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At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers #1) Page 38
Author: M.G. Morgan

There were others out there far worse but as far as I was concerned in that moment as I stared down into his sleeping countenance, there were none better than him. I trailed my hand down along his back and he stirred, his hand wrapping around my body unconsciously and pulling me close in against him. He pressed his body to mine and I closed my eyes, lost in the feel of him. Sleeping in the circle of David's arms each night was something I could very easily get used to. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift away in his embrace.


Opening my eyes I squinted as the sunlight pouring in through the window. We had forgotten to close the curtains. Confused, I sat up and rubbed my hand across my eyes. When I had drifted off to sleep the sky had grown dark. Night time had settled in and now it was bright. I couldn't possibly have slept for so long without stirring? Could I? I turned in the bed but David was nowhere to be found. Part of me felt a little hurt that he hadn't woken me, or even hung around in the bed with me. It seemed to be his modus operandi to always get out of the bed before me.

Crawling to the edge of the bed I let my legs hang down over the side. I hadn't asked David where the bathroom was or even where I could go to get freshened up. But judging by the size of the room there had to be a bathroom lurking around here somewhere that I could commandeer for a shower. I stepped down onto the lush carpet and dug my toes into it. This was the type of luxury that I could see myself getting used to.

Don't get too comfortable. What happens when he drops you for someone else? He's done it to others, what makes you special? I frowned as the nagging little voice tried to spoil my enjoyment. During my time with David so far I had managed to just about keep my insecurities at bay. The last thing I needed was for them to raise their ugly heads and ruin what I shared with him.

Padding over to a chaise lounge that stood against the far wall of the room, I picked up the satin robe that was laid out for me. Part of me couldn't help but wonder when David’d had the time to set it up. But it had his mark all over it. I pulled it on, the material whispering against my skin with a sigh. Cinching it in around my waist I walked to the window and stared out at the view. It was truly breathtaking.

It was then I noticed it. The room I was in was positioned perfectly to afford me a view of the tower I had spotted the day before. I stared at it hard. The walls were crumbling and some of the masonry had come away leaving the inside brick exposed to the elements. What wasn't damaged and crumbling was covered in a thick layer of red and green climbing plants. The colours were brilliantly beautiful in the light and I could almost imagine that it was a tower from some fairy tale. One where the princess was rescued by her handsome prince and they lived happily ever after...

Dragging my eyes away I promised that I would investigate the tower. It seemed odd that it was in such a state of disrepair. Especially considering the rest of the house was in such perfect condition. Moving from the window, I made my way to a door at the opposite side of the room. Pulling it open I discovered it was filled with the clothes that David had bought for me before we left to go to Dom Island. Scanning the outfits, I pulled one that I thought would be the most suitable, considering I was planning on investigating the outside of the house.

With a sigh I surveyed the rest of the room and finally spied a door I had not yet checked behind. Hurrying to it I was relieved to find a large and luxurious bathroom, kitted out with everything I could possibly need for personal grooming. Removing the robe I stepped into the shower and let the hot water cascade down over my skin. Part of me wondered where David was. The other part of me longed for him to sneak in and join me but I knew he wouldn't. He had business to attend to and I didn't doubt that I would find him when he was good and ready.

I crept down the main stairs. The house was so silent, as though there was no one else here. It was a little creepy and I fought the urge to shiver. My stomach growled and I contemplated going in search of something to eat. But something held me back. There was something I wanted to do far more urgently. I wanted to get a better look at the tower. I wanted to explore and discover its secrets. The fact that it was in such ruins intrigued me and I wanted to understand.

Sneaking to the front door I opened it slowly. It creaked loudly but no one came to investigate. It made me wonder if there was anyone in the house or if I had been deserted.

Standing on the stone steps in front of the house I let the sunshine pour over me. It felt amazing to let it soak into my skin. If I could have lain out on the steps and soaked up the warmth from its light I would have. But I had something to do first. Opening my eyes I made my way down the steps to the gravel drive and followed it around the front of the house.

I had to step off the path and make my way through the grass. I stumbled across a rock and it was only then I realised that what I was walking across was an old path that had become completely over-grown. It only added to the mystery of the tower. If it were my house I would have kept it in mint condition in the same way the rest of the house was.

I came to a halt in front of the tall structure and stared up at its crumbling walls covered in green and red flowering plants. It was even better looking at it up close. I made my way up to the wall and pressed my hand against the cold stone.

If walls could talk... The thought popped into my head unbidden but it was true. Who knew what this house and tower had witnessed during the years it had stood here? I wanted to ask David why it was left to fall into ruin, but part of me knew that to ask him would open an old wound. I loved him, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him by dredging up memories.

I moved along the wall and found the wooden door overgrown by ivy and weeds. I twisted the handle but the latch wouldn't budge. It was locked. I wasn't surprised. I tested the door itself and it creaked but popped open, the wood around the lock splintering and breaking up as the door opened inwards.

A small thrill ran through me as I pushed the door open wider and stepped inside. It was dark and dank. The floor was stone and weeds pushed their way up through the cracks. I looked up and caught sight of several wooden floors above my head. The hole in the centre of them sent a shiver running down my spine. I couldn't see any broken pieces scattered on the floor around me. Which meant whatever had happened here had been cleaned up before the tower was locked up.

The stairs up through the tower lay off to one side. Stepping over the broken stone floor I picked my way over to the steps and tested their strength. They made horrible groaning sounds but they seemed strong enough to stand on. I took my first tentative step up and then another and another.  I edged my way to the banister on the stairs and peeked over. The ground seemed like a long way away but in my head I knew that wasn't really true. It was my imagination playing tricks on me. The sound of splintering wood had me looking up in shock as a chunk of timber broke free of one of the beams and hurtled towards me.

M.G. Morgan's Novels
» At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers #1)