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Branded as Trouble (Rough Riders #6) Page 34
Author: Lorelei James

“I’m glad Eliza didn’t get her rock throwing abilities from you, as I would’ve had another head injury to deal with.”

“How is your head?”

“Evidently I’m a lot more hard-headed than I realized.”

“And yet, you sound so surprised by that statement, McKay.”

A slight pause. “How’s your ass?”

“You expectin’ me to say I’m a dumbass?”

“Or a smartass. Or you behaved like a jackass…take your pick.”

He smiled. “I’ve missed you like crazy the last forty-nine hours.”

“You’ve kept track of how long it’s been since you’ve seen me?”

I always do. “Uh. Yeah. Does that make me a pathetic loser?”

“No, it’s very sweet, in a stalkerish sort of way.”


“So you really missed me?”

Colt rested his hot forehead against the cool glass of the sliding glass door. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“You have a funny way of showing it.”

“You mean fighting with you in public? Or groping you in public?”

“Both, I guess.”

“I’m hopin’ you preferred one way over the other.”

“I did.”

“You gonna tell me which one?”

“Nope.” She let loose a husky laugh. “But I might be convinced to show you.”

“I wish you were here.”

The doorbell rang.

“Hang on, someone’s at the door.” By the time he reached the foyer, he prayed his suspicion was right.

India stood on his steps. “I was on my way over to check on you before you called.”


“I thought I might’ve scared you away for good. I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

“All right as in…you wanted to check if I’d swung by the package liquor store?”

“No. I’m not here as your sponsor.” She frowned. “Especially since I’m no longer your sponsor.”

“Then why are you here?”

India locked her eyes to his. “Because I missed you.”

“And?” The moment of truth. Of intent. His heart raced. His body went on full alert.

“And you do realize our two weeks of strictly dating are up, right?”

Colt decided doing a victory lap would be a little over the top.


“Can I come in?”

He set his phone on the library table. “As long as you understand the instant you cross that threshold, India Ellison, I’m gonna be all over you.”

Giving him a cocky grin, she stepped into the foyer.

He had India in his arms before her other foot met the tile. His mouth was on hers as he carried her into the living room.

Between frantic kisses, he whispered, “I need—”

“I know, Colt, me too.”

“No foreplay.”

“Fine.” She kissed him. “Good.” She kissed him again.

“Whatever. We’ve had two weeks worth of foreplay.”

“Hell, woman, we’ve had three f**kin’ years of foreplay,” he growled. “In my bed. Now.”

“No. No more waiting.” India trapped his face in her hands.

“Right here.”

“Where? Against the wall? On the couch? Over the chair?”

“On the white rug. Move the coffee table.”

“Done.” He set her down and dragged the iron and glass table out of the way as if it weighed nothing. Then he reached for her again.

The kiss was explosive. She tasted of mint and coffee. She fought him for control, her tongue dueling, then coy and teasing.

Colt could kiss her for days. And he would, right after he f**ked her. At least twice. “I wanna see you. All of you. Clothes off.”

India whipped her shirt over her head. Unhooked her satin bra and tossed it aside.

He groaned. “Those pierced ni**les are about the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, trust me, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” She peeled the black denim down her legs and kicked it by the couch. A funny smile twitched the corners of her lips. Wearing just a teeny pair of dark blue panties, she raised her arms above her head, performing a whole body shimmy.

When she spun around, his mouth watered. The fact India wore a thong didn’t surprise him. The sun and moon tattoos, one inked on each of her perfectly round ass cheeks—now those surprised him.

“Goddamn, I cannot wait to trace those designs with my tongue.”

“Come closer. I want you to take my thong off.”

“With pleasure.” Colt dropped to his knees and hooked his fingers into the elastic running across her hips. He paused to kiss the jewel dangling from her belly button. Keeping his hungry gaze on hers, he slid the thong until it reached the tops of her feet. He allowed his eyes to gorge on her as they descend the length of her body, taking in the beautifully long sweep of her neck, her delicate collarbones, the gentle swell of her chest. Her compact ribcage, the muscles of her torso and the body jewelry winking at him from the sexy indent of her navel.

His gaze moved to the rise of her mound. Her completely hairless mound. He grinned. “Sugar, I should’ve guessed you’d be a Brazilian kind of gal.”

“You approve?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Colt placed his mouth on the top of her pubis and brushed his lips back and forth across the bare skin. So soft.

Closing his eyes, he let his tongue follow the sweet cleft leading straight to paradise. At least, he’d intended to, but his tongue ran into a barrier. A metal barrier. He opened his eyes.

Holy shit. A thin bar stretched above her clitoris, piercing the skin above it.


“Sweet Jesus. And I thought the nipple rings were sexy.” He closed his mouth over the piercing and her clit and sucked. Once.

Twice. Three times. He groaned at the sweet, musky, slightly metallic taste and the way her hands tightened in his hair.


“I wanna spend hours with my mouth between your legs.

Sucking. Licking. Biting. Makin’ you come all over my face, drivin’ you to the point you won’t even know your own damn name.”

“God. Yes.”

He gave her one last lingering suck before he pushed to his feet. “Look at me.”

India locked her eyes to his.

With one hand he pulled at the edge of his shirt until the snaps popped. “Touch yourself as you’re watchin’ me get undressed. But don’t come. There’ll be hell to pay if you come before I’m inside you.”

Lorelei James's Novels
» Long Time Gone (Rough Riders #16.5)
» Caged (Mastered #4)
» Cowboy Take Me Away (Rough Riders #16)
» Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders #15)
» Short Rides (Rough Riders #14.5)
» Gone Country (Rough Riders #14)
» Kissin' Tell (Rough Riders #13)
» Cowboy Casanova (Rough Riders #12)
» Cowgirls Don't Cry (Rough Riders #10)
» Chasin' Eight (Rough Riders #11)
» Slow Ride (Rough Riders #9.5)
» Rode Hard, Put Up Wet (Rough Riders #2)
» Raising Kane (Rough Riders #9)
» All Jacked Up (Rough Riders #8)
» Shoulda Been a Cowboy (Rough Riders #7)
» Strong, Silent Type (Rough Riders #6.5)
» Branded as Trouble (Rough Riders #6)
» Rough, Raw, and Ready (Rough Riders #5)
» Tied Up, Tied Down (Rough Riders #4)
» Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)