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The Marriage Bargain (Billionaire Games #1) Page 23
Author: Sandra Edwards

Julian laughed again, picked up the plate of Escargot and passed it to the attendant waiting near the door. “Please, take this to the kitchen,” he said, with an impersonal nod.

It bothered Camille, the way he talked to the restaurant’s staff. How long before he’d start talking to her that way? She too, after all, was hired help.

Camille had grown quiet all of a sudden. It bothered Julian when she did that. He didn’t like wondering if he’d done or said something wrong. Her disappointed looks showered him with feelings of inadequacy.

Even so, her hearty appetite was refreshing. Dining with a girl who wasn’t afraid to eat was pleasing. Julian was going to enjoy the next six months.

An attendant cleared away the last of their nearly empty plates.

Julian wondered what else he could do to charm Camille. Of course, she had asked to go for a walk along the beach, but what else would make the occasion special?

The waiter approached the table. “Would the lady care for some dessert?”

Excellent idea. Julian gave Camille a ‘would you?’ look.

“Oh, man.” A smile touched her lips and her features softened. “Would I.”

She perused the menu, and as Julian anticipated, she couldn’t decide on just one, so they ordered an English Trifle and a Chocolate Crème Brulée to go. Julian envisioned a midnight picnic on the beach, complete with sweets and champagne.

He discreetly took care of the bill and they headed outside with their desserts. Camille’s laughter filled the air as they scooted into the limo. He flipped a small refrigerator compartment open and popped the containers inside.

“You still up for that walk on the beach?” he asked, leaning back against the seat.

“You bet I am.” She giggled, smiled and snuggled close to him.

“Great, I know just the place.” Julian hit the intercom and rattled off something in French to the driver.

Instantly, Sebastian navigated the car into the street. Julian glanced at the city lights streaking by as they sped down the roadway. It was a view he’d seen many times, but tonight it seemed better somehow.

Moments later, the car rolled to a stop in a deserted parking lot and Sebastian stepped out and opened the door. Julian rolled out and extended his hand to Camille. Delicate fingers latched onto his and she emerged from the vehicle.

She adjusted the wrap around her shoulders and Julian draped his arm around her, trying to offer her comfort.

“I have a surprise for you.” His voice held a rasp of excitement.

“Really?” She looked at him and flashed an eager smile.

“Yes. I think you’ll be delighted.” He let the mystery linger on his tone as he motioned to the driver.

Sebastian fiddled around in the car for a moment and then followed them with a blanket, the desserts and a bottle of champagne.

“You do this often?” she asked, half in anticipation, half in dread.

“No,” he said sharply, abandoning all pretense. Julian drew a calming breath and comforted his mind. “You said you’d like to go for a walk on the beach, so while we were having dinner Sebastian secured the blanket. I thought you might like to do a little stargazing while we relaxed to the soothing sounds of the sea.”

Julian didn’t blame her for being suspicious of his motives. He would be, too. Most people had an angle. He was no exception. But Camille sure was. He’d have to tread lightly if he wanted to win this prize. And, he prided himself on being an expert in the art of wooing a woman into his bed.

After a few steps, she stopped, used him as a prop and slipped off her shoes. She dangled them in one hand, clung to him with the other and let him lead her forward.

The beach was as deserted as the parking lot, and Julian saw no sense in journeying far. This spot was just as good as any further down. He stopped and made a grand gesture toward the water. “How’s this?” He waited for her answer. “Shall we have our dessert here, do you think?” Getting the lady’s approval was always best. That way, she never felt like she was being backed into a corner.

“Sure. This is great.” She glanced back at the car, a relieved look crossing her face.

Sebastian spread the blanket over the sand in front of them, and Julian removed his jacket and shoes. He laid lengthwise on the edge of the coverlet and patted near him on the blanket.

With a bit of reluctance, she dropped to the ground and readjusted her wrap again. She must be cold. Julian draped his jacket around her and coaxed her back against his torso.

Sebastian readied the desserts and handed plates and a fork to each of them. He popped the top on the champagne and poured two glasses. “Here you are, Miss Camille.”

She took one glass, and Julian the other.

“Will there be anything else, sir?” Sebastian directed the inquiry to Julian.

“No, Sebastian. That’ll be all.”

The driver didn’t hesitate. He backed a few steps away, turned and put his usual twenty feet between them.

“How is your Trifle?” Julian asked, trying the Crème Brulée.

“This is so-o-o-o good.” She made an almost erotic sound. “It ought to be illegal.” Her laughter reached out and wrapped him in a tender desire. He’d never wanted a woman quite so badly. “How’s the chocolate?”

Julian cut a small bite from his dessert and scooped it onto the fork. “Try it.”

She willingly accepted a taste of his treat. Her demeanor pleased him. She was open to his advances, yet independent enough to speak her mind. Like with the snails at dinner.

Thanks to Camille, Julian now knew he didn’t want a ‘yes woman’ in his life. Still, he’d appreciate one who followed his lead once in a while.

“Oh, man...that’s awesome,” she said, pointing her fork at Julian’s plate. “Here, try this.” She scooped the trifle onto her fork and fed him.

He let the food melt in his mouth, savoring the sweet flavors.

“Isn’t that great?” she asked with a lingering smile.

“Wonderful.” He stared at Camille. She was an absolute treasure.

Julian drew a deep breath and reminded himself of what they were doing. Pretending. Pretending to be in love so he could keep his freedom. He had to remember to act the part but not feel it. How did she do it? She looked totally enamored with him. Why wasn’t she some big-name actress making twenty million a film?

Camille sipped the champagne and studied at him with her intense blue eyes. “So, you’re going to send your brother for Tasha soon?”

Sandra Edwards's Novels
» The Marriage Fix (Billionaire Games #3)
» The Marriage Caper (Billionaire Games #2)
» The Marriage Bargain (Billionaire Games #1)
» Second Chance Bride