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At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers #1) Page 7
Author: M.G. Morgan

My inexperienced mind was in turmoil as I took in the scene before me. With mounting desperation I scanned the room harder trying to catch sight of David. My eyes finally found him, only to discover that he was staring at me. He had watched me take in the club and the couples surrounding me. Knowing he had watched every emotion flit across my face made my stomach do summersaults. Why was this man always two steps ahead of me? Richard had never been like this. Safe and predicable Dick. I giggled a little as I thought of his shortened name.

The sight of a young, slender red head leaning in towards David and whispering in his ear caused my stomach to clench uncomfortably. She gestured towards the man who had stepped up to grip her elbow. For a moment I thought she was simply going to leave with the other man. And then something changed.

David turned from me. The look of disgust on his face as he pulled his gaze away from me was enough to make me feel sick. Something I had done, clearly upset him. Had he seen something on my face that had caused him to change his mind?

Tears burned the back of my eyes and throat as he wrapped his arm around the red-head’s waist and towed her towards a dark corner in the back of the club. David had chosen and I repulsed him.

The feel of a man’s large hand on the back of my neck made me jump.

“No collar and no escort? What’s a tasty piece like you doing here all alone?” Normally the sound of the man’s deep growling voice would have caused my knees to weaken. But not tonight. Tonight I felt as though someone had punched me in the gut. Tears threatened to course down my cheeks as I turned and fled.

Slamming into the heavy black door I tried to push it open. I needed to escape. Mortification ate at me as I dashed up the stairs. My ankle twisted beneath me as I slipped on the stairs and collapsed onto my knees. I had been so naive and stupid.

“Are you alright?” The strange man’s voice crawled down my spine as I attempted to dash the tears from my face with the back of my hand.

“I’m fine. Just leave me alone,” I snapped, anger bubbling to the surface. Yes I was angry at David, but I was furious with myself for behaving like a complete idiot. No doubt he was laughing at how ridiculous I looked with his little red haired beauty.

“Look, you’re upset. Let me help you. I promise no funny business.” I turned to look up at the handsome blond man. The small grin that quirked his lips gave him a boyish charm. He was the complete opposite of David in every way. He reached down and took my hand, helping me to my feet. When he touched my hand I felt nothing. Although he was handsome, tall, broad shouldered, with green eyes that twinkled with mischief, I felt nothing towards him. My head was filled with thoughts of David.

“Who were you here with?”

I sucked in a deep breath in an attempt to compose myself. I had made enough of a fool of myself tonight, there was no need to continue on in that vein. Lifting my chin I tossed my dark hair back over my shoulder.

“Who says I was here with anyone?”

The mysterious stranger smiled once more and shook his head. “I say so. Private members’ club, Doms are the only ones allowed to hold a membership. And as lovely as you are, you are not a Dom. I can see it in the way you hold yourself, you’re a sub. Therefore, you came here with someone.” He leaned in against me as he spoke and the scent of his aftershave overwhelmed my senses. It was spicy and overly showy, I tried not to sneeze. He really was nothing like David. It was in that moment that I realised the feelings I was beginning to have for Ashcroft.

It was impossible. The world didn’t work like that. Only Mills and Boons had people falling in love as quickly as they dropped their knickers. No, I wasn’t in love with David but I certainly felt something towards him and it frightened me.

“Look, I’ll get you a cab. You look as though you’ve had enough for the night.” He wrapped his hand around my waist as he helped me hobble up the stairs. My mind was a million miles away as he helped me outside and flagged down a car. At this point all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed. I figured I was entitled to a little self-pity.

“He’s an ass to let you go. If he upsets you this much he doesn’t deserve you.”

I smiled gratefully and sat into the cab. “Thanks. I’m sorry I took you away from the club. You’ve been very sweet.”

He grinned at me again, flashing the boyish charm once more. “Ah the dreaded ‘sweet’ category. Here was I thinking I was being chivalrous but alas I’m little more than sweet.” He threw some money into the front of the cab and closed the door.

“I didn’t mean...”

He cut me off with a wave of his hand and stepped away from the car. I reeled off the address to the driver and the car pulled away. I turned to watch back at the club. Seconds before the car rounded the corner, David stepped out the door. I watched him speak to the blond stranger and then turn to watch the cab drive away.

With a sigh of relief I settled back against the seat. A lucky escape. The last thing I wanted to do after witnessing him in the club with the red head was talk to him about the situation.

No I would go home and spend the weekend licking my wounds and mentally preparing myself for Monday. A new job was on the cards. There was no way I could work for Ashcroft after this. My mother had always told me to never mix business and pleasure and she was right.

I swallowed back the tears as I rode home in the back of a taxi for the second time that day. Never again would I allow myself to lose control of myself around a man. Ashcroft with his dominance and strength had seduced me but I was wiser now. The next time I was tempted I would remember what happened the first time. Closing my eyes I settled back against the seat. Only one image haunted me. The way David had pressed his body against mine as he had pinned me beneath his strength. The press of his lips against my neck and the way his eyes burned into mine. With a sigh I opened my eyes and stared out of the window. It would take some time to shake the memory of David Ashcroft.


Making it back to my apartment building, I wearily climbed the stairs to my own front door. Finding it unlocked sent shivers down my spine. Standing outside the door I fought with myself over the best course of action. I pulled the leather boots off and held one in front of me. The spiked heel was the perfect weapon for whatever intruder lay inside. Opening the door I crept into the hall.

My eyes wandered across the broken glass and spilled wine from earlier. A warm feeling spread through my belly as I remembered David’s touch. With a shake of my head I cleared my mind of all thoughts of him. He wasn’t here now. Someone else was. The sound of a bottle hitting the counter in the kitchen drew my attention.

M.G. Morgan's Novels
» At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers #1)