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At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers #1) Page 22
Author: M.G. Morgan

David turned towards me. "Robert, I know you've met Carrie before."

I stood and moved to him. My legs were still a little unsteady and my throat remained dry. But that was now more a side effect of seeing Robert and meeting Angelica.

Robert attempted to take my hand in his but I quickly withdrew it from reach. I didn't want him to touch me. It was the last thing I wanted. I turned to Angelica as David introduced me.

"And this is Angelica Sloane." I held my hand out to her but she narrowed her eyes at me before returning her attention back to David.

"So you have a new sub?" she asked. Her voice was breathy, giving her an extra feminine edge. It reminded me of the way all the actresses of old used to speak in the black and white movies—the types that usually fainted at the drop of a hat.

David smiled at her. It was the type of look an adult might give a small child. It was an indulgent look.

"Yes. Carrie has very graciously given herself to me. And for that I am forever grateful. She is a rare treasure. I see you are back with Robert. When did that happen?" David switched his attention between the two people standing before us.

"I won Angelica back last week. I have promised her a trip to Dom Island for a very long time and I thought now was the perfect opportunity to cement our relationship. I didn't expect you here. I would have thought you would be too busy trying to sort out the mess with the file mix ups. A clerical error I'm sure but my father is none too pleased about it."

David smiled and it was the look a shark might give its prey. "I have spoken to your father. Everything is sorted. In fact he seemed to believe you might know something..."

Robert looked stunned. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. His composure was entirely shattered. Part of me felt sorry for him. But the rest of me felt happy. Seeing him brought down a peg or two was fun. And knowing that he had something to do with the file confusion made me feel relieved. At least I knew it wasn't a mistake I had made. I was sure before but now I could completely relax.

"We should do dinner. Discuss the pertinent issues then." David put out his hand once more to Robert. He was completely at ease. It was the most relaxed I had ever seen him.

"Yes, dinner. We can air out everything then."

"I'll be there, David." Angelica once more gave David a hundred-watt smile. She reached out and let her hand slide down his arm. At that moment I was beyond glad that David was wearing a shirt and her perfectly dainty hand only touched cloth instead of skin.

"You should leave your..." She seemed to search for the right word, her blue eyes focusing on me and leaving a shiver of revulsion running down my spine.

"Carrie," David prompted.

"I would have been more inclined towards 'thing' myself," Angelica answered. "You don't need her."

I opened my mouth but David simply wrapped his arm around my waist and steered me away from Robert and Angelica. I simmered with anger. It bubbled just beneath the surface of my skin threatening to erupt and boil over at any second.

"How dare you let her talk to me like that?” I erupted the second we entered the lift. I jerked away from David and ran trembling fingers back through my dark hair.

"She was beyond rude, Carrie. But she is Robert's submissive. It's not my place to discipline other men's submissives. He will deal with her."

"But you could have said something!" I exploded.

David caught my hand in his and pulled me tight in against his body. "There are some things you need to understand, Carrie. You are mine. You have given yourself to me. Angelica has done the same with Robert. I can punish you. But not her. What would be the point in me saying something to her? It would only have served to get Robert's hackles up. I have to finish some business with him. Then I can afford to properly insult him as much as I wish. Until then it is best to let him sort out the manners of what is his."

I looked up into David's face. "So that is all I am to you. A piece of property. Just another thing that belongs to the great and wonderful David Ashcroft."

"No, Carrie, that is not true at all."

"Then explain it to me."

He sighed and released me from his grip. I stumbled away from him. The doors whooshed open and David strode out of the lift and into a large reception room. It seemed the lifts opened directly into what I could only describe as huge apartments. My own apartment back home would have fitted very snuggly into one corner of the entire floor space. I followed David out and stood in the middle of the room.

"Explain it to me. If I am not little more than your property for this week, then why is business and keeping Robert Hatcher sweet so important?"

"Because he is trying to steal my business out from underneath me. If I don't finish this now, on my terms, that will be it. The firm will be taken over."

I fell silent. All my thoughts suddenly came to a grinding halt. This was important. It was bigger than me, bigger than what I had with David and I was behaving like a child.

"Carrie, I would never treat you like a piece of my property... You're important to me... I can't explain it."

I moved towards him and pressed my fingertips against his lips. "It's alright. I'm sorry."

He started to laugh and wrapped me in the circle of his arms. "Aren't I meant to be the Dom here?" He bent his head down towards mine and kissed me softly at first. It rapidly descended into something much more raw. I moaned as he clamped his teeth down on my lip, his hands fumbling with my clothes as he undressed me.

It wasn't long before we were both naked. Bodies pressed skin to skin. I ached for him. I wanted to feel him press against me harder. I craved the touch of his fingers on my body. Remembering my dream from the plane, I dropped to my knees in front of him. His cock was semi-hard. Gripping him with my hand, I swirled my tongue around the head.

He tasted musky and faint traces of his spicy shower gel tingled on my tongue. I rolled my eyes up to look at him. He seemed surprised at my actions but it was quickly replaced with the look of lust as I devoured the head of his cock into my mouth. He wrapped his hands into my hair and tightened his grip as I sank my mouth down over the length of him. As his shaft stiffened it became harder and harder to swallow him completely down my throat. He was far too big and so I started to use my hand.

Sealing my lips around the base of him, I sucked until my cheeks were concave. Slowly I moved my head up letting his cock slip from my mouth until just the tip remained. Using my hand I jerked him softly before swallowing him back down my throat again. It was then David took control.

M.G. Morgan's Novels
» At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers #1)