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An Heir for the Billionaire Page 13
Author: Terry Towers

"There are two. Both females. Sasha and Sophia. They're sisters. Both rescues."

"Rescues?" She picked up the pace, nearly dragging Damon behind her.

"Yup. The Humane Society had responded to complaints of a couple having exotic pets locked in their garage. As it turns out, they'd bought the tigers as cubs from a breeder and were told they were miniature tigers."

"What? Miniature tigers?"

He glanced down at her, brow cocked. "These people had two six hundred pound tigers locked in a garage. They weren't the brightest of people."

"Okay, so do you go in the cage with them?" She approached the cage and the tigers came to the fence to greet her, brushing up against the chain link and flopping onto their sides. She looked up at him.

Damon laughed. "You can't go in, but feel free to pet them through the links in the cage. They're very tame, but they're too big to risk being in the same enclosure. I doubt they would intentionally hurt a human, but they're too big and powerful to risk it. One swat or playful nip to the neck and..."

Katrina was slightly disappointed, but knelt and began to stroke the big cat's head. She tickled it behind the ears and under the chin. A ragged purr-like sound came from him, along with a low groaning.

"It's their way of purring. They can't purr like a normal small cat."

"This is so cool. But finish the story. How did you get them?"

Damon knelt beside her and began to stroke the fur of the other cat. "Well, usually I buy businesses to make money. But one of the Zoos in Houston was struggling. It was going to go bankrupt, so I stepped in and took it over."

"So it makes money now?"

Damon laughed. "No. It bleeds money. Anyhow, in the case of the wolf, one of the female wolves at the zoo had pups and I took one. In the case of the tigers, there wasn't enough space at the zoo and they were in desperate need of a place. I had the cage built for them. It spans a couple of acres. I have a permit that names the ranch an animal sanctuary and I have zookeepers come in each day to care for the animals."

"What else do you have?" Seemingly jealous of the attention the cats were getting Gabe came up to Katrina's side and bumped into her, knocking her to the ground. He proceeded to straddle her and give her another lick. Luckily she turned her head in time so his tongue lapped at her ear instead of across her lips. "Gabe!" Katrina squealed, while laughing and struggling to sit up.

"Off," Damon bellowed. Gabe immediately leapt from Katrina and sulked, its eyes downcast. Damon offered her his hand. "Come on. Let's go inside and I can give you the rest of the tour later tonight."

Katrina was slightly disappointed, wanting to see the rest of his animals, but she nodded and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet.

Chapter 7

Damon had shown Katrina to her room and then while she unpacked and made herself at home, he took the opportunity to answer some emails and check his messages. He'd called his secretary and had her postpone all of his appointments. The ones he couldn't postpone he was going to have his second in command, Kevin Gilbert, step in for him. He planned on devoting his whole week to Katrina. If things worked out as well as he expected and hoped then he's let her know about the cancer and perhaps pass by her the idea of getting married and bearing his child.

You should tell her now, just in case, the nagging voice at the back of his mind stated. He growled and pushed back his conscience on the matter. Was it too much to ask that he have one week to enjoy Katrina's company before the hammer fell, the chemo started and he had to endure the look of pity in her stunning blue eyes? He thought not.

A soft knock came at the door, causing him to lift his eyes from the paperwork he was sorting through.

"Come in."

Opening the door to his study, the maid poked her head in. "I'm about to take off for the day. Is there anything else you need before I leave Damon?"

Damon shook his head. "No. And take the rest of the week off."


Damon raised his hand, cutting her off. "You'll be paid Lily. Katrina is here for the week and we'd like some privacy, so we'll manage."

The older lady's hazel eyes lit up, a smile touching her lips. "She's a pretty girl."

"Yes, she is."

"It's nice to see you taking some time for yourself Damon. You don't do that enough and especially with what you've been through recently..."

Lily didn't realize the cancer was still rampant within him. As far as she knew he was cured. Her husband had passed just a little over a year ago due to cancer and he just didn't want to upset or worry her. She had enough on her plate. Lily was the closest person to him in the world and if his plan to have an heir didn't pan out and he was dead within the year, his fifty-five year old widowed maid would be a very rich woman.

Damon smiled. "I'm fine Lily and you're right. I'm taking the week to myself."

"You deserve it."

"Did you set supper out in the conservatory?"

"Yes. It's out and covered. Though I would hurry if I were you. Ralph was eyeballing it pretty good."

Damon laughed. Ralph was a massive blue and red macaw. He was a bit of a potty mouth, but he was a good bird and the entertainment value he gave was priceless. "Well Lily, have a good week off."

"Have you seen Damon?" Katrina's voice asked from down the hallway.

"He's in his office dear." Lily stepped back out into the hallway, to address Katrina.

Damon's ears perked up and his smile widened as he heard Katrina's voice from out in the hallway. "I'm in here Kat."

Lily and Damon's eyes locked and she gave him a knowing nod of the head. "Have a good week Damon."

"You too, Lily."

Lily disappeared and was replaced by Katrina. She'd changed out of the jeans and t-shirt and was now wearing a simple yellow spaghetti strap sundress. The bodice hugged her modest breasts and the skirt fell to just above the knees. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail that swung back and forth behind her head. She looked as fresh and beautiful as she had when they were young. It was like the clock had turned back, and he was sitting before the woman he'd left, possibly making the biggest mistake of his life.

"What?" She shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, a flush heating up her cheeks. "You're looking at me kinda...."

Damon laughed as he stood. "I was thinking that you haven't aged a day since high school."

Katrina laughed with him, but lowered her eyes to the floor, her blush deepening. "I guarantee the cellulite on my ass and thighs would disagree."

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There