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Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7) Page 42
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

Vanda sighed. "Yes, but - "

"Do not worry, chérie." Giselle patted her on the shoulder. "Our best swordsmen will accompany you to the club. Many of them lost loved ones in the Great Vampire War of 1710. They are eager to have their revenge."

"Great." Vanda smiled wryly. "Then everybody's happy." She glanced at Phil. He'd been frowning all night, his gaze darting everywhere as if he expected danger at every turn.

Colbert slipped an arm around Giselle's slim waist. "And where are Scarlett and Tootsie? I thought they'd be the first ones down."

"They were still fiddling with their makeup in the bathroom, the last I saw them." Giselle smiled at Vanda. "They're your biggest fans."

"Fans?" Vanda blinked when a figure ran from the upstairs room onto the balcony. "Wow." The silver dress was completely covered with sequins and sparkled like a disco ball. It took her eyes a second to adjust.

"That's Scarlett," Colbert whispered.

Vanda's mouth fell open. Scarlett's figure filled out the dress quite well...for a man.

"Hot damn," Phineas muttered.

Scarlett looked down at Vanda and gasped. "Oh my God! She's here! Tootsie, hurry. She's here!" She, or he, flapped a hand in front of his face. "Oh my God, I can't breathe."

"Where is she?" Another figure dashed onto the balcony. Hot pink bell-bottoms and a halter top, completely covered with sequins. He wore a hot pink wig to match, topped with a sparkly pink pillbox hat.

"Et voilà." Colbert gestured to the balcony. "Tootsie."

Tootsie pressed a hand to his chest while he stared at Vanda. "It's really her! Oh my God, she's wearing the purple catsuit. And the purple hair." He reached out to grasp Scarlett's hand. "This is so exciting!"

Together the two men leaped off the balcony and landed on the ground floor.

Scarlett wobbled slightly in his six-inch red stilettos, then scurried toward Vanda. "I'm so glad to meet you. I'm your biggest fan!"

"No, I'm your biggest fan." Tootsie squeezed in front. "I'm a full size bigger than Scarlett." He giggled.

"Well, you wouldn't be if you laid off the Chocolood," Scarlett sneered. "Oh, Vanda - may I call you Vanda, please?"

"I suppose. It is my name."

Scarlett giggled. "You're so clever. And brave! We just loved the way you led that riot outside DVN when Ian was in trouble."

"You saw that?" Vanda recalled the event last December. Gregori had brought a camera out to the parking lot, where she'd gathered a group of women to support Ian. But at the time, she'd been a lot more worried about Ian's safety than the possibility of appearing on television.

"We just adore Ian," Tootsie explained. "Such a sweet boy."

"And such a sweet kilt," Scarlett added, but Tootsie slapped his wrist.

"Behave. And we just love the way you tried to help Ian find his true love." Tootsie pressed a hand to his mouth. "It was so romantic. I think I'm going to cry."

"Don't," Scarlett fussed. "It'll make your mascara run. And Vanda..." He grabbed her hand. "We just loved the way you attacked Corky Courrant. Don't we, everyone?"

Murmurs of agreement spread through the crowd.

"We have it all on tape," Tootsie explained. "That hideous part when Corky was insulting Ian, and then that lovely part when you went flying across the table to strangle the bitch."

"We've watched it a hundred times!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"Great," Vanda muttered. "It was one of my finer moments."

"We just adore you," Tootsie insisted. "And we love that terrible temper of yours."

"Oh yes." Scarlett shuddered. "It's so raw and fierce."

"Do you - " Tootsie pressed a hand to his hot pink lips. "Oh, I hate to be an imposition, but do you possibly think you could demonstrate one of those glorious fits of rage for us?"

"Oh yes, please." Scarlett clasped his hands together. "It would be such an honor to see you royally pissed!"

Vanda gritted her teeth. "I'm working on it as we speak."

"All right," Robby interrupted. "Enough gossiping. We need to proceed with the plan."

"Oh my." Tootsie looked Robby over. "Another nice kilt."

