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The Master Player Page 41
Author: Emma Darcy

You belong with me now.

Chloe hugged those fiercely spoken words to her heart as she stepped out of the shower, dried herself, and began to get dressed. They felt as though they held a promise that Max would never throw her away. If that was true, letting him take her home with him was okay-a step into a future she hadn’t allowed herself to envisage before. Although maybe she was hoping for too much.

Anyway, it was only for one night. The chance that it might mean what she yearned for was worth taking, even though it was going to hurt if it came to nothing apart from removing Max’s concern for her.

It wasn’t until she automatically checked her appearance in the mirror that she realised her hands had chosen the same blue-and-white polka dot dress she had worn to Hill House the first time Max had taken her there. It shook her for a moment. Was it some psychological slip back into the past?

Then she remembered feeling that electric connection between them when Max had walked into the hotel room and seen her dressed in it. Perhaps it had been more than an unspoken mutual sexual attraction-possibly a subconscious recognition that they would become deeply significant in each other’s lives. Chloe wanted to believe that. She kept the dress on, wanting it to be a good omen for the future she couldn’t help hoping for.

Having brushed her hair and livened up her face with some make-up, she took a deep breath to settle the nervous flutters in her stomach and walked out of her bedroom to the top of the staircase. Max was in the hallway below, in the act of carrying Luther’s transportation basket to the front door, ready to go.

‘We don’t have to take Luther with us, Max,’ she called out. ‘He’s used to staying here alone when we go to functions.’

He swung around, looking up at her, his dark eyes blazing with determined purpose, battle-tension making his strong, male face all hard angles. ‘This isn’t a function,’ he asserted. Then as he took in her appearance, his expression changed, softening, warming into a smile of pleasure, his eyes transmitting an intense satisfaction that shot a bolt of happiness through Chloe. Clearly she looked right to him. Maybe he was even thinking she was right for him.

‘Luther will be happier with us, Chloe,’ he said.

With us…the two of them…the three of them together.

‘I’ve promised him chicken for dinner,’ he added persuasively. ‘Elaine is already cooking it for him. You know how he loves chicken.’

She laughed, needing some outlet for the bubble of bliss that had bounced around her mind. ‘Okay. I can’t do him out of that treat,’ she replied, telling herself not to attach too much meaning to everything. It would be too big a letdown if she wove a fantasy that had nothing to do with reality.

He watched her walk down the stairs, making her acutely aware of his physical effect on her-the tug that grew stronger with every step she took towards him. He told her he’d locked up the house apart from the front door, which he proceeded to open, ushering her outside. Once they were in his car and on their way, he reached over and took her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers in a strong grip.

Warmth flooded up her arm and tingled through her heart. He wanted connection with her. It definitely wasn’t just sexual. She stared down at the physical link he’d just made, not a seductive, sensual one but powerfully possessive, reinforcing those wonderfully sweet words-you belong with me.

Please let it be true, Chloe wished, her whole being aching for it to be so. What she had once felt with Tony-being in love-had been such a fluffy, insubstantial thing compared to the depth of her love for Max. She knew there could never be another man to replace him in her life. If he didn’t love her as she loved him…but she didn’t want to think about that tonight. She simply wanted to soak up all Max’s caring for her-caring she’d never had from her mother or Tony.

They arrived at the gates to his property at Vaucluse. He released her hand to operate the remote control to open them. As they drove in and Hill House came into view, a sense of homecoming seared her soul. This was why she had stayed away. It was a magical house with its classical perfection, promising a happy life inside its stately walls. Max had shared it with her. She had loved being here with him.

He parked the car in the courtyard adjacent to the front entrance of the mansion. He didn’t immediately alight from the driver’s seat, turning to her instead, taking her hand again and studying her face intently as though he needed to see every shade of her response as he said, ‘It wasn’t only the three E’s who’ve missed having you here, Chloe. I’ve missed you, too. I hope you feel right about coming back tonight. It feels very right to me.’

For a moment she felt too choked up to speak. His fingers were dragging on the flesh of her hand as though wanting to dig inside her, feel what was going on in her mind and heart and soul. It was impossible to hide how much his words meant to her. She tried not to answer him too fervently.

‘Yes, it does feel good, Max. Thank you for…’

‘No need to thank me.’ He smiled, happy with her reply, his happiness sending hers zooming to giddy heights. ‘This house is waiting for you to light it up with your presence. Let’s not make it wait any longer.’

She could hardly believe Max saying such a romantic thing to her but she glowed with pleasure at the lovely fantasy that she lit up his home. And he’d missed her being here. Max always spoke the truth. He wasn’t into deception. There was no reason not to believe him.

Luther had fallen asleep in his transportation basket. Max lifted it out before collecting her from the passenger seat, offering his arm for the walk up the porch steps. The front door was opened by Edgar before they reached it, the portly butler half-bowing to Max as he stood back to give them entry.

‘Good evening, Mr Hart.’ Then he actually broke his air of great dignity to smile at Chloe. ‘Welcome home, Miss Rollins. We are all delighted to be of service to you again.’

Her heart swelled with a huge rush of emotion. It was so good to be with people who truly liked you and wished you well, no rotten agendas for using you. Her own smile beamed delight back at him. ‘Thank you, Edgar. I’ve missed you, too. And Elaine and Eric. It’s lovely to be…here with you all once more,’ she finished in a rush.

It had been on the tip of her tongue to say home, but as much as she wanted it to be, it wasn’t really hers. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

Nevertheless, the three E’s went out of their way to make her feel at home. When she and Max took Luther to the kitchen, Elaine fussed over her as though she was a long-lost daughter, Eric was all smiles, saying he’d planted her favourite flowers in pots outside the children’s house. Luther woke up and Eric took him out of the basket to give him a cuddle-with much face-licking-exclaiming over how much the little fella had grown and what a good dog he was, great company for when he was working in the grounds.

Emma Darcy's Novels
» Ruthlessly Bedded By The Italian Billionaire
» The Billionaire Bridegroom
» The Billionaire's Captive Bride
» The Italian's Stolen Bride
» The Marriage Decider
» The Marriage Risk
» An Offer She Can't Refuse
» The Master Player
» The Billionaire's Housekeeper Mistress (At His Service #3)
» The Playboy Boss's Chosen Bride
» Bought for Revenge, Bedded for Pleasure
» The Ramirez Bride (The Ramirez Brides #1)
» Ruthless Billionaire, Forbidden Baby
» The Secret Baby Revenge
» The Wedding(Billionaire Romance)
» The Wrong Mirror
» Traded to the Sheikh
» Wife in Public