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The Wrong Mirror Page 4
Author: Emma Darcy

'Before I go, may I. . .' He paused, seeing the flare of fear in her eyes. 'May I see your son, Mrs Aylward?'

'He's ... he's playing. I don't want him to be upset.'

'Trust me.'

Could she trust him? She had little choice now.

She had to. With a sigh of reluctant resignation she led the way to the family room, where David was sitting on the carpet, constructing what was undoubtedly another space station, his little face screwed into concentrated purpose as he pressed one more block on to the top of his impressive edifice. Then he lifted his face and beamed at her, but with barely a pause his gaze slid to the man behind her.

'Visitor, Mummy?'

'Yes. Say hello to Mr Chissolm, David.'

David pushed himself to his feet, his face lit with

welcome. 'Hello, Mr Chiss .. .'

'Mr Chissolm,' Karen prompted.

'Mr. Chissolm,' he repeated triumphantly.

The old man crouched down beside him and Karen saw the years and the greyness fade from the formidable face as he looked into David's eyes ... Hal's eyes. 'Hello, David. What are you building?'

'A space station.'

'Looks fantastic. Have you ever flown in a big jet aeroplane, David?'


'How about we go flying tonight? You and Mummy and me. Would you like that?'

David's eyes widened with excitement. 'Can we, Mummy? Can we?'

Karen nodded, fighting the prick of tears. What chance did she have against the wealth and power of Owen Chissolm?

'And since we're going flying together, I'd like you to call me Pop instead of Mr Chissolm.'

'Pop.' David beamed at him. 'That's easy. Is that your first name?'

'For you it is. Now why don't you build a jet plane to show me when I come back later today?'

'All right,' David agreed quickly, dropping to his knees to get started on it.

Owen Chissolm patted the small head in approval as he straightened up. If there had been any doubt in his mind, there was none now. He had just acknowledged his grandson.

Karen turned away, heartsick and frightened. She walked to the front door, all too aware of the powerful man following her. He had given his word that he would not attempt to take David away from her, and she had to believe it. She held the door open for him, wanting him gone, wishing he had never come, knowing there was no escape from him now. He might not take David from her but no way was he going to leave them alone. The Owen Chissolms of this world jealously guarded their flesh-and-blood heirs.

He paused by her. 'He's a fine boy.'

She lifted proud, defiant eyes. 'He's my son.'

'He's also Hal's. And Kirsty's.'

It was a flat, unequivocal statement. He walked away without another word. A chauffeur opened the passenger door of the Rolls Royce standing at the kerb and Owen Chissolm stepped in without looking back. He disappeared behind the tinted windows of his status-symbol car and was driven away.

Mission accomplished, Karen thought bitterly.

And where would it all end? She closed her eyes and thought of Kirsty' lying in Hal Chissolm's arms, choking out her last, fatal words. What had been in her mind? Not this. Surely not this.


'GooD morning. This is your captain speaking. We will be landing at Lydda Airport in fifteen minutes .. .'

Lydda Airport ... Tel Aviv ... the city of Kirsty's death. The long hours of travel had added their weight to the depression that darkened Karen's soul. Her tired eyes caught the tense strain on Owen Chissolm's face. Perhaps it was worse for him, she thought with a twinge of compassion. Hal had survived the operation, but Owen did not know what news would be waiting for him. They had been in the air for some twenty hours and his son's condition had been described as critical.

Despite her fear of Owen Chissolm's position and power, Karen had found that she could not dislike the man. To her he had been all kindness and consideration, and with David he had been patience itself throughout the long journey. Although every instinct told her to keep him at as far a distance as possible, Owen Chissolm was gradually moving in on her and David, and she did not know how to fight him. David was completely won over by 'Pop' already, basking in his grandfather's attention. Owen Chissolm was renowned for his takeovers, Karen thought despondently.

'Karen .. .'

She glanced warily at him. The pale blue eyes probed hers with some urgency.

'I'm sorry, but I must speak now there's so little time left. I understand and sympathise with your grief for your sister, but I must consider Hal. You don't like him, do you?'

It seemed callous to admit it in the face of his pain. 'I've never met your son, Mr Chissolm,' she said evasively. 'I only know of him through Kirsty.'

'Please be frank with me. I'll be honest and say that there been times when I haven't liked him myself. But you showed hatred, Karen, and that isn't related to the death of your sister.'

She hesitated, then blurted out the truth. 'He robbed Kirsty of the happiness she should have had. Because of his selfishness, he deprived Kirsty of keeping her own child. I can never forgive him for that.'

'So you hate him.'


His face tightened. 'Human beings are never black and white, Karen. You've never met my son, yet you've made a harsh judgement of him. Hal and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but he is my son and I love him. He may be dying. I'm asking you to act with some forebearance when you see Hal. I hope you and I can be reasonable people ... in an unreasonable situation.'

Her whole being cringed in revulsion at the thought of seeing Hal at all, let alone showing David to him, but she had to fulfil Kirsty's last wish. 'I'll try to be reasonable,' she answered shortly.

David stirred from his sleep. 'Mummy ... my ears are hurting.'

The plane had begun its descent. Karen showed David how to ease the pressure in his ears by holding his nose and trying to blow through it. She then pointed to the view from his window to distract him from his discomfort. The descent seemed to take forever and it was a relief when the bump of wheels on the tarmac heralded their arrival.

All discomfort was quickly forgotten as David became totally absorbed in the workings of an international airport. Karen walked silently and wearily beside Owen Chissolm, grateful for his guidance through foreign territory. Despite the length of their journey, it was only mid-morning. Added to her physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion, the time lag made her feel completely disorientated.

Inside the terminal they were joined by Owen Chissolm's valet, Harper, who had travelled business class; Apart from the introduction before they boarded the plane, Karen had not seen or spoken to him.

Two Israelis came forward to greet them. They spoke English as well as Hebrew. The latest information on Hal was that he was still on the critical list, but he had regained consciousness a couple of times, asking repeatedly for his son. He had been assured that both his father and his son were on their way.

Emma Darcy's Novels
» Ruthlessly Bedded By The Italian Billionaire
» The Billionaire Bridegroom
» The Billionaire's Captive Bride
» The Italian's Stolen Bride
» The Marriage Decider
» The Marriage Risk
» An Offer She Can't Refuse
» The Master Player
» The Billionaire's Housekeeper Mistress (At His Service #3)
» The Playboy Boss's Chosen Bride
» Bought for Revenge, Bedded for Pleasure
» The Ramirez Bride (The Ramirez Brides #1)
» Ruthless Billionaire, Forbidden Baby
» The Secret Baby Revenge
» The Wedding(Billionaire Romance)
» The Wrong Mirror
» Traded to the Sheikh
» Wife in Public