Robby arched a brow. "If ye come to the Vampire Blues with us, ye must be prepared to fight for yer lives."

Scarlett and Tootsie both gasped.

"Y'all have a fabulous time." Scarlett stepped back, waving good-bye.

"And don't let anything happen to Vanda," Tootsie added.

"We won't," Phil grumbled.

"This way." Colbert and six of his men strode toward the warehouse entrance.

Outside, they piled into two black limousines. Time to set the trap and see if Casimir would take the bait.


Phil ushered Vanda to a table in the center of the club. Vampire Blues obviously catered to a different sort of clientele than her club had. No bright lights or fast, pounding music. No screaming, bouncing girls demanding the next male dancer.

Vampire Blues was a dark, gloomy place that reeked of spilled Blissky. Vampire waitresses, dressed in black satin shorts and camisole tops, glided around the scarred tables. Above the bar, a television was tuned to the Digital Vampire Network. Stone Cauf-fyn was delivering The Nightly News, but the mute button had been turned on.

In a corner, next to the bar, a small jazz band was playing a slow, sad melody, and a couple on the dance floor swayed to the music.

Vanda sat with a huff. "This place is depressing."

"You're supposed to be depressed." Phil sat next to her. "You just lost your club."

"Don't remind me." She looked over her shoulder. "Where did the guys go? They're supposed to protect me."

"They will." Phil noticed how well Colbert and his friends blended into the dark booths at the back of the club. Robby MacKay, with his bright blue and green kilt, was more noticeable. He was sitting at a table, facing them, to keep the broadsword on his back from being seen.

"The first part of the plan is for you to get on Corky's show," Phil explained. "But we don't want your little army to appear on the show."

"Right," Vanda muttered. "Not only am I bait, but I have to look like totally helpless, vulnerable bait."

"Exactly." Phil motioned to a waitress. "If Casimir sees how well-protected you are, he'll know it's a trap. But if he thinks you're unprotected, he's more likely to attack with just a few men."

Vanda sighed. "Okay. Let's get on with this."

The waitress stopped by their table and looked Phil over. With a smile, she leaned over to show off her cle**age. "How can I serve you?"

"You can put on some clothes," Vanda grumbled.

The waitress straightened and shot her an annoyed look.

"I'll have a beer," Phil said. "And my fiancée will have a Blissky."

The waitress turned with a huff and stalked away.

Vanda stared at Phil. "What was that?"

"I know you don't drink liquor much, but you need to appear drunk," he explained.

"I meant the fiancée part. Did I miss a conversation somewhere?"

He smiled. "I thought it might keep the waitress from coming on to me. My apologies for using you in such a manner."

Her mouth twitched. "Honey, you can use me in any manner you like." She rubbed a booted foot along his leg.

He motioned with his head toward the other Vamps.

She rolled her eyes. "This forbidden crap is for the birds. I should be able to jump my guard if I want to." She smiled. "And I do want to."

He smiled back. "I want to, too. But we can't allow ourselves to get distracted right now."

A flash of light drew Phil's attention. More flashes. Three Japanese vampires were taking photos of the waitress. She posed for them, smiling.

Tourists, he figured. They each had a digital camera hanging around their necks. They sat at a table close by.

The waitress brought Phil and Vanda their drinks, then turned to the Japanese. "What would you like?"

"We want Brissky! I am Kyo, and I pay."

The waitress nodded. "Three Blisskys, coming up." As she walked toward the bar, Kyo took a picture of her backside.

Kerrelyn Sparks's Novels
» The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8)
» How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake #1)
» Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9)
» Vamps and the City (Love at Stake #2)
» Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)
» A Very Vampy Christmas (Love at Stake #2.5)
» Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)
» Wild About You (Love at Stake #13)
» Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake #3)
» The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake #4)
» How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)
» All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire (Love at Stake #5)
» Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake #16)
» Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake #6)
» Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7)
» Vampires Gone Wild (Love at Stake #13.5)
» The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14)
» Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12)