a dozen heads turned to him with alarm, he lifted his hands. "Don't worry. I won't tell them about vampires. I'll just say there's a radical group of psychic terrorists on the loose, using mind control to infiltrate bases. I'll recommend a lockdown, no visitors allowed on base after sundown. Any strangers will be shot on sight. Maybe that will help."

"Thank you, Whelan." Angus paced down the length of the table. "Let's get started, then. As ye all know, two of our Romatechs were destroyed tonight. One of our top priorities is resuming production as soon as possible in Texas and Colorado. Gregori is working on that."

Gregori nodded. "We're already looking at some rental properties. We still have all the daytime mortal employees, so we hope to be producing again in two weeks."

"Good. Another top priority is keeping the remaining three Romatechs safe. To that end, we have enlisted the help of Shanna's father." Angus motioned to Sean Whelan. "Ye have the floor, Sean."

"Thank you." The CIA operative stood and gazed warily about the room. "As much as it grieves me to associate with your kind, I am convinced an alliance with you is in the best interest of living Americans."

"Thank you, Sean." Emma smiled at him.

He scowled at his former employee. "I've contacted the army, and they've agreed to provide extra security at your facility here and in Ohio and California. They'll also provide antiaircraft missile launchers, radar equipment, and the necessary personnel to man the equipment. They'll start setting things up tomorrow."

"How did ye explain this to the army?" Connor asked.

"I told them it was a routine exercise to combat domestic terrorism," Sean replied. "Which is true, in my opinion. Those damned vampires are the worst terrorist threat our country has ever faced. If there's anything else I can do to wipe the Undead off the face of the planet, just let me know."

An uneasy silence pervaded the room.

"Well, we're verra grateful for yer help, Sean." Angus shook hands with him. "Now, perhaps ye'd like to visit yer grandchildren? They're across the hall in the nursery with Radinka."

Sean gave him a wry look. "I'd rather stay here and see what your plans are."

A flicker of annoyance shone in Angus's eyes before he motioned to a chair. "Of course. Have a seat."

Angus resumed his pacing. "Roman's busy taking care of the wounded, so he canna report on his most recent project, discovering the formula for Nightshade. Laszlo, do ye know if he's made any progress?"

The small chemist sat up. "Yes, sir. He's completed two test serums. The problem, of course, is finding a test subject. At best, the serum will paralyze a vampire. Worst case scenario..." He grabbed a button on his lab coat and twisted it. "It could be fatal."

Connor leaned back in his chair. "Och, luckily, we have a volunteer. He's waiting in the silver room."

"The prisoner?" Laszlo plucked at his button. "That - That doesn't seem very humane."

"He's not human," Sean Whelan hissed. "He's a monster."

Angus sighed. "I'm actually in agreement with you there, Whelan."

"Hell must be freezing over," Connor muttered, then raised his voice. "We might as well put the prisoner to good use. He doesna appear to have any more information for us."

"And I hear ye've been working on something new, Laszlo?" Angus asked.

"Ah, yes." The chemist tugged at his button. "You see, I was talking to Jack last night at the party, and he told me about a device the FBI put into a hair weave for Lara in order to track her. Unfortunately, Jack could hear it, so he had to remove it. But then the Malcontents kidnapped Lara, and he was unable to find her for days."

"Aye, we know," Angus grumbled impatiently. "Get on with it."

The button popped off onto the table. Laszlo grabbed it and stuffed it into a pocket. "I started work tonight on a tracking device that would be completely undetectable to vampires and shape shifters. Then we could all be tagged, and if anyone gets kidnapped, we could rescue them quickly."

"Sounds like a great idea, buddy." Gregori gave the small chemist a thumbs-up.

Laszlo blushed. "Well, I was kidnapped once myself, so I know how frightening it can be."

"How exactly would ye tag us?" Connor asked.

