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Trust in Advertising Page 117
Author: Victoria Michaels

Jealous, Lexi wondered if she would ever get her chance to feel that. Would she ever know what it was like to have that one special person in her life who knew her better than she knew herself?

As the car turned the corner, she could see the people lining the streets, watching every car that passed, hoping to get a glimpse of who was inside. The limo slowed, trapped in a long line of traffic as the rich and famous stepped onto the red carpet. Lexi and Hope peeked out the windows, unable to curb their excitement at seeing some of the celebrities in attendance.

Lexi felt nervous for the first time when the limo stopped moving and Bernard whipped open the door, holding his hand out. “Have a wonderful evening.”

“Thank you,” Lexi said timidly. As soon as her foot hit the carpet, she felt all eyes turn to her.

Flashbulbs popped as the photographers reflexively started snapping. They weren’t exactly sure who she was, but not wanting to miss the shot, they kept taking photographs in case she was here with someone important. Sean and Hope emerged to the same welcome Lexi had received, but when Erik and Anna stepped foot on the carpet, the flashbulbs exploded. Erik’s name was called by every photographer in attendance, each wanting them to give a glance in their direction. He wrapped his arm around Anna and held her against his side as they smiled politely, trying to give the paparazzi a decent shot.

Sean guided Hope down the carpet, nodding and stopping to shake a few hands. Erik and Anna waved to the group of photographers near the entrance and began their slow journey through the crowd. Lexi was about to wander off behind the two couples when she felt a strong arm wrap around her.

“Where are you running off to?” Robert asked while Elizabeth posed for a few pictures alone.

Lexi smiled sheepishly. “I have no idea. Honestly? I was going to go hide behind Sean or Erik.”

“There will be no hiding today, young lady.” Elizabeth came over and took her hand, pulling her to her side as flashbulbs went off repeatedly in their faces.

“Who is that with you, Mrs. Drake?” one of the photographers asked.

“This is Alexandra White, one of Hunter Advertising’s finest. We’re so lucky to have her on board. Remember her name. She’s going to do amazing things.” Elizabeth waved a knowing finger at all of them and smiled as they scribbled notes on random pieces of paper. “She and my son, Vincent, designed the campaign for Julian Stone’s clothing line. You’ll get to preview some of their brilliant ideas tonight in the show. It’s going to be a huge success.” Elizabeth laced her fingers with Lexi’s and gave her hand a squeeze.

“You work with Vincent Drake?” one of them shouted, and Lexi shyly nodded her head. “Are you two dating?” More flashbulbs went off. Even though her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest at the questions, she pretended not to hear and simply continued smiling.

“Alexandra! Alexandra!” The photographers screamed her name, trying to get a picture. Lexi’s mind raced as she smiled and turned from right to left, imitating Elizabeth’s actions. She rolled her shoulders back, turned slightly to the side and prayed she looked good.

“Dr. Drake, get in one of the pictures,” someone begged. Robert proudly strode over and sandwiched himself between the two beautiful women and grinned.

“Thank you, everyone.” Elizabeth waved and heard a few groans as they started to walk away, allowing other people their face time with the paparazzi. When they were safely out of earshot, Elizabeth whispered, “Well done, Lexi. You handled that beautifully.”

“Really?” Lexi asked, her voice shaky as the adrenaline surged through her body. “Because I think I might have had a small aneurism back there.”

They continued down the carpet, Elizabeth stopping several more times to be photographed or greet colleagues. With each stop, she introduced Lexi and showcased her as much as possible. Lexi was completely overwhelmed by her kindness. In putting Lexi’s name out there, it gave her instant credibility in the industry and made her known among the influential people in attendance.

When they finally caught up with everyone else, Anna was giggling with Hope. When they noticed Lexi staring at them, they both stopped and tried to look casual, but failed miserably.

“What’s so funny? Do I even want to know?” Lexi watched them exchange a glance.

“Seems like you were the talk of the carpet.” Anna winked at Lexi. “Everyone had questions.”

“About me?” Lexi paled. “But th-they don’t even know me.”

Sean leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Walkie talkies, Lexi. The guys at your end buzzed the guys on our end, and they asked all kinds of questions.”

Lexi held up her hand. “Don’t tell me what they asked. Ignorance is bliss.”

“Fine.” Anna giggled as she walked away. “But keep your left hand hidden or there will be a Photoshopped ring on it by tomorrow, right next to your engagement announcement.”

“Oh my God.” Lexi grabbed onto Robert’s arm for support.

“Lexi Drake, I like the sound of that.” Robert grinned when her eyes tripled in size. “Rest assured, my son will eventually get his head out of his ass, and when he does, I hope you’ll be the one to make an honest man of him.” He nodded toward Elizabeth who was chatting with someone a few feet away. “Before I met her, I was a complete idiot. Now, she would probably argue that I still am, but I think I’ve come a long way with her guidance.

She made me a better man. And you do that same thing for Vincent.”

Not knowing what to say, Lexi was relieved when the surging crowd saved her from responding. There was an eruption of wild screams at the far end of the carpet, where people were exiting their limos. A number of photographers started rushing in that direction, light bulbs flashing. That’s when Lexi finally heard what they were screaming.

“Jade! Jade! Vincent, Jade. Look here!” A swarm of people ran after the couple, trying to get the perfect picture.

“Have I mentioned lately how much I despise her?” Anna growled as she and Erik appeared beside Lexi.

Lexi followed her gaze, searching the crowd until she caught a glimpse of the man that made her blood race. The people milling around her cleared and gave Lexi a perfect view of Vincent. His black suit and dark tie were gorgeous together, his hair in its standard wavy-disarray, but somehow still appearing intentional and chic. The only “fashion don’t” Lexi could find with his outfit was the demented woman dangling from his arm.

Victoria Michaels's Novels
» Trust in Advertising