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The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop Page 12
Author: Terry Towers

Beaming, Beth looked up at him her blue eyes shining with pride. "Really?"

"Definitely." He dipped the spoon in once more and brought it to her lips. "Try it."

She opened her mouth for him to feed her the risotto. She chewed and swallowed, her smile widening as she nodded her confirmation.

"See, what did I tell you. Even a woman who burns bacon and toast and whose speciality is," he cocked an amused brow at her, "mac and cheese can work wonders in the kitchen under the right tutorage."

"Thank you."

Grabbing a knife from the utensil drawer he sliced one of the scallops in half and popped it into his mouth. Spearing the other half with the fork in hand he offered it to her. She opened her mouth and accepted his offering.

"Also nicely cooked. The flavour is stunning."

"Need I remind you that if you hadn't been here to save the day you would have had burnt scallops," she reminded him, but her wide smile and the hint of pride in her eyes were in contrast to her words.

"Give yourself some credit," he said bumping her hip with his, subtly pushing her out of the way and plating up the food for them both, "you did a good job and I know that by the time Pete finishes with you Monday the fillet I expect from you that night will be equally as good - if not better."

She watched him intently as he expertly plated the food, garnishing it with such finesse that when he was finished it looked as though it would be something served straight from The View.

"You really know your way around a kitchen," Beth commented as he added the finishing touches and carried their plates over to the small kitchen table.

Gabriel grinned at her and gave her a wink, before opening up the wine cabinet to select a wine for the evening. "Let's just say cooking is a passion of mine. One I don't have the luxury to indulge in."

"So again, why me? Why not someone who doesn't need to be trained?" She asked slipping into one of the kitchen chairs.

Selecting a bottle of white wine he grabbed a corkscrew from the counter and made his way over to her and the table. "I could," he started, screwing in the corkscrew, "but I seriously doubt I'd enjoy their company nearly as much as I do yours." His eyes caught hers as he gave the cork a jerk, opening the bottle.

He guessed her mind went rushing back to their little encounter because she diverted her gaze and ran a nervous hand through her long locks. Fuck! And double fuck! He growled at himself as his jaw clenched. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable being around him and that was exactly what he'd done. We'll talk and get this straightened out after dinner, he told himself as he grabbed her wine glass and poured some out to her.

Chapter 6

As Beth made her way to the outdoor swimming pool where she was supposed to meet Gabriel, she still felt uneasy and the black bikini she was wearing was only a small part of the reason. A combination of embarrassment over her wanton behaviour with him earlier and the feelings that were beginning to form within her for him were clouding her judgement. Was she a fling? Was she an employee that things just got out of hand with? Did he usually participate in sexual activities with the women who worked for him?

Her face blanched. Oh-my-god! What if he hired me with the sole thought in mind of having me here for a quick fuck whenever he had the urge for it? The thought was like having a knife jabbed into her stomach.

I have to discuss this with him. I have to make sure.

Her mouth fell agape when she opened the back patio door and stepped out into the warm night air. A soft seductive melody played from hidden speakers and the pool area was lit by tiki torches along the parameter. Combined with a cloudless, starry night sky, it was beautiful in its simplicity. The shimmers of light as the full moon bounced off of the water only added to the romantic atmosphere. She groaned inwardly, could this get any more uncomfortable?

Slowly making her way, with towel in hand to the pool, she watched Gabriel swim laps, his strokes long and powerful. His body appeared to glide over the water. As she stepped down the final step she leaned a shoulder against the porch railing and watched him.

Sensing her arrival, Gabriel finished his final lap and then pulled himself out of the water, in one swift, powerful motion. The water glistened like small diamonds over his body as it ran down his muscular torso to disappear into his forest green swim trunks that rode dangerously low on his hips.

My God, he's gorgeous! She immediately felt a stirring between her legs. Did it really matter why he wanted her there? He wanted her, wasn't that enough? No! No, it's not, a voice in the back of her head screamed out to her, shaking her loose of the trance she'd been in while watching him.

He looked up and his dark eyes caught her. "Come on over the water is perfect tonight," he motioned for her to join him as he sat by the edge, his feet dangling into the pool.

With hesitation she made her way over to him aware that his eyes were examining every inch of her body as she walked. With this knowledge she squared he shoulders and tried to appear more confident than she really was. Placing her towel on the cool cement, she sat down beside him, letting her feet dangle into the water. He wasn't kidding it was just warm enough to take the cool edge off, but cool enough to be refreshing.

"That suit looks... amazing on you Beth," his tone of his voice was low and silky smooth to her ears.

The flutters in her stomach joined the growing ache between her legs. She groaned inwardly. Why did he have to be so damned sexy and charming and... Ugh!

"What's the matter?" Gabriel frowned as he looked over at her.

"I..." she looked over at him and sighed.

"Oh. This is about earlier?"

"Yeah." Taking a deep breath in Beth decided to simply get it out in the open and be done with it. "Why did you hire me?"

Gabriel's frown deepened and as he opened his mouth to speak she held a finger up to his lips. "Don't lie to me."

Taking her hand in his, he kissed the back of her hand lightly. "I like you Beth."

I would fucking hope so all things considered! A small jolt of anger welled up within her. Whoa, where did that come from? Part of Beth wanted to forget about being confrontational and let it go. He looked so genuinely concerned that it tugged at her. But the other part, the more dominant part needed to know the truth.

"But what am I exactly? I joked the other day that I was like a wife without the sex and well... I have a feeling that is where this is headed. The sex part."

His jaw clenched, but he held her gaze, nodding. "And..."

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There