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Pierced (Lucian & Lia #1) Page 53
Author: Sydney Landon

I take a shower first, giving Lia a little more time to recover before handing the bathroom over to her. Mornings are something I enjoy now. This strange domesticity is foreign, but it makes me feel almost normal as I walk into the kitchen to pour us both a cup of coffee. Lia has been setting the coffeemaker at night, something I never bothered to do.

I am reading the morning news when she walks in later, dressed casually in jeans, a t-shirt, and flip-flops. She looks young and fresh. It’s hard to believe she’s the same woman I fucked to within an inch of both our lives less than an hour ago. That is part of her appeal, though, her innocence.

“Well, good morning,” she whispers against my lips as she leans down to kiss me. She takes a big sip from her now-lukewarm coffee before reading CNN over my shoulder. “Just once, I’d like to see the headline, ‘no news to report today, check back tomorrow’.” I chuckle in reply, thinking I’d like to see the same damn thing, but it’s a fantasy that’s never happening for either of us.

Looking at my watch, I know it’s almost time for Sam to arrive. She’s not going to like it, but it’s time to reiterate the rules for today; I’ll happily be the bad guy if it keeps her safe. I pull her down onto my lap, kissing the soft skin of her neck. I grin in satisfaction as she shivers in reaction. “Sam’s on his way. Remember, he drops you at the front door of St. Claire’s and picks you up there, as well. You’re not to go anywhere without him until we know what’s going on with your stepfather.” I work to keep my expression stern, and she pouts like a child.

“Is that really necessary? You need Sam far more than I do. How are you supposed to drive yourself into downtown Asheville today? Have you considered that traffic nightmare?” I am helpless to halt the grin her words bring forward. She’s a sassy little shit this morning, and I’m completely charmed, as usual, where she is concerned.

“I’ve been driving myself around this city for far longer than you have, baby. I’m pretty sure I can handle it. Just do this for me, please. After all, I cannot very well torture my employees and make money while I’m worried about you, now can I?”

Looking completely serious, which I know is a sham, she says, “Good point. I promise to follow the rules, Dad.”

I am in the middle of chasing her around the living room, intent on spanking her beautiful bottom, when a knock sounds at the door. As usual, Sam is right on time. Would it have killed him to be a few minutes late, just this once? Lia…the little wench has the audacity to stick her pink tongue out at me as she opens the door. Sam takes one look at our disheveled appearances and shakes his head, muttering something about refilling his coffee cup. I waggle a finger in her face, lowering my voice to promise, “Just delayed, baby, not forgotten.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” she says against my lips as she kisses me before leaving with Sam.

I quickly gather my keys and briefcase. I have a nine o’clock appointment, and Lia is right, the downtown traffic is sure to be hell this morning.

Chapter Seventeen


Sam and I make small talk on the short ride to school. We arrange for him to pick me up at the main entrance of St. Claire’s at three that afternoon. Without my car, I plan to remain in the building; I can use the campus coffee shop as a study hall between classes. “I hope having to drive me today isn’t messing up any plans you might have had, Sam.” I’ve taken care of myself since I was old enough to walk, so this feels a little surreal to me.

Sam gives me a reassuring smile in the rearview mirror. “Lia, this is no trouble at all. If I wasn’t driving you, then I would be driving Luc. Besides, your morning conversational skills are much better; Luc generally buries his head in his computer until we reach the office.”

My answering grin says I’m fully aware of how much Lucian loves his morning news and stock reports. The man has a brain like a sponge. After scanning an internet page for a minute, he could probably ace a ten-page quiz on the contents. “Ah, yes, the man does love his technology.” Switching gears, I decide I need to get to know the person I will be spending time with this week. “So, how long have you been with Lucian?”

The affection in Sam’s voice is obvious as he answers. “All of his life. I worked for his father and then stayed on to help Miss Fae after his parents passed away. When he started Quinn Software, he wanted me with him. Gave both me and Aidan a piece of the company from the beginning. Not many men would do that for an employee. I love that boy like my own.”

“If there is one thing I’ve learned, Sam, Lucian is nothing like other men, so I’m not surprised in the least by his generosity.” Holding out a hand to encompass the car, I add, “Just look around. Lucian and I haven’t been together long, but he is doing everything in his power to take care of me. Trust me when I say I’ve never met anyone like him.”

“Luc is a complicated man, but you’re good for him. Like you, he hasn’t had an easy life. For all those people who think money makes everything okay, he’s living proof it’s not always the case. He’s the man he is, though, because of all of those things.”

Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “What happened to him, Sam? The scar on his neck, the dreams? I’ve heard enough to know it involves Cassie, but she’s almost like a ghost. People talk about her, but then act funny when I ask where she is. If you’ve been with Lucian for this long, you must have known her.” I feel guilty when he shifts uncomfortably and falls silent. My God, what is it about that name that brings such strange reactions from everyone? I have my suspicions, but maybe it’s worse than even I can imagine.

Finally, Sam says, “Have you asked Luc about her?”

“I have and also his aunt. Both just say she doesn’t live here. Well, I already figured that out; otherwise she would be around, right? I gather she was friends with Lucian and Aidan growing up.”

“She was…things were pretty bad between the three of them as they got older. A lot of jealousy, misunderstandings, and mistakes. What Luc said, though, is true; she doesn’t live here now, and he’s better off for it.” Sam expels a breath, obviously remembering another time and place. “Lia, it’s not my place to tell you about Luc’s past. He will, when he’s ready. Just give him time and be patient. You’re good for him, and I’m happy to see him looking more like the old Luc. Wasn’t sure that would ever happen again.”

Sydney Landon's Novels
» The One for Me (Danvers #8)
» Watch Over Me (Danvers #7)
» Always Loving You (Danvers #6)
» No Denying You (Danvers #5)
» Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)
» Pierced (Lucian & Lia #1)
» Betting on You (Danvers #4.5)
» Fighting For You (Danvers #4)
» Not Planning on You (Danvers #2)
» Fall for Me (Danvers #3)
» Weekends Required (Danvers #1)