"The device would most likely be inserted beneath the skin." Laszlo started fiddling with a new button. "The incision would heal during our death-sleep, so no trace of the surgical implantation would remain."

"How far along are you?" Angus asked.

"I-I just started tonight. I need a few nights - a week perhaps."

"Right. Good luck to you." Angus motioned to the door.

Laszlo blinked. "Oh. Of course. Thank you." He scurried out the door.

"All right, we need to talk strategy," Angus said.

Phil raised a hand. "Something just occurred to me. We could take Laszlo's tracking device, implant it in Sigismund while he's in his death-sleep so he won't know it's there, then pretend to be moving him and accidentally allow him to escape - "

"The devil take it," Angus exclaimed. "He might lead us straight to Casimir."

Excited murmurs spread about the room.

Sean Whelan jumped to his feet. "If we discover where he's hiding, I could send a special task force to stake Casimir and all his followers in their death-sleep!"

The murmurs stopped. Phil winced at the appalled looks on the Vamps in the room. If Sean felt it was entirely acceptable to stake Malcontents in their death-sleep, what would stop him from doing it someday to the Vamps?

Angus cleared his throat. "We appreciate yer help in matters of security, Whelan. But when it comes to killing Casimir, we'd rather do it with honor. Face-to-face on the field of battle."

Sean snorted. "You think those monsters have any comprehension of honor?"

"Perhaps no', but we do." Angus turned to Phil. "Ye have a great idea there, lad."

"Aye, but 'twill be a week or so before Laszlo has the tracking device ready," Connor said. "We canna wait here, twiddling our thumbs, while Casimir continues his attack."

Angus nodded, and resumed his pacing. "We need to act."

"If we can't find Casimir, we let him find us," Jack said.

"A trap," Angus murmured. "Go on."

"We should set the trap far away from the remaining Romatechs," Emma suggested. "Draw his attention away from them."

Phil nodded. "Then we'll be taking control of the situation."

"Verra good," Angus said. "We just need to bait the trap. Dinna Sigismund give us a list of Vamps that Casimir wants to kill?"

Phil clenched his hands into fists underneath the table. He couldn't let them use Vanda as bait.

"I have the list here." Connor retrieved a sheet of paper from his folder. "Ian and Toni. They would do it."

"But they're still on their honeymoon," Emma protested. "Is there anyone else?"

"Zoltan and Dougal." Connor read from the list. "They were at the Romatechs that were bombed tonight. They have some burns and scrapes, but they'll recover during their death-sleep."

"Good," Angus said. "Then we have two."

"I'm on the list." Jack raised a hand. "I'll do it."

His fiancée, Lara, winced. "Then I'd better go, too. You guys will need a day guard."

"Actually, Jack, we have another assignment for you," Angus said. "I want Roman and his family to go into hiding tomorrow night. Usually Connor and Howard go with them, but I think it makes more sense for you and Lara to go."

Jack stiffened. "But I'll miss all the action. I'm the best swordsman you have. No offense, Jean-Luc."

The French Vamp waved a hand in dismissal.

"The two of you are the perfect choice," Connor explained. "Ye can guard at night, and Lara during the day. And ye'll still be alive for yer wedding."

Lara looked relieved, but Jack was grinding his teeth.

Connor gave him a sympathetic look. "I know how ye feel, lad. I've been there myself. But keeping Roman safe is verra important. If he succeeds in making Nightshade, it could be our greatest weapon in combating the Malcontents."

Kerrelyn Sparks's Novels
» The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8)
» How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake #1)
» Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9)
» Vamps and the City (Love at Stake #2)
» Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)
» A Very Vampy Christmas (Love at Stake #2.5)
» Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)
» Wild About You (Love at Stake #13)
» Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake #3)
» The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake #4)
» How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)
» All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire (Love at Stake #5)
» Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake #16)
» Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake #6)
» Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7)
» Vampires Gone Wild (Love at Stake #13.5)
» The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14)
» Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